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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by davekeim

  1. I'm still waiting for a trout the size of a football. Collinsville, just across the river from where I'm at! 10-15 minutes away.
  2. What? No football chatter. Looks like the bears are in. Looking for that home on TR if someone has one for sale. Signed, Cardiac
  3. Snow Fly, Go fish! Signed, Cardiac
  4. Probably freezing their butts off! Spring is right around the corner! Signed, Cardiac
  5. Nice! I guess chest waders are out of the question! Signed, Cardiac That would do it!
  6. Your phone itself is also a factor. A quality phone improves your single greatly. Signed Cardiac
  7. I have Cingular and it works great down at Taney! Never can hide from the wife. It works well nation wide also. Signed, Cardiac
  8. Half flour, half corn meal. Little salt,pepper and Emerils's essence!
  9. Merry X-Mas all! Had the clan over last night. Twenty five of them. Fed them all well, great presents, and good drink. Will be looking for that home on TR in a about 6-8 weeks. Any help here would be great! Signed, Cardiac
  10. Yo everyone, once again Cardiac misunderstood the message. E-mail can be so mistaken! I'll try to do better next time. My apologies Polock. Signed, Cardiac
  11. Hey Polock........... Why do you want to chop the guy at the knees? You have proof this is from Mo Con Mag? Signed, Cardiac
  12. Russ, You don't sound like a Dem. Hillery good for you? Lilley for president
  13. davekeim

    Chili Recipe's

    Hey Russ, I usually write it down before I go to the not after. Signed, Cardiac
  14. Thanks for all your help. It made us decide we should pick Table instead of Taney. Any help in finding that lakefront home please let me know. Signed, Cardiac
  15. Hey Russ, I'll be down on Turkey Day. Show me how to catch a biggun? Signed, Cardiac
  16. Hey Terry, what does that new job involve?
  17. Hey, I have about a six month window to find a house and move. Looking for a home on Taney. Any ideas let me know. Signed, Cardiac
  18. darn, I've committed to making the the move down there myself! Looking for a house on Taney. Anyone know of a house for sale let me know. Signed, Cardiac
  19. Bigmouth, love your style. Your on the edge! Cardiac
  20. Phil said the subject was 200#. Signed, Cardiac Lilley
  21. 200 hundred pounds? Catch of the Day! Signed, Cardiac
  22. Terry your killing me! I've got people walking past my office wondering what the hell I'm laughing for!
  23. After all that, I see the perfect example of free speech. Good job Phil. I,ve always admired you since my first time there and have been at times somewhat envious. Don't change a thing. Did you see the Republicans pulled out their best weapon yesterday? John Kerry! Go fish! Signed Cardiac
  24. Hey Russ, I don't know how to fly fish with the waders and stuff. I think I need a coach! Can you help with that? Thinking Thanksgiving weekend if the weather is good!
  25. Russ, just a little humor there. I work very hard for a living to get my things in life. I'll take a little gamble and fish with you next time in down if your up for it.
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