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Everything posted by ness

  1. Here's a good article on the whole thing, including an interesting discussion on asset forfeiture. http://www.riverfronttimes.com/2011-02-03/news/shakedown-street-camp-zoe-federal-asset-forfeiture-case-missouri-ozarks/
  2. Good point Brian -- photog, editor, whoever didn't see the flaw in the cast. But, probably 90 percent of the people who read that magazine won't get it either. But if they really want to sell magazines...I mean REALLY sell...well they gotta cut YOU out and get the hot French chick in there. Then give it a real eye-catching teaser of a headline. Can't come up with one at the moment. Help me out guys...
  3. Man, that is a tight loop -- it's just about 90 degrees off. I hope you got him straightened out Brian! BTW -- Any injuries?
  4. Congrats Justin! I hope it works out well for you guys.
  5. Man, O Brother is a quality flick. And, Mitch, No Country is too. Love them Cohen brothers. As for RJ -- the blues guys are pretty famous for making a story, even a legend, out of nothing. That's a pretty good one right there.
  6. Hey go4ducks2, That was a helluva first/last post. That may be a record! I can probably save you some time -- just scratch ALL forums off your list.
  7. Sounds like a sweet trip. I'm looking forward to seeing your report.
  8. LOL! That stings.
  9. Oh, I'm sure it would. I never even thought of it though. I have a hard enough time staying on my feet without that.
  10. If you mean heavy and/or high capacity -- not at all. By the time I stuff my rain jacket in the back it's pretty-much full. 2 to 4 smallish fly boxes up front.
  11. Yeah that's probably what it is technically, but it's pretty compact. Here's a picture of it: I rarely use the hydration bag, but it's kinda nice to have sometimes.
  12. Welcome to the US, orch. I had a friend that was an ex-pat in the UK, and the way he summed up land access was 'everyplace belongs to somebody'. Helped me to appreciate just how good we've got here.
  13. Wayne: What's a messenger bag? I've got an Orvis pack thingy that's got pockets on the straps in front and a small pack on back. I've grown to like it. The pockets ride high enough that they're generally up and out of the water. There's two sets of pockets -- along the straps -- so the front is somewhat open, which I like. The back pocket is large enough to carry a rain jacket and some chow. I've gotten away from dangling accessories as much as I can, but still use zingers for forceps and nippers -- I just tuck them into the little pockets this pack has so they don't catch on things. Tippet spools are threaded on a deal that clips on and dangles; Gink on front too. A lot of the newer packs are sure sweet looking, but I'm sticking with what I've got.
  14. I was just gonna say that! Seriously -- an excellent post with a great perspective.
  15. Man, that sounds like fun. Maybe you'll accidentally catch a trout, throw your spinnin' pole in the water, head to BPS and load up the credit card on some new gear. Or not. I miss rotary phones too. I'm looking to pick up one off E-Bay but most of them are pretty dinged up and black.
  16. Try this one on for size Eric. Just might do the trick:
  17. THis is as close as I could get:
  18. Man, I just can't take you seriously with that avatar.
  19. Whaddya think, Cold? Wanna blow this thing up?
  20. oops. Agree -- do your research, keep your BS detector turned on.
  21. I guess I got the laughed it off from here: But, I've read a lot of what you've said here, and I think you're a reasonable guy. I just wanted to point out that oversimplification of a big issue is kinda dangerous. That chart doesn't prove a darn thing all by itself. I agree with everything you said above. We should all be open to discussion and new, quality information. Doesn't happen here much though. I quit watching cable news. Haven't watched a minute of it since April. It was a habit, I wasted a lot of time, and it didn't do a darn thing to make life better. I would argue it made life worse. It's BS, it jades you and it makes you stupid. It promotes arguing, not discussion. And that's kinda become the norm. I'm not gonna join in.
  22. But wait OF -- when I said it was an infinitely complex situation, you laughed it off. As if it was so obvious from the single graph that global warming was causing the CO2 levels to go up -- or was it the other way around? Didn't the discussion end there? Look -- when you make a two-axis graph, you can stretch or squeeze an axis to make any generally upward sloping line fit another. That is clearly what was done on that graph. If I had the data for global temperature handy, I could probably fit the DJIA to it. There surely is slight rise in temperature (1.75 degrees over 130 years on that chart), and CO2 levels are definitely up -- by a much larger percentage. But nobody is burning up or suffocating. It almost always requires a pretty major problem before humans get off their duffs and work on fixing it. That applies to conservatives, liberals, and the other 100% of the population that don't strictly fit into those categories. I think if we could get off the labeling, calm the heck down, present some hard data (without denigrating the other 'side' in the process), we could get somewhere. But skim through this thread and see how many snarky comments are thrown in. Then there are the generalizations and hyperbole. When you can rid the discussion of this nonsense, there can be some progress. Otherwise, it's just another OA clusterfrack.
  23. Yeah, I'd say it's a complex problem. Maybe I'm just over thinking it. Peace out.
  24. It's always nice when an infinitely complex problem can be summed up in a neat little graph for us simpletons!
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