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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by stone9-7=2

  1. It may not help,as I fish different than you guys. I basically only fish @ night w/underwater lights.(many yrs). All I was saying was,the fish are there & we still do well with this type of fishing.
  2. interesting. All I can say is,the fish are there.
  3. Good for a laugh.
  4. You want to catch Gar on the Bull? Let me make it easy for you,all you need is an underwater light, 2 or 3 doz Shiners,#4 or bigger bait holder hook, a good heavy action rod,12 lb line,a boat or a boat dock & anywhere around the K Dock area you will have more Gar than you will know what to do with. Happy Garring.
  5. He fibs,Gar suck,there no good. Leave them alone & don't waste your time. Stay with other kinds of fishing. Nothing to see here,move along now & forget you ever saw this topic.
  6. Firmly believe in Starfire 2 submersible lights. Bass pro or Cabelas has them. Tried them all,these are by far the best imo. Best of luck & have fun...
  7. Psst- move down toward Bee creek island.
  8. My friend's boat did that once. When we got back to the ramp,I pulled the plug & drained the water out. Problem solved.. Your problem could be just as simple.....
  9. That's to bad. Glad to hear he was found. We were there that weekend & had a great float & a lot of fun.
  10. Nice fish.....
  11. No rt now it's a lake full of IDIOTS.....
  12. What/who is nelly? Wasn't that a girl on little house. Nelly Olson I think.
  13. UMMMM,nothing better than fresh caught fish in a cast iron pot. yum yum... Ya all can keep your bass,I have no use for them. oops did I type that out loud. lol
  14. Nice fish. Not to hard to figure out the area he caught it in. I mean come on. He caught it at 9:45 pm & weighed it at the hatchery at 11:00 pm. Tell's me he caught it on the MO side on upper Bull....
  15. Sounds like you had a great time lonkm. Nice report.
  16. I like the new look. It runs & load a lot slower than the old one though.....
  17. Wow great fish. Way 2 go. No problem here with him keeping it. I just don't understand why catching it on powerbait or a fly has anything to do with it. Fishing is fishing. I guess only sportsman fly fish.
  18. I can help you out..... PM on it's way.
  19. Ha ha Thanks Buck but before you knell down & kiss the ring I don't have you must know there are a lot better Crappie fisermen on here than me. I/we don't catch fish like that all the time... We have good day's & bad day's. I was just lucky enough to be taught this type of fishing by one of the best fisherman I knew. He has moved on to the great pond in the sky now. His Grandson is one of the best Crappie guy's on Table Rock but he's not on here & won't tell much about it. Anyway glad your happy,sorry I can't help you with your quest. Don't fish the Rock anymore,to many crazy people in boats out there for my taste.
  20. Nope never caught any Crappie at all. LOL If you go to Lower Bull Shoals & click on it,then go down to Night time Crappies. You can see the rest of my pics from that fishing trip.
  21. Yes Buckshot CRAPPIE. I do it out of a boat. If you don't have a boat yuo might do it off the end of a deep dock but I don't know about that. You need a battery,a floating light or a starfire2 underwater light which is what I use. Put them in the water,bait up with a minner or a cricket & if there are any CRAPPIE around it won't be long before you get bit. Your my only begger friend. LOL
  22. Awe poor Barry & 2 think that Claude Dallas guy said he would take real good care of ol Barry.
  23. Q: Is swimming good for your figure? A: If swimming is good for your figure, explain whales to me. Q: Is getting in-shape important for my lifestyle? A: Hey! 'Round' is a shape!
  24. Gee I can't help but think of all the Crappie you could of caught by now for your pond,if you were out fishing instead of posting for all this info. I can't help you with info because I mainly fish Bull Shoals at night in a boat with under water lights. Best of luck to you...
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