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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Good to hear there's some top water activity.
  2. Well they've dropped the first two with Detroit.
  3. I used to fish the alpine lakes in Washington, they do get fished, and in general need to be stocked every 3 - 5 years depending on fishing pressure. Some great fishing can be had, but there are times when you make that 5 mile hike and find the lake you want to fish has been fished out. In some of the lakes the trout reproduce, and can do well on their own, usually they have a feeder stream to spawn in, others where they can't spawn, get stocked. Recently, they've stopped stocking the lakes in the national parks in Washington, as in their natural state, they did not contain trout. The trout can prey on native salamanders, and frogs and what not, so no more trout stocked in those lakes. The state did some airplane stocking, but in recent years they've made back pack portable plastic bags that are filled with water and air, and can hold 500 fingerlings. Volunteers carry them in to the lakes that are still stocked and release them.
  4. Those little dudes get around. Looks like a great trip!
  5. You're reading more into my response than I meant. I never said anything about being entitled to it (the land) forever. As I understand it, these leases run for 10 years. So, if the lease was paid for, and the rules were being followed by the person holding the lease - and before the lease expired the feds swooped in and expelled the lease holder, then yes I might have sympathy with the holder. I'd at least want to know if there was a valid reason for the expulsion, before assuming that the federal government is making the correct decision.
  6. But, in all seriousness, I can see where having one of those bow fishing rigs getting too close at night would be irritating.
  7. Everybody cuts me off, as a matter of fact, a couple of ducks landed on the water about 100 yards ahead of me the other day - that really made me mad! Turtles sunbathing on logs really set me off also. I don't know why, but they just really irritate me.
  8. Now he's mired in an Oh fer 18 slump. Watched the game last night and Raul looked completely baffled at the plate. Sorry to see it, but he may have reached his expiration date.
  9. Well if he wasn't paying the rent, why is it surprising they wanted him off? If he was paid up and they were trying to run him off, he'd get my full sympathy.
  10. Man, I need to get over to Beaver and throw the Ned! Dtrs5kprs is to blame for Nedmania
  11. Yeah thinking back, I maybe should have fished those trees where I caught a couple a little harder. Maybe should have fished some docks also. Boat traffic got crazy about 11 AM.
  12. Quillback

    World Cup

    From what I am reading, having Argentina in the championship is yet another insult to Brazilian pride. If you have any Brazilian friends you want to give a hard time to, just hold up seven fingers next time you see them.
  13. Dang it, I knew there would be some lure I would want. I like the looks of that Rapala wake bait. Sure would like to know if it will wake at the end of a long cast, or if it is like a Redfin a far as not easily waking until you get it close to the boat.
  14. Great sunrise this morning, cool temperature - 64 degrees - to start. There was an early top water bite this morning around the point 23 area. Lots of very small shad being chased by schooling bass. Caught some on a Mikey JR, a 1/2 dozen K's and a couple of LM's. Short fish, 10-14". Here's a pic of how small the shad are: Moved into a cove, threw the Old Monster around some trees and picked up a couple of keeper LM's. Spent the rest of the morning, stopping at points, ledges, and brush piles. Things got very slow after 8 AM. Managed a few short fish here and there. There are lots of tiny shad in the point 23 area, lots of schooling bass after them this morning. Surface activity did slow down once the sun got up, but there were scattered bass schools all morning chasing shad. Water temp 82.
  15. Quillback

    World Cup

    I saw a news blurb that this loss may cause some political turmoil in Brazil. I think the score was 3-0 when I stepped away for a second, came back and they were showing a re-play of another German score, I thought it must be the third goal they are showing again, but it was goal number 4. It was like the Brazilian defenders were rooted in place, the Germans would maneuver around them and kick the ball in.
  16. I don't even want to hear about it. Don't need no more stinking tackle.
  17. What F&F said. It's BLM land, ranchers pay a fee to graze it.
  18. Quillback

    World Cup

    Wow, 5 goals in the first 28 minutes. I felt a little sorry for the boys from Brazil, it must suck to be spanked that bad at home and there were such high expectations for that team. You're right about that Lebron crap.
  19. HAHA, yeah I don't cuss when I catch them, but I will let them go every once in a while. They are tasty critters, but I can't eat fish but once or month or so.
  20. Or as I tell people, if you want to catch walleye, just go bass fishing. And the walleye guys will tell you, if you want to catch bass, go walleye fishing.
  21. I got up early today to go, but those same storms kept me at home. Maybe tomorrow.
  22. Sounds like one of those racing hydroplanes.
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