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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Lived in that area for 20 years, but never fished Tapps. Lake Sammamish always fished well for smallmouth. Watched a local tourney weigh in there once, every boat has a 14-16 lb. bag of 5 smallies.
  2. I'd put trophy fishing way, way down on the list of threats to fish. Are Apache trout threatened by hordes of anglers trying to land a line class record? And the inclusion of carp really makes me question the validity and motives of whoever wrote that stuff.
  3. And I think Wade Davis has thrown something like 28 straight innings of scoreless ball.
  4. Yeah it's a good thing. Kendriks pitched well.
  5. Nice one!
  6. Seems lately they score all their runs in one inning
  7. I wish I could give you some grief Ham, but the Piggies stink so bad, that it makes it hard to think of anything to come back at you with.
  8. What's the best way to fish them? Steady retrieve like a buzz bait? Short rips followed by pauses? Something else?
  9. Man that is ugly - glad to hear you survived.
  10. LSU chickened out, they were upset too many times by AR.
  11. I'm a little surprised they aren't drawing more fans - 17,000 last night. They were a loud group however. Another victory.
  12. I'm hoping Arkansas can win at least 2 SEC games this year. I'm looking forward to the AR/Mizzou game, let the rivalry begin!
  13. Quillback

    Skunk Removal

    Why do you want to trap your neighbors cousin? Has he been getting into your garbage? What re you going to use for bait?
  14. Thanks for the report, always good to get some info on what is working.
  15. Walkoff homer by Gordon last night. They needed it, offense is looking a little stale.
  16. Drinking 12 beers will do that to you.
  17. Quillback

    Skunk Removal

    Trophy's skunk is still on the loose, I'm sure he'll let us know when he gets that critter.
  18. Nice haul on the wallies!
  19. I like that Ghost Shad color.
  20. http://bransontrilakesnews.com/news_story/article_99e4e750-2a34-11e4-bfe1-001a4bcf887a.html A Branson man is in jail after vandalizing a boat and then pointing a gun at the boat’s owner. According to a probable cause statement from the Department of Natural Resources, the owner of a houseboat said he checked on his boat after hearing some noises and met Raymond Pillow, 37, face-to-face. The report states the owner asked Pillow what he was doing and Pillow answered that he was just looking around. The owner reportedly told Pillow not to leave and asked his wife to call 911. Then Pillow reportedly took out a small pistol from his shorts pocket, pointed it at the boat’s owner and said, “No, I am just going to leave.” Then Pillow reportedly got into a kayak, but the kayak flipped over and Pillow fell into the water. Pillow swam toward a breakwater dock while towing the kayak, the report states. The report states that Pillow towed his kayak across the water to the Poverty Point area, but a Taney County deputy later located Pillow on the Table Rock State Park’s shoreline. The deputy put Pillow in handcuffs and located the pistol in about eight inches of water, the report states. The pistol was a .22-caliber that had six rounds in the magazine, one round in the chamber and the safety was off, according to the report. The report states that an inspection of the boat showed that an elevated fire ring, fueled by propane, was still burning. On the deck of the boat, according to the report: “A fresh pile of human excrement was in the middle of the deck near the refrigerator. Ten empty beer bottles were pointed in towards the excrement and encircled around it.” Pillow reportedly stated to police that he had taken the beer from the boat’s refrigerator, drank a couple, and poured the rest on the excrement. More investigation revealed that ropes to the boat’s fender buoys had been cut, and a personal watercraft from another slip was discovered on the opposite shoreline. The report states that Pillow still needed to be questioned about the buoys and the personal watercraft. Pillow is in Taney County Jail on $10,000 bond. He was arraigned in Taney County Associate Circuit Court Aug. 20 and is scheduled for a criminal setting before Associate Circuit Judge Tony Williams on Sept. 8. He is charged with two counts of unlawful use of a weapon, a class D felony; and one count of first-degree tampering with a motor boat, a class C felony.
  21. I can't tell you, darn things don't work too well for me. But curious what others say.
  22. Quillback

    Skunk Removal

    The old PVC trap trick.
  23. Mallet would be interesting, if I was running the Rams I'd gamble on someone like him rather than going with Shaun Hill. Might as well see if you can find the QB of the future, because Hill probably is not the one.
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