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Everything posted by tippett

  1. JB I loved your article on the two boys on Dry Run, what a hoot.
  2. With the low DO levels I would head down to the Ackerman access area on low water early.. I like to fish a small Midge 20-22 WD 40 as a dropper with a small adams parachute for the lead fly. Later in the afternoon go with hopper and dropper. Also streamers will well also. Tight lines
  3. Yes Gary Flippin will hook you up on the Taxi, but I would expect some high water on the White. The Norfork you might get some low water opportunities. DRC, now thats the ticket for your boy ! Good Luck
  4. SOW BUG SPECIAL Lead [-] Posts: 1771 (03/15/10 11:29:25) ReplyQuoteMore My Recent Posts Tags : None Don't let higher flows ruin you Sow Bug... I am offering a special discount for Convention attendees starting Thursday thru Sunday. A Full day Guide Float trip on the White River for only $285, thats for 1 or 2 people. Includes Lunch, Flies and a whole lot of fun. With these type of flows we can drift and WADE the Islands and shoals where normally you can't wade . Shoot me an email or a call; @ 417-860-6297 sstinnett@centurlink.net www.stinnetispringcreekoutfitters.com
  5. Yes Drift fishing the NF is a the only way to fish the entire river succesfully. There are no laws against anchoring just a drag chain. The river has changed dramatically since the last big flood. It will take a few more years for the river to get back to where it was in the 90's early 2000's. If we can keep the POACHERS out of the C&R area would help a bit !
  6. Brian, I think I will come by and see/learn something on Thursday. Man I need to fish the NFOW sooon.
  7. I fished Crane on Sunday at the Lower Access area. I was the only fisherman which was sweet. There was anice little cinnamon caddis size 16-18. I used a #16 Royal Stimi with a Evel Weevil dropper and caught about 12 fish in a few hrs. No real size but all sweet wild mcLouds. The water flows were perfect.
  8. The White River continues to fish great. The water generation has diminished over the last several days averaging around 2-3 units. There has been some non generating windows during the night. With the warming temps we are starting to see some Caddis hatches. With the lower flows concentrate around the islands and riffles with dries and definatley emerger patterns. I like BH Caddis Pupa in light green and tan, Green butt soft hackle, BHPT, GRHE, also the best little streamer would be a 56'r with green or orange. When the water is at 3-4 units still fish the larger streamers with sinking lines, it will produce some big fish. Depending on how much rain we recieve today and tomorrow, anticipate the water levels to be on the lower side of the chart.
  9. Yes Gary Is a great guy to call. But the 6 hr window for Rim is pretty true.
  10. Brian, Great video production as always you show your expertise when it comes to video and photography. Steve
  11. FYI: I have created a new web site for my guide services. The new site will offer me the opportunity to edit and change the reporting instantly. Please go to : www.stinnettispringcreekoutfitters.com Thanks, Tippett/Stinnetti
  12. Sweet Pcs........Nice wild fish. Looks like a Black Mohair leech ???
  13. Good report JB: High water right now but heavy weighted nymphs and SJ Worms will catch fish. Also, 8 wts with Full sinking type 3-4 300 - 350 gr lines with large streamers along the bank with structure will pik up a nice fish. Tippett
  14. Good report Brian. The NFOW has not been stocked with Rainbows since 1976 or around there. Spence Turner was the man which strated the wild trout program in Mo. Typically all stream Bred bows in Mo spawn in the Winter time from Dec-January. I was fortunate to own a ranch in Hurley which had Stream Bred bows not Mclouds but for sure wild fish. They always spawned in Dec and Jan. Now is a great time to fish the NFOW. the water levels are ideal the fish are active feeding on spawn and there is no aluminum hatch !! The stretch from Kelly to Blair is great for the bows and from Blair to Dawt you will pick up some nice Browns. If you just want to wade I suggest Patricks, just park the vehicle and walk up stream along the path and heaven awaits. Tippett
  15. Nice pics !....... The best place to fish this time of year. Please be careful of not didturbing the redds. Tippett
  16. I can attest to ROLF very nice a nd great fishing. For public camping I would recomend Patricks. tippett
  17. the fishing on the NF has been poor in my opinion. It will take some time for the river to rebound from all of the effects of high water and polution. tippett.
  18. John, good report, I have been hammering them on #16 tan caddis pupa as well as streamers. tippett, alias stinnetti
  19. I fished there on Sunday fished only the lower access. I caught 7 fish with the biggest going around 10". Water was perfect! I spotted a nice 18-20" fish but couldn't get him to bite. My favorite fly is a BH Evil Weevil. They seem to like that fly really well. Goood Luck. Tippett
  20. they found the pair and are waitng for them to have pups.
  21. Try a pine squirrel sculpin, mohair leeches, bunny sculpin. Tippett
  22. Pat & JT, I saw him also on Thursday and watched him catch about 6 fish. He was definatly stripping a wooly or some type of streamer. I worked that area also, and only caught one. I question 55 but he was catching fish all small! Steve
  23. Very well put Silvermallard. Let the dogs lie. Its going to warm up this week and hopefullywe all can fish. Stinnetti
  24. Fox, I think you and I are saying the same thing?? Agricultural is Chicken growers. As I said they have their act together and the politicians in their hip pocket. I never mentioned about suing somebody or any agency. My comment was "become a group, hire a lobbyist and play the game with $$$". That is the only way to compete. W/o that our waters will never be clean!!!!! Tippett
  25. Davy and others commented on ADEQ and Ark GF which are State Run agencies. What I think is the Federal Govt has been given way to much power to regulate not only our waters but just about everything else that is Public. State Govt has sold us out for $$$. The Norfork and White Rivers are owned by the People of Arkansas. Business, guides, outfitters, bankers etc, have got to understand that it will take some money and political influence over our State and Federal officials to get anything done. Army Corp and SWPA are large bureucratic agencies with pertinant mission statments. They don't care about the health of the river or the number of fish within it. There concern is either flood controll or hydroelectricity. The statement I heard regarding Studies etc, is true. These agencies will study your butt to death, the love to look like the guy helping you but really it just gives them more money to burn as well as maintaining a power position. The agricultural business have their "dung" in together. They have a very strong lobby which is well greased. Water quality has to come from the State first and then the EPA. If ADEQ isn't properly motivated, the EPA won't be either. I would suggest that all of the busnisses who depend on the water sources get with their local state representative for this area. If he or she sees that you have a strong coalition who VOTE they will get your message. This is strictly politics and politics is a dirty business. The one who threatens, spends, votes and minupulates Wins. I have said enough. But if you really want things to change you can't talk about it you have to do something about it. Stinnetti/Tippett
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