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Everything posted by ness

  1. Does anybody else think Drew looks kinda familiar?
  2. ness

    Tough Weekend

    Yeah, and with a first-year coach. Pretty impressive. That was a helluva game. Rat -- 4 AM post? You trying to wind down after the 500?
  3. ness

    Tough Weekend

    You forgot the "HOO"
  4. What'd be nice is if we could get MDC on board with a statement that sums the law up in 4-5 bullet points that'll fit on a laminated card. With their logo on top. Just dreamin' Why doesn't somebody just lasso that sign?
  5. ness

    Tough Weekend

    That had to be one of the best games I've ever seen. We were lucky to have Joe Poznanski writing for the Star in KC for years, and I miss his columns. I think he did an excellent job with this one: http://www.kansascity.com/2012/02/25/3452571/the-border-war-we-wont-see-a-rivalry.html#storylink=omni_popular
  6. Rock Chalk, and bye bye.
  7. So...who's everybody rooting for in the final Border War this weekend? When my baby girl chose K-State a couple years ago, I had to switch allegiances.
  8. Interesting. Thanks for answering that.
  9. Yeah, same in KC. 100+ temps in late July and early August were tough on things. I try to keep maters pruned pretty well for better air circulation. And hit them with a copper-based fungicide at the first sign of trouble. Everything's under lights at my house. I think my Black from Tula tomato seeds are a bust. Gonna have to get my hands on some more.
  10. Hmmmm. That's kind of interesting. Does anyone know what all the parallel lines (presumably waterways) are in the bootheel?
  11. LOL. Who wants to join me in forming the MoKan Earthworm Alliance? Nobody ever gives those fellers a second thought. But, believe me, we all would if we were knee-deep in poop!
  12. Drew: Dan clearly simply misspoke. How about we give him a pass on the one word "all", and focus on the other couple hundred he took the time to write? There's some pretty good info in there. I kinda think it's a low blow to say MSA thinks you don't care if you don't join. Nobody said, or even implied that. They've got a lot more muscle than we do individually. They've got a plan, they've got momentum. I don't know what you're up to this weekend, but it sounds like MSA will be bending the ear of an MDC biologist. I can't speak for them, but I can speak from experience: any all-volunteer organization will let you help out without an expectation of you paying for the privilege. I've said it before -- you don't have to be 100% in agreement to get on board with a cause. If you're waiting for that, well you'll never be on board for anything. Heck, you'd never vote and neither would I. But coming on here and dropping a deuce on the whole organization because of a typo, and the fact that their schedule doesn't fit yours, seems pretty lame. They are the best ally of the MO smallmouth angler, period.
  13. Dan -- thanks for the information on what MSA is up to, and for your efforts for the cause. I think a lot of us would like to hear how the discussion with Chris Vitello this weekend goes.
  14. Yeah, it's a combination of things that will get it done. Kinda like I proposed a page or two back -- stiffen, enforce, convict, educate. If there's no movement on the regs, get in there and figure out why. That means getting with the MDC and talking it over. I don't keep up on all this, but from what little I've seen, it seems like MSA is doing some of that. Might be they're the only ones, or the most vocal -- I just don't know. Blowin' in the door complaining of redneck poachers, or city-boy trophy hunters gets you where? Anybody? Enforcement's been an issue forever. But blowin' in the door saying the CA's are all lazy...again, nobody's gonna listen after that. Being the squeaky wheel, calling Game Thief Hotline, steering that CA toward what we care about -- that's productive. I don't know how you go about getting more convictions, but I wouldn't write that one off. I suspect a lot of times it's just not considered a big enough deal to mess with. Or, maybe the prosecutors/judges just never had their ear bent. You don't have to be a bleeding-heart tree-hugger to want to convict a poacher. Education? I'd bet money MDC would be open to co-authoring or endorsing some materials or program geared toward educating the public. Nobody's gonna care if it's on ness letterhead though. MDC/MSA joint effort, possibly? Just thinking out loud. Back to work...
  15. no, no, no, no, no, sorta, Chaminade West
  16. I live in a large metropolitan area with over one million people. My particular suburb has less than 100,000, and I live west of probably 90% of the population. I don't live in the woods, but I've got some trees in my yard. So -- am I a sophisticated city dwelling, meat-eating poacher, or an inbred hillbilly meat-eating poacher? I just want to know which bucket you stereotypists put US in so I can prejudge myself.
  17. You've got manlove on the brain there, buddy.
  18. That'd be interesting to see. I don't recall them, but two sounds just about right. Too complicated, and it just isn't gonna happen. Anyhoo, I'd say if we wanna haggle on the internet, that's just dandy. But really -- when is there gonna be some kinda of an action come out of all this? Seems like we take these threads too far, until Phil is forced to lock them, then a few months later we do it all over again. But nothing gets DONE. In a broad sense, here's what needs to be done: 1) Tighten up the regs 2) Improve enforcement efforts 3) Work toward getting the bad guys caught and convicted 4) And, while we're at it, educate folks (landowners, CA, other authorities) about access laws Anybody that agrees wanna pick one and suggest how to make something happen? (ness figures 40-1 odds against)
  19. I think the most beneficial thing for learning would be to cozy up to an experienced fly fisherman and get them to show you the ropes.
  20. Such an innocuous sounding thread, turned so nasty so soon. Shocking!
  21. Well, shoot. You're correct there Cricket. Mebbe I should slow down some when I's reading.
  22. Whoa there college boy! That should read citizen's, as it's the possessive form of the noun citizen. Carry on.
  23. I just spit Coke Zero all over my monitor
  24. ...actually he's in SASS. Not sure if that's the exact same thing. Also -- good on you for taking those kids under your wing. Kinda makes some of the nonsense we end up talking about on here seem even less important. Ask away -- there's a lot of good info to be had here.
  25. Welcome. A good friend of mine does the Cowboy Action Shooting thing too. Goes by the name of Osage Jack. Know him?
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