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Ted Calcaterra

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    St. Louis Missouri
  • Interests
    Flyfishing, Bird Hunting, and Golf

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Bigmouth Quillback

Bigmouth Quillback (6/89)



  1. Is anyone using the Minn Kota I pilot on river jons like a topwater or supreme? How do they perform in tailwaters and smaller rivers like the Meramec or Gasconade? The new one with auto trim and retract looks pretty sweet!
  2. Anyone parking at Vida slab and getting run off by the landowner? It's always a coin flip for me. Personally I think it's deemed navigable and therefore public but others may feel differently.
  3. I heard from the biologist that they are changing their stocking strategy to include stocking multiple times a year including this fall. Browns should be a little bigger than years past to help with survival. Can only help.
  4. Brian - I know we've had this conversation in years past but any new discussion with the MDC on brown trout? Wasn't the barrier a hell bender study? Ted
  5. Are folks stilling getting run off at Vida Bridge? I still maintain its navigable but the only opinion that matters is the county prosecutor.
  6. If your looking for a dry fly bite, the best bet in my opinion this time of year is a caddis hatch on sunny winter days. Have some elk hair caddis in #14 and #16. It can be great at times. Good luck
  7. Gavin - your right. I was there and the little blue winged olives were so thick one needed to keep their mouth closed. I wish I took pictures of the mats of bugs floating on top. Caught plenty of small bows on the upper part of the river. I think the browns were pretty spooky given the low clear water and bright sun. Good times
  8. Thisw would be a great masters thesis topic or grant study for a bright young individual studying Fisheries Biology at MU.
  9. I'd like to see what the biologists think but I certainly don't think the biomass or food is the issue. Thats not scientifically based but rather just my opinion. I started this thread because the Meramec had a history of sustained performance and its not the case anymore. It will never be on the same playing field as the Current or NFOW but certainly we should have a qaulity fishery for what the Meramec is. Stocking is a solution but how, when, where, etc. is all debateable. Is this the only stream in Missouri where its managed for trout yet no rainbows are stocked??? Its brown trout only and 1x per year. The rainbow fishery is dependent on natural reproduction, which does occur, and park escapees. Both not enough to make it worthwhile. My two cents anyway.
  10. I agree that the Meramec doesn't have the quality habitat as other blue ribbon streams but the management of the river for trout could be better. For example, why stock 10" brown in April if most on this board agrees that drought and high temps takes a toll on the fish. Why not stock those same browns in September and give them a head start with cooler temps and more stable flows. You'd have solid 7 month start. Wouldn't a 12-14" brown survive stress better than a 10" stocker. Why not increase stockings like other managed waters. Its too good a resource to dump stockers once a year. I can assure you the habitat is better in the Meramec than it is in Susan Park and that concrete pool probably has more trout. I'm just saying we are mis managing this resource and I like to trout fish.
  11. I for one refuse to accept the current state of the red ribbon section of the Meramec. I think most would agree that in the past five years, the Meramec isn't in the same converstation as the Current, NFOW, Eleven Point, etc. as evidenced by the traffic on formums, fishing pressure, and even the MDC data. Maybe it will never be the fisheries like the ones listed above but....it certainly can improve. History has shown that the Meramec is capable of producing quality browns and rainbows. I remember when I started flyfishing my freshman year in 1992 and Hargroves would have a bin on their counter with white flies. That proflic hatch was routinely discussed and anglers would anticipate it. The parking lots at Cardiac and Suicide Hill were often crowded. The Meramec was a quality trout fishery. Now one can argue that drought, floods, herons, otters, the Mayan Indians and other factors have taken its toll in recent years but I don't buy it. Those same factors have affected other trout streams and yes some of those are "down" compared to years past but not at the rates as the Meramec. One of my buddies informed me that in the last survey by the MDC, it had 11 browns per mile. Heck one of the city parks where trout are stocked probably has more then 11 browns. That number can certainly be debated but its tought to catch a quality brown. Thank God for stockers escaping from the park. I fished their yesterday and water levels are great, the stream is clear, cool, and habitat looks good. I would like to see the way the stream is managed changed. For example the browns will be stocked this April and my guess is that they are stocked at the access in front of the cabin below the park along with a few other accesses. I say this because every spring I fish it right after stocking and its like the Becky Thatcher Pond at the boat show. Those fish don't have a chance. Some of my suggestions would include. 1. Increase the stocking frequency to account for floods, drought, etc. I am not saying increase gross amount or spend more money but stock the river more frequently instead on one time. 2. NO Gigging in from Hwy 8 to Scotts Ford. 3. Stock with rainbows in addition to browns. Reallocate some of the states resources to this river. Does every city park in the state need rainbows next winter or does Taney need more trout swiming at ones feet? Some may have better ideas but we dont have to accept this river underperforming. It has one of the biggest springs, decent and adequate habitat, and a big city nearby with conservation minded anglers. It can and should get better.
  12. Creve Couer lake in St. Louis. There are so many it's stupid
  13. I agree with Gavin that the recent fishing on the Current is cyclical and related to drought conditionsand lower stocking. Hell fishing was tough everywhere this past year. I will offer this up though....I think increased pressure on the Current is due to other trout streams being "down". I remember when the Meramec was fishing well and it wasn't uncommon to see the parking lot at Cardiac jammed. People would fish the blue ribbon creeks hard as well. This past summer when temps were high and drought conditions existed, the Meramec shut down, creeks were left to a trickle and all that was left for the folks living in STL and KC was the Current within a days drive. Once and if ever the Meramec comes back, it will take pressure off the Current.
  14. ...other than stocking non native gray trout a few times a year?? I wonder if the case can be made that it would increase the quality of the fishery and possible have a positive economic impact. That could get someones attention.
  15. Why won't the state stock brown trout in the Eleven Point? Is it because of the hellbender??? Browns would rock in that river!
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