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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by davekeim

  1. Russ, what happened to the pontoon and kayak? Did you win the lottery? Chiefs half 20-13
  2. Hey Russ, forget the shoes! Show her that post you made about her being a great wife. And what was she bought you? Signed Cardiac
  3. I agree, that carpet in the is best Signed, Cardiac
  4. Both Dude! Make a deal on the brand new Pontoon for about $20K and say I'll buy this if you throw in the Kayak! Then go home as a happy man. Use the Kayak when your serious about getting into small areas and use the pontoon for total relaxation. Take the pontoon with a cooler of beer and some snacks, put the CD on a little Ted Nugent, sit back, throw out a line and let life take its course. The wife, if you have one, will love the pontoon and say go take the Kayak whenever you want. Life is short. I'm sure you've worked hard and deserve it all! Go do it today! Don't waste another minute. Go CHIEFS!!!! Signed, Cardiac
  5. Enough Already! What a great suck up. Get back to fishin and football!
  6. My mathmatical calculations led me to 4/1/07 but has already been taken. Let's do 4/02/07
  7. Leonard, do you ever get any sleep?
  8. Oh I feel better now! Looking for lakefront from Cooper on down. Man I can't wait until I can come home from work and throw a line. Any help would be appreciated. We're looking at a 5-7 month time frame. If you know a good local agent I could use that too. Thanks
  9. Let's give that Dave guy a nice big warm welcome! I'm sure he's a nice guy and is looking forward to moving to Taney.
  10. My name is Dave. Been coming down to Taney from STL and KC for 25 years! I'm still a young 46. Stayed at Lilley's quit a few times. Love to catch trout. My potoon is on the water right now. I've worked a deal with my employer and I will be moving to Lake Taney in 6-8 months! My family loves it there! If you know of any houses for sale on the lake please let me know. I'm way too excited!
  11. Count me in on that Raider Hater Club!
  12. I was working at the office listening to AM radio. I heard them report the first plane crash into the tower. I ran around the office telling asll the FM listeners. We all went into the conference room in time to watch the second plane hit the other tower live. Felt a very sick feeling in my stomach. Dead silence in the office. It was very eerie. Went home immediately to gather the family together. Not sure why but it made things a little better
  13. Chestnut, cool name I guess. Phil has put almost every lake in the state of Missouri and many others on this site. The hits here are because there is a large number of people who enjoy trout fishing. Try one of the bass oriented lake sites that Phil has attached. See if you can drum up some interest there. As I see it there is much more interest in trout than bass. Baked bass with walnut stuffing. Seen everywhere on menus near you.
  14. If your looking for dry stoarage there is Crossland Storage at 278 Jefferson. It's at 65 and Ozark Mountain on the east service road south of Ozark Mountain. 417-239-1372 Talk to Darcey. Coded gates, video and Darcey lives right next door. Outdoor storage is $25 a month. Indoor 10 x 30 with drive thru doors is $135
  15. Frequent visitor to Taney for 25 years. Phil our two girls shared many a peanut butter sandwich with your girls when they were about 4-6 years old. Anyway when we lived in Quincy IL carp was the prefered lunch fare at all the local bars.
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