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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by davekeim

  1. Great fish! Some day I'll get one like that! Your character looks just like you! Who is the artist in the clan? Signed, Cardiac
  2. Who cares about the flash when you catch one of those! Sign me up! Signed' Cardiac
  3. I just laughed so hard I think I had heart failure! LOL! LOL!LOL! You my friend never cease to amaze me! Darn I have tears in my eye! I really needed that! Oh crap, I'm still laughing! Signed, Cardiac
  4. Realtor, do you have name? Please sell my house in STL. Need to move to TR! Signed., Cardiac
  5. Happy labor Day! Thanks to you! I thank all of you who work. Everything from convience store workers, waitresses, bartenders, fishing guides, resort owners, sales people, moms and dads! With out everyone doing what they do we could not enjoy ourselves. Thanks to all of you! Signed Cardiac
  6. Yesterday ribs on the grill. Today! Cold boiled shrimp, baby neck clams, salad and fresh pineapple. Sign me up! Signed, Cardiac
  7. Worms! Worms! Signed, Cardiac
  8. davekeim


    Guitar Hero Rocks! Cardiac
  9. Gone Fishin, that was a quick change of plans in seven minutes! Signed, Cardiac
  10. Of course. Try Buried by Table Rock Lake by Tom Koob. Signed, Cardiac
  11. Seth, #1. Your very smart at your age for thinking about this. You'll be well ahead of the majority if you follow through. #2. Any thing you invest in runs by the stock market for the most part. #3. Playing the stock market on your own is not good. Trust me on this one! If you like the Casino take your chances there. Professionals are always better. #4. If ypu have a 401K option take that. Put all funds, at your age, in the progressive program. As you age move it to moderate at 50, then conervative at 60. Great advice for myself if I were as smart as you! Oh! And put 15% of your salary in if you can. Much less taxes. Your saving 30% on taxes on gross income on you invest. Do your best not to give your money to the man! Again, your very smart for thinking this early in your life! Signed, Cardiac
  12. Thanks Phil, I love those old photos. Amazing what second and third generations have done to Branson. In todays world if you looked at Sammy Lane on a website for a place to stay and seen those pics you would run! Give us the ol AC, comfy bed, frig and cold beer and we're there! Thanks again! Signed, Cardiac
  13. That would be Michael. And God bless Freddy. I think he was the greatest singer ever. Queen on the whole was the best ever. The harmony, diversity, use of all possible instruments. They incorporated all types of styles of music in their bag! Rock On! If Branson was a tad bit different, I'll define that later, Queen would have filled the house every night of the week! Signed, Cardiac!
  14. Good Ol downtown Branson by the old bridge! Signed, Cardiac
  15. I'm on board Skeeter! Ozzie, Black Sabbath, Queen, even, said to say, Jackson had more talent than Elvis. I think it was a female passion for the dance moves that over shadowed the singing that made him famous! Signed, Cardiac
  16. Oh, I've seen this before! No way in double hockey sticks (just trying to abide by the cursing rules!) would I do that job no matter what it paid! That is totally insane. The way my luck is I'd pinch my peanuts between the the seat and wire. Then sneeze and create are electrical arc between those wires. Slip on the snot and hang for three hours until they figured out how to get me down! I'll stick to keeping my feet firmly planted on the ground. And on the top surface of it! Signed, Cardiac Keep that blood pressure medicine coming!
  17. I was 17 years old. Left home. Living with the lady that was the manager at the pizza place I worked. Boy did my mom love that! She was an Elvis freak! I can home she was sitting on the couch eying her Elvis shrine on the fireplace mantle. Sitting there crying. Oh...Oh....Elllllvis Died! It was tough not to laugh! Signed, Cardiac
  18. I'm shocked! Always thought I was conservative. Score???????? Libertarian leaning to conservative! Thought I'd share the results. Seems others were stunned also since they only gave opinions of the test. Guess I stand for what it was built for..... Freedom! Signed, Cardiac
  19. I'd love to go if I could! Need someone to teach me the night stuff. As soon as we sell the house in STL we'll be there all the time! Here we come! Abdito! Signed, Cardiac
  20. Yes Captain! That's the one. Definately would change my mind. Oh wait, I don't have one! Signed, Cardiac
  21. Just death! Check the Missouri water patrol website. Some 60 year old people were doing that. See what happened to them! Signed, Cardiac
  22. I'm amazed that Fast Eddies is that well known! $1.00 big burgers, steak on a stick $2.00 and 10c shrimp. Oh, don't forget the cold beer! Signed, Cardiac
  23. Found it. Was going to post but is six pages long. www.smithsonain.com Signed, Cardiac
  24. Keep your eyes open! Cardiac and Mert are coming down Thursday! Careful while your out on the water. My luck with boats has not been too good! I'm better now. Accident free last year. Almost sank the bass boat a couple years ago. Capsized one of those two person paddle boats at LOZ last year! Almost got wiped out by that old paddle boat tourist cruiser when motor stalled in the fog after a thunderstorm At Taney. I'll be in a 20ft Triton Pontoon. Pole in one hand Busch Light in the other! Signed, Cardiac
  25. No Dago Red! A Busch Light along with a cool spiced rum, coke, and lemon! Darn, work could be a challenge tomorrow! Signed, Cardiac
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