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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Thanks for solving that mystery, I sure had no idea.
  2. What a waste..
  3. I used to troll with an 8HP Suzuki 2 stroke on my 17 foot Whaler when I lived in Washington State, 90% of time it was for salmon in the saltwater and it sure didn't bother them, but it was deep trolling with downriggers. A couple of times a year I would troll for trout and kokanee in freshwater, sometimes with a downrigger, but shallow, 15 feet or so, or just long lining the lure. Caught plenty of fish, but would run the iures about 100 feet behind the boat. Walleye trolled a couple of times and also had success. If you ever watch any of the walleye shows where they are trolling, they almost always use gas motors. If I was to get back into serious trolling, I'd have a gas kicker.
  4. Thanks for the write-up. I think this is the first jerk bait article I have read where the author mentions the Ima Flit. Flit 120 is a very nice JB, suspends well, and can do some nice 180 turns when jerked. Price just came down on them also. Their Chartreuse Shad is my favorite.
  5. Major League Fishing starts Saturday on the Outdoor channel.
  6. Yep, it's a decent show, I like the local angle.
  7. Nice one Bear.
  8. I'd like to see the Corps issue a press release stating what their plans are for all this dang water. My guess is that they will do their best to pull TR down to 915 and Beaver down to 1120 as soon as they can. As far as Bull, it seems they use Bull as a catch basin until they get the rest of the system where they want it.
  9. Yep Stacey King, Ned, and Table Rock - it met my expectations. Ham will like it as Stacey was using braid with a leader...
  10. I am not anticipating being on TR for a while. Just as the jerk bait bite seemed to be getting good, this happens.
  11. Ugh, what a mess.
  12. Looks like a new season starts today. 11 AM on the Outdoor channel. Description is "Winter finesse fishing". Sometimes they do these shows on TR, would be neat if this episode is on TR with Stacey King.
  13. Wow, what a mess.
  14. Or.. How to catch bass in high, cold, dirty, debris filled water.
  15. Time for the bi-weekly bass chat.
  16. Time for our bi-weekly bass chat.
  17. Time for our bi-weekly Bass Chat.
  18. Saw on NWA homepage that the gates were opened to 5.5 feet yesterday. In 2008 they were opened to 9.5 feet. It said the COE would make a decision today whether or not to open them further.
  19. In the Taneycomo thread, Phil says they are going to be temporarily closed as they are going to get some high water with the flood gates being open, I'd say give things a week and then give him a call, or monitor the Taney thread. I'd bet things will be OK by the end of January, but certainly you'll want to confirm.
  20. Saw a guy that was leaving with rods in hand, from fishing the creek where it comes into Avalon. Didn't see him holding any cats, but I bet that was what he was after.
  21. And it is STILL raining. Thanks for the pics!
  22. Could be that they want to slow down the flow into TR? TR has gone up a foot in the last 3 hours. Little Sugar is out of its banks here in BV, golf courses by 71 are all flooded. Lakes are all overflowing at the spillways, water is brown.
  23. Man if I could tie a Crazy Alberto in 30 seconds like you can, I'd probably fish more braid/leader stuff. Takes me 5 minutes indoors at the table. I know, practice-practice.
  24. Looks like that WW may be Orange/Brown Craw, V658, or very close to it. Nice bass pic!
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