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Everything posted by jdmidwest

  1. New York does not allow me to own my AR 15. It is not a restriction, if I live there, I could not own it. And many other places will not allow me to own several of my other guns. What part of your little simple mind does that not get thru too? You are a troll.
  2. That is a tricky area, a spill could go in many directions, Jack's Fork, 11 PT, or even Spring River with the goofy Karst in that area. But since they make ethanol, they are probably government subsidized and relaxed in EPA regs.
  3. I was thinking it used to be about 1K per mile for the 8 mile trophy area from Montauk to Cedargrove. That is about 8 miles if memory serves, so 8000 sounds about right. But I spend so little time up there anymore, there is no telling what they do now.
  4. I was not upset about it, and it was lead in rifle and handgun ammo. The lead was getting into the buzzards when the eat the crippled carcasses. But until they come up with a better alternative to lead bullets, why ban them? Cars that are capable of going over the speed limit are sold every day, but no civilian needs to go over the speed limit. Why not put governers on cars to limit them to the speed limit? As long as automatic weapons are used responsibly, why not own one? Automatic weapons are restricted, you have to pay a high tax to own one. And, like the lead ammo, I am not upset, I live in a state where I can get one if I want one. I can shoot lead bullets all day if I want to.
  5. Sure there is. Lots of states that restrict what gun you can own.
  6. Very inspirational story. Just goes to show you what a little faith can get you.
  7. District of Columbia was one that came to mind, overthrown by the Heller decision of 2008. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_laws_in_the_District_of_Columbia Illinois has restrictions and bucked the CCW until last year till the courts said they have to do it. Still fighting it. California is finding all kind of ways to get rid of almost any type of gun, lead ammo, etc. Several states ban certain types of firearms, limit the capacity, or have design restrictions. MO lets you own just about any type of firearm in its unrestricted design. And of course, silencers and auto's with a special tax permit. Here is a state by state if you want it from Wiki. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_laws_in_the_United_States_by_state
  8. And thanks to many right minded people, you can still do that if you desire in almost all 50 states.
  9. Congrats. What is the story behind buying a resort? Not many would think about starting a business at that age.
  10. What honey? I am raising bees. I am building hives now. Once I hit my target number of 25 hives or so, I will let them do the honey thing. Because of my agressive splitting, they don't have time to make excess honey. But the hives are strong and they make it thru the winter with the honey I leave them. I may see some honey next year, but I am not planning on it till the following year. I could have bought 25 starter hives at $135 each last year and would have honey this year. I am going a cheaper route and making my bees make more bees in 3 years to reach the same goal and saving that big lump sum startup cost. $3375 for bees, $7500 for wooden ware and foundation was a big chunk to come up with. I let my 3 starter hives double each year for free and build the wooden ware in my spare time as I need it. I still have to buy the foundation as I grow and some of the frame components, and the lumber. But I will be saving alot of expense by doing it this way. I will be able to take that savings and buy some nice honey extracting equipment.
  11. My hand is always steadier with a good snoot full. Otherwise, I shake too much to hit what I am aiming at.
  12. Crocker kind of reminds me of some of the folks I have run into from South County St. Louis. There is a bunch of Hoosiers there.
  13. I had 39 and spotty frost in open areas. The clouds blew out after the last rain sometime after dark last night.
  14. Seems like I was wrong about the frost last night. We had scattered frost all over this morning. I think my garden was spared due to the trees around it. There was lots of it in the open areas.
  15. I used to dig my fish guts into the garden until I found that the feral dogs my neighbors let run loose like to roll in them as they fester. Now I just toss them out on the ground and the dogs disappear. Seems like when a smelly fido comes thru the doggy door, they take better care of them.
  16. He is just jealous that us country folk know more about the outdoors than he ever will living in that concrete jungle.
  17. It started here last Sunday morning about 5 am and has been rolling rainstorms thru several times a day since. Wed. it rained all day a steady rain till almost dark, 3 inches that day. 3 rains came thru last evening. Today is our last chance, coming in tonight. Then hot and dry next week.
  18. 4. People should start acting like they do anywhere else in public when they are in a rented canoe in a river. It is not a closed bar where everyone would expect that behaviour going in and with bouncers to control their actions and toss them out.
  19. They usually do it in March or April if the river permits.
  20. I plan on that when the ground dries out a little. We are going on 8" for the week now, more storms rolling thru. I am not too worried about frost here. Cloudy, rainy, and windy should not lead to a frost tonight.
  21. That is the quickest way to add a mated queen to a few frames of bees. But I did 2 walk away splits with a frame of brood, queen cells that they had made getting ready to swarm, and a frame of honey and pollen. The nurse bees stay with the frames and tend the brood, the queens hatch, mate, and start laying. Same thing they would have done in a swarm, but only one queen would have lived and killed the rest. The original queen would have swarmed and left with a group of the bees. I prevented it, I also make splits with a frame of eggs, frame of brood, and frame of honey and pollen. The new hive realizes it is queenless and turns a few eggs to queen cells and in about 4 weeks she is mated and laying. The swarm cells cut that time in half. A mated queen in a split will start laying as soon as she is released. Either way, it is a start to a new hive.
  22. You could probably float many streams this weekend and check out the high water marks. Then you would know where you can pee or not.
  23. Cloud cover here, probably not a chance of frost. As wet as the ground is there will probably be enough ice to protect them. Mine have been puny and a nice shade of yellow. It has been almost a week since we have had dry sunshine. Over 8 inches so far since it started on Sunday and another rolling thru.
  24. The peppers are in the same mix too and yellow. The bags said pine bark and other wood debris. I was wonder if the ph is off some also. Now that the rain has leeched off all of the dirt on top, it looks more like a mulch than topsoil.
  25. Truth of the matter is, if you want to shoot a trespasser, you better have some witnesses on your side when you do it. Your word against 50 drunks on a gravel bar will not hold up in court.
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