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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Muddy Water and I got out there today, nice day, it was like spring started today, very warm temps and the water warmed up a bunch, we saw quite a bit of 56-58 degree water. It started slow for us, we were fishing the big boy stuff to start (jigs, spinner baits, jerk baits) and I think we may have caught one or two. We started going small (Ned, grubs) and going shallow, shallow as on the edge of and in between the buck brush and we started catching fish, got around 25 doing that, mainly in the afternoon. Never got any big ones, Muddy got a couple of those big 2.5 lb. spots on the grub and those were are biggest fish. Water seems a bit more stained up in that area since the rain. Quite a few boats out there for a Monday.
  2. DK -Ketchup and others offer some good advice - no need to leave. Another piece of advice is that you need to have a bit of a thick skin at times, all of us have gotten some flack in the past and probably will in the future. I've been on here a long time, and I would never ask for specific locations on the public forum even from guys I know fairly well. It's just not considered good form to ask for locations, one of those unwritten rule kind of things.
  3. Quillback

    What's Cooking?

    We'll have to get rps to post his German potato salad recipe, he brought it (the salad) to yesterday's OA tourney. Really good stuff.
  4. Joe Lane (Little Jasper) with the winner. Congrats!
  5. Big ol' spotted bass for 2nd place.
  6. Kbilb (father of last years winner) makes a valiant effort to bring another trophy home for the family trophy cabinet, but it was not to be.
  7. Everybody else (except for the boat in the distant background) makes tracks for distant parts, but the crafty guide starts 200 yards from the launch.
  8. Nice one!
  9. I've got a few pictures I'll put up tomorrow, I'm too whupped from sitting around all day and eating to do it now. Great seeing everyone, we'll have to do it again. The food was outstanding, thanks a bunch!
  10. Well we dodged a major rain event, but the water has come up close to a foot. I think that the metal ramp on the end of the courtesy walkway will be submerged so you might need to wear some water proof boots if you plan to use the courtesy dock. And be careful on that walkway ramp, they are slicker than heck when wet, I have seen two people slip and fall on those things. When I was out Thursday I did see a couple of big pieces of wood floating mid-channel. You really have to watch for that stuff when you are motoring down the lake, especially if there is some chop on the water. Dtrs5kprs has generously donated some gift certificates that you can use to make a purchase from him. $50 certificate for the winner, $25 for the runner-up. I also have $5 certificates for everyone else, see me at the tourney if you want one. Latest forecast was looking pretty darn good, might be a shower or two in the AM, but supposed to hit almost 70 for a high. Should be some good fishing! And take some pics and post them on OA!
  11. Quillback

    What's Cooking?

    Fried chicken and gravy - My mom used to fry chicken, make gravy and then put the chicken in the gravy in a big casserole dish type cooker and let it simmer for a while. A bit messy, but man was it good.
  12. Well since you are now a member, you do not need to register - welcome, and I assume we'll see you at Eagle Rock.
  13. Probably will be a few spectator boats moving between the lakes also.
  14. Good stuff, your day was certainly better than mine.
  15. Sorry to hear you guys won't be there.
  16. Water is still greenish stained, one cove I was in for a while had some pretty dingy, but still green, color to it.
  17. Well I read the weather report today before leaving the house - a little light rain was the forecast. HA! It started raining right after I launched at 0730 and didn't stop until right after I left at 1:30. And about 1100 it got really windy to boot. I always hear that on days like this the fish are supposed to turn on, but I did not find that to be the case. Caught 8 bass and one just short walleye. Shaky head and Ned. Fish were shallow, from right off the bank out to about 15 feet. Got a couple of nice keeper sized spots, seems this spring we have a good year class of spots that have made it to the keeper mark. Water temp was 50. Did see a few big pieces of wood out in the main channel, so keep your eyes open if you are cruising down the lake.
  18. My best wishes for good news on your wife's diagnoses!
  19. American Legacy had Daiwa Tatulas on sale for $89 plus shipping a few weeks ago, I just had to pick one up. I have fished it a couple of times so far, and for that price point it is a great reel. Casts well, smooth, and feels well put together. Negatives from the reviews are that it is a bit heavy and the frame is a bit large for some. I don't have a problem with the size myself, but some do. it also has the T-wing line control system, which is a bit different, but helps in increasing casting distance - mine does really cast well.
  20. Hey Steve - I did get your message and replied back to you. But anyway, glad you can come and look forward to seeing you there! You don't need to register, you can launch at Viney, fishing start time is 0730, but the weigh in will be at Eagle Rock and you must be there before 2:30 PM if you have a biggun to weigh in.
  21. Biggun!
  22. I did not go, weather was so nice here, I went fishing myself. Hated missing the Expo, but no regrets.
  23. They need a window that you can boat up to, order a burger and fries, and get back to fishing.
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