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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Al, I hope you're a handsome guy, that is if you're selling clothes with your image on them I am interested in checking out your prints, if I'm there I'll stop by and take a look.
  2. I've been reading some posts on other boards where the guys are saying you can get some free stuff at the exhibition, they advise to bring a bag with you to carry all the loot. I hope that is true, I love "free". Also read that the doors to the convention center, where the weigh in is held, open at 3 PM. Just passing onsome things I've read, don't take it as the gospel truth.
  3. Dang Bill, 57? You'll be able to start cashing those Social Security checks before long. Hope you have a good one!
  4. Yes thanks for the info. It makes this forum a better place to visit when people make these types of contributions.
  5. Pretty much work it like any suspending jerkbait, twitches and pauses. It does have an action that resembles a Shad Rap, so I suppose you could do a crankbait type retrieve, maybe worked slowly like that you could pick up some fish, haven't tried it that way, but it's in the back of my mind to try it.
  6. I've cycled multiple 20 round mags through an M-16 on full auto. BRRRZZZIIIP, drop the mag, insert another, BRRRRZZZIP, repeat. Nothing caught on fire, no malfunctions, no jams, everything just keeps on working. This was when I was employed by Uncle Sam, and the ammo was free. Load tracers, fire them at night and it's like a lazer beam, very cool. The only concern with going full auto with an M-16 is that you'll rapidly burn up all your ammo. A guy can only carry so much..
  7. Got off the trailer about 1000 today, broke out the jerkbaits and started fishing. Had to work for them again, caught 3 LM's, 2 of them were around the keeper mark, but the third and last bass of the day went 5.75 lbs on the Boga grip. Got her off a wind blown main lake point on a Pointer 78 XD. My other two bass were on an IMA Flit. Quite a few bassers out there today, dunno if it was because of the nice weather, or maybe a tourney was going on. Water temps were 41-42 in the White river channel before Eagle Rock and around 44 further down.
  8. Count me in, I'll be happy to bring whatever except for crappie fillets, you good crappie fishermen will have to supply those. I'd like someplace mid-lake for this if possible.
  9. Well I just watrched Pete Wenner's video report and he's reporting tough fishing also. I might get out on TR Saturday and see if I can get skunked, I'm going to use reverse psychology, instead of hoping to catch fish, I'm going to see if I can get skunked, I'll fish hard, but my goal will be to not catch a fish. Especially big ones. If I get one over 3 lbs. I'm gonna get really PO'd. If you see me in my silver and black Phoenix around the Big M area, feel free to stop by and tell me where the fish aren't and what they're not biting on.
  10. Big M is still usable, but the end of the ramp is now in about 4 feet or so of water. If the lake drops another foot or two, Big M might be problematic. There's a couple of HUGE concrete blocks on the side of the ramp opposite the dock, the tops are about 1 foot under the water, when approaching the ramp in your boat, stay on the marina side of the cove and then make a 90 to the dock.
  11. Very nice, did you see many other boats out on the lake?
  12. After reading all the good jerkbait reports, I was fired up to fish the jbaits. Well I stunk it up, one 12" LM was it for me, and that was my only bite. Not a lot of wind out there today, so I'm blaming it on the flat water. Did a little deep water graphing, saw a few shad balls, dropped a spoon on them, but no takers on that either. Talked briefly to a guy coming into the ramp same time as me, said he did well, caught 40 or so, but was mum on what or where. I'm guessing he found some deep fish and spooned them up. Probably what I should have spent more time doing, graphing for shad and then breaking out the deep stuff when I find them. Maybe next time. Water temp was 41 in the morning, warmed to 45-46 by the time I left. Lots of bass fishers out there today.
  13. As I said, it was at least 4 years ago I was up there.
  14. Went up the Spring river from Twin Bridges one Saturday in March about 4 years ago, did OK, caught maybe 20 whites on a Shad Rap SR5. No big ones, mainly one lb. fish. Only negative aspect is that there are a lot of other fishermen, not only white bass fishing, but quite a few spoonbill snaggers also. Not my kind of fishing, so I haven't been back, but if you can put up with the crowds you'll catch fish if you time it right. It definitely helps if you can get out there during the week.
  15. Thanks for the report, glad to hear ya found them!
  16. I've never tried the Brad's Wigglers, but have not heard good things about them. I'm pretty confident with the "new" WW's, they seem to work. Sometimes they need tuning, and I'm also going to start experimenting with adding suspend dots. I also change out the trebs. When Basspro has the Spring Classic sale they always have bins filled with hundreds of WW's for sale, I forget what the price was last year, but I think it was $2.99. Just leave me a few of the Green Phantom craw please. I always have to dig around in the bin to find a few.
  17. Wow, $200 for 6 of the originals, that is insane. I know they're good, but are they that good? I think sometimes people biidng on Ebay get caught up in a "I gotta win" bidding frenzy and pay way too much sometimes. It's more about "winning" that getting something they want. I remembered the other night that I had a WW in my old high school tacklebox, dug it out and it is one of the orginals. Kind of a green craw color with orange. Now that I see people paying close to $35 for one, I'm afraid to throw it in case I snag it in a brush pile where even the lure retriever can't get it out. I think I'll get it gold plated and hang it over my fireplace.
  18. Obama is a firearms and ammo manufacturers best friend. I wish I had bought a couple of dozen AR-15's a few months ago, could've doubled my money. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/01/18/16570552-gun-stores-running-low-on-weapons-as-sales-surge-owners-say?lite
  19. Tough call, I haven't been over to Swepco in a few weeks so don't know how the fishing is over there, but in general I'd say you probably will catch more fish in Swepco than Beaver. But Swepco may have a dozen or more boats on it, whereas on Beaver you'll have more water to yourself.
  20. No one is making that argument. And I am going to presume that "assinine' statement was not directed at me.
  21. They were minors and as such,it was illegal for them to purchase firearms, but they found a friend that was of age to buy the weapons. Again, requiring background checks to purchase shotguns would not have stopped or even slowed these guys down.
  22. Yeah but you're a rational person. The nuts that commit these mass shootings don't use shotguns. I think the whole purpose of these legaslative proposals is to decrease the number and frequency of mass shootings. I don't see how purchasing a shotgun should require a background check. Or what it will do to reduce mass shootings. And for the record I don't have anything to hide from a background check. I don't own an assault rifle either, got to shoot an M-16 all I wanted on Uncle Sam's dime, it got boring after a while, I don't get a thrill out of shooting firearms, but I like to hunt and if I need to go to the range to zero in a rifle then I do it, but it's just a process to go through, I don't find it to be fun.
  23. How does it solve any problems? That kid in the Newtown shootings used his mom's weapons, she could have had a hundred background checks and it would not have stopped him. But maybe a background check should include interviewing your family and include a mental health check. Anyone in the household fails the mental health check and no guns for you.
  24. Looks like the assualt rifle issue and magazine capacity are being dumped in the lap of Congress. Also Obama is proposing that to purchase ANY firearm that there's a background check. It's ridiculous to impose this process on someone purchasing a shotgun or hunting rifle.
  25. Yep all around a good deal.
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