Early yesterday morning as I was fishing, noticed a mink on the bank, it didn't seem concerned with my presence, and as I watched it, it walked into the water and submerged into some buck brush - probably hunting some fish to eat.
A couple of minutes later, I've moved down the bank a bit, sitting in the middle of a cove that has docks on both sides. I see the mink on one of the docks, and see him jump in the water and start swimming towards my boat. He's swimming on top, head up, looking right at me. I'm being fairly stealthy as I'm fishing, not making any sudden movements or noise, and I figure maybe the mink just doesn't see me. So I wave my arms a bit thinking that will spook him - but it doesn't, he just keeps on coming straight at me.
Now it's within 15 feet, still coming right at me, and I'm getting a bit concerned, I'm starting to envision me in a wrestling match with a lightning quick crazed mink that for some reason has it in for me.
The mink continues to close, it's almost at rods length away, in desperation I whack the water in front of it with my rod. This seems to do the trick, sort of, you'd think he would have turned tail and headed back to the bank, but he submerges and passes under the bow of the boat behind the trolling motor. I see him pop up ten feet away and fortunately he heads to the dock on the other side of the cove and I never see him again.
Strange behavior for a mink, he was around a couple of fairly busy docks, so I'm thinking maybe he's getting fed fish from somebody and approached me looking for a handout.
Thankfully it did not get in the boat.