Seemed to me to be a sloppy, penalty and turnover laden game. But once Mauk started hitting his recievers, Mizzou started looking very efficient. AR's secondary has problems with big, athletic receivers, it's like watching a bunch of Smurf's trying to cover a bunch or Terrell Owens like receivers.
Mizzou's D-line outplayed AR's vaunted O-line in the 2nd half, run game fizzled out and once AR was forced to rely on Allen's arm, things became grim. Sure didn't help that Allen was playing hurt and was getting progressively worse as the game went on. Should've put the younger brother in for BA in the 2nd half. I don't know if it would have changed the outcome, but BA was too hurt to be effective.
In spite of this disappointing outcome, I'll be rooting for Mizzou in the SEC championship game. If, somehow, Mizzou pulls it out, the resulting controversy about whether a Mizzou SEC champion should be in the playoff will be wonderful!