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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Could be an interesting trial for sure.
  2. : http://law.justia.com/codes/missouri/2011/titlexix/chapter306/section306100 You guys are right, here's the section on that Any watercraft used by a person engaged in the act of sportfishing is not required to display any lights required by this section ifno other vessel is within the immediate vicinity of the first vessel, thevessel is using an electric trolling motor and the vessel is within fiftyfeet of the shore. - See more at: http://statutes.laws.com/missouri/t19/c306/306_100#sthash.yGfXI340.dpuf What they mean by "immediate vicinity" is a big question.
  3. Quillback

    College Football

    Didn't know that about LSU. I used to travel to the SF Bay area quite a bit for work. Been told that you don't want to go to a Raiders game wearing the other teams colors. If you do, you will NOT have a great experience, guaranteed.
  4. I've always been in favor of a slot limit on spots. Have a 12-15" size limit to keep, or keep only below 15". It takes 6 years for a spot on TR to get over 15", seems a shame to put a fish that takes that long to grow into the frying pan.
  5. Please, no more pics of swim bait caught bass, next thing you know I'll be surfing the online stores looking for that bait, then the credit card will come out...Noooooooo!!!!!
  6. I see a bag of frozen shrimp in the pic, think that's what they got it on?
  7. Quillback

    College Football

    JM does play well, we'll see what he has vs Bama.
  8. Yep., looks to be a tough tourney, but someone always comes through in these things.
  9. Very nice, I didn't know there were any streams anywhere in Europe that you could fish without guides and licenses. Did you see any other anglers on the river?
  10. There's no 50 foot exclusion rule. Here's a link to the MO regs. Pages 38 and 39 lay it all out as far as night time lighting. http://www.boat-ed.com/missouri/handbook/book.html
  11. I did pick up a Jackall Mikey which behaves like that Slammer, may have to give it a shot. It runs well as a wake bait, and will dive as you mention if cranked a bit faster.
  12. I see that Slammer as being more of a wake bait than what I would think of as a swim bait.
  13. Ran across this on the PAA website. Always interesting to hear what Stacey King has to say. http://fishpaa.com/2013/09/paa-pros-hopeful-as-practice-starts-on-table-rock/
  14. I recall posts from the past about big swim baits where everyone was giving them a thumbs down.
  15. That's what I've been thinking that in a couple of years there's going to be an explosion of big spots, but I've been thinking that the last couple of years. They're fat, and they're healthy but the number of keepers overall is not what you'd expect. If this fall is like last year, the bigger spots will start getting active once the water cools down.
  16. There's a bunch of spots in that area for sure, but there are some good ones also. I'm surprised you did not get a keeper or 2 out of all those fish. Really weird you did not get any other species on the crawlers.
  17. Sorry to hear that, it's a tough time of year for fishing right now for sure.
  18. Sorry, I've never fished it. But give the folks at Lilly's landing a call and they can help you out.
  19. I'll be darned, I think you're right.
  20. Cigarette boat owners typically are the least mentally endowed of all boaters. I've never been flipped off by 6 people at one time. I know if wasn't funny to you at the time, but it's funny to read.
  21. Nice pair of 'eyes. 25" walleye is nothing to sneeze at.
  22. Quillback

    College Football

    I have high hopes for that Bama - A&M game, not that I'm a fan of either team, I'm just hoping for a good game.
  23. Looks like fun, I need some place around here to dove hunt.
  24. No kidding!
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