Was on the water at 5.15 am. Launched at mill creek and headed to the white. First stop in the mouth of the James and fished that flat water for an hour with a fin, spook and jig. Didnt get nipped once, I thought its only going to get worse. The next stop was in the white fishing runoffs with a jig, had just caught one and then the mystery wind came up from the north and was howling. Mr balde was screaming, throw me so I picked it up and got high and tight on the trees. The smallies and KY"s were all over that thing taking 5 off that first point. Ran to another and it was the same thing standing on the troller with my bow to the wind throwing behind me. I looked across the lake on the North side and the high banks were dotted with boats out of the wind, I thought you guys are big pussies, you should be over here. Then the front passed and it got tough. Put the blade up and back to the jig. One fish here and there all the way to big creek for 3or so hours. Working my way back I pulled in on some flat stuff with lots of trees and about that time it started to cloud up slightly with a gentle breeze from the south. I picked up the blade again and didnt have to wait long. They were tearing it up and each time had to rebend the wire as it was almost bent straight. Mr big hit and just as I was getting on my knees to lip him the bait flew out and hit me in the face. After looking all I had was the spinner part, the wire had broken from to much bending. He was around a 5 pounder. I kept hopscotching to the same type banks all the way back to mill creek with the same results. Most of what I caught was short with an keeper here and there with the exception of one point where I took 6 or 7 3 pound spots and a 4 pound black. Wont even guess how many I caught because no one would believe me. But my best point produced around 20 fish, mind you most were short. I gave it up around 3 Pm and they were still going. Totaly ruined 3 war eagle spinner baits. Was a great day, just wish one of my many buddies had been with me to experiance it .