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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. The hooks are small for sure, they look to be a short shank #6. I replaced the rear hook with a Dai-ichi #6 which has a longer shank. I'll try it next time out. I was using mono and a fairly slow action spinning rod last time I fished it and was still having fish come off.
  2. They claim the G-Fix can be thrown on a bait caster, so you think you could use heavier line. One of those things that you just have to try for yourself and see if it works.
  3. I guess a feller could do that, spend a heckuva lot of time tweaking one of those baits to get the desired action. or you can just buy one and not have to deal with all that stuff.
  4. These spin baits have a lot less action, the props turn and the bait kinda rolls on it's axis. Jerk bait is going to have a wobble - but the jerk bait may work.
  5. It is tough no doubt about it. Welcome to the site!
  6. I don't know if it will be laughed at - COE sold off the Viney launch and park at Table Rock to the state of MO.
  7. Quillback

    Skunk Removal

    I'd be merciful and take him for a ride (unless of course you want a hat). Hopefully you've got a pickup and you can just put him in the bed for his ride. I'm probably more cautious than most, but I'd tie a few feet of rope onto the door, so that when you open it to let him out you can stand off a bit.
  8. Sorry Bill, I thought you were yanking my chain. Don't mind sharing what I know - which isn't a lot I've been using the Duo Realis 80 (you can get them at your favorite mail order house - TW). here's the link: http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Duo_Realis_Spinbait_80/descpage-DUOSPIN.html They've just come out with a slightly bigger version, the 90, and they have a heavier version, the G-Fix 80 - I haven't tried these two out. I've been using a light spinning rod, and 6# mono on the reel. I've been throwing it to surface fish, flip the bail over as soon as it hits the water, and bring it in on a steady medium speed retrieve, trying to keep it in the top foot or two of water, I haven't had much luck letting it sink deep and then slowly reeling it in. They hit it pretty good, you'll know they are there. The bait is small, but heavy, it casts really well on a light spinning outfit. I think I am going to experiment with the hooks, the ones on the bait are sharp, but small, I'd say about half my hook ups get off, hooks just aren't getting it done. I'm a little concerned a bigger hook may ruin the action, but I guess I won't know until I try. I like the Chartreuse shad color, here's a pic:
  9. Congrats!
  10. Latin name: Striperius Eatiumus
  11. I sense my leg is being pulled..
  12. I went in to Hook Line and Sinker in Bella Vista today - they only had 2 left. Now they have only one in stock.
  13. Champ, I'm so sorry I assaulted your pet mink, you need to put a collar on him so I'll know he's a pet. I'll try and remember to bring him a milk bone next time I go.
  14. Could be I guess. Another reason to not have him in the boat.
  15. Well the Royals picked up another game last night.
  16. Quillback


    Early yesterday morning as I was fishing, noticed a mink on the bank, it didn't seem concerned with my presence, and as I watched it, it walked into the water and submerged into some buck brush - probably hunting some fish to eat. A couple of minutes later, I've moved down the bank a bit, sitting in the middle of a cove that has docks on both sides. I see the mink on one of the docks, and see him jump in the water and start swimming towards my boat. He's swimming on top, head up, looking right at me. I'm being fairly stealthy as I'm fishing, not making any sudden movements or noise, and I figure maybe the mink just doesn't see me. So I wave my arms a bit thinking that will spook him - but it doesn't, he just keeps on coming straight at me. Now it's within 15 feet, still coming right at me, and I'm getting a bit concerned, I'm starting to envision me in a wrestling match with a lightning quick crazed mink that for some reason has it in for me. The mink continues to close, it's almost at rods length away, in desperation I whack the water in front of it with my rod. This seems to do the trick, sort of, you'd think he would have turned tail and headed back to the bank, but he submerges and passes under the bow of the boat behind the trolling motor. I see him pop up ten feet away and fortunately he heads to the dock on the other side of the cove and I never see him again. Strange behavior for a mink, he was around a couple of fairly busy docks, so I'm thinking maybe he's getting fed fish from somebody and approached me looking for a handout. Thankfully it did not get in the boat.
  17. Quillback

    Skunk Removal

    Looks like that coon is practically standing on the trap door lever, you'd think it would have closed.
  18. I noticed it said they are paying fishermen a dime per lb. for those things. You would need to catch literally tons per day to make it worthwhile.
  19. Good deal.
  20. That's some good fishing Bo - do you think the full moon may have helped?
  21. Launched at dawn, which is about 0600 this time of year, drove over to a spot that is a rocky point between a couple of docks, it's been a good early morning spot for the last couple of years in August. Pulled 4 LM from that spot, 3 keepers, one short. A couple came on a wobble head with a black/blue Megabug and a couple on a c-rigged black Trick worm. After leaving this spot, fishing got tough for a while. Motored up lake to see if I could find some surface activity, found some schooling bass chasing shad in a pocket off the main lake - caught a 1/2 dozen shorts on the Spy bait, had several others come off - good bite but it only lasted maybe 30 minutes. And that was it, fished some deep stuff, shallow stuff and stuff in between and no more bites. I was outta there at 1130.
  22. A guy in a thong - no way - you have to draw the line somewhere.
  23. Heard it from someone who knows someone that supposedly is in the know. I am hoping there is nothing to it.
  24. No invite for me, and I have the Border lakes permit. I heard a rumor that the COE plans to shut down 6 ramps on TR next year, including Big M and Eagle Rock. Hopefully this is not true, just passing on what I heard. Anyone else hear something like that?
  25. Yes nice fish, your photo skills are to be commended as it's a good shot.
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