#1. Your very smart at your age for thinking about this. You'll be well ahead of the majority if you follow through.
#2. Any thing you invest in runs by the stock market for the most part.
#3. Playing the stock market on your own is not good. Trust me on this one! If you like the Casino take your chances there. Professionals are always better.
#4. If ypu have a 401K option take that. Put all funds, at your age, in the progressive program. As you age move it to moderate at 50, then conervative at 60.
Great advice for myself if I were as smart as you!
Oh! And put 15% of your salary in if you can. Much less taxes. Your saving 30% on taxes on gross income on you invest. Do your best not to give your money to the man!
Again, your very smart for thinking this early in your life!