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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by ness

  1. Yep, it's a dry fly. Wasn't sure if you were talking about a wooly bugger-type wet fly or what. To float that you'd want a little stiffer/higher quality hackle. Do you have something, or are you looking to buy something for this fly? All hackle is getting harder to find, especially grizzly. A medium-quality neck should get you some good hackle for Palmering dries without breaking the bank. It would also have some feathers for smaller dries and some longer ones for wooly buggers and stuff.
  2. What you're looking for is the softer, webbier stuff to Palmer -- typically from a saddle. The most expensive capes/necks have stiffer-barbed, smaller feathers and are more for dry flies, but the lower, longer feathers can be used to Palmer or tie larger dry flies. Saddles will be without the dry fly hackles and mostly all suitable for Palmering, but you won't have any dry fly material should you want that.
  3. Sounds like a great time, OTF. Thanks for the report.
  4. I always just eyeball it. All this science takes the fun out of fishing.
  5. I think we're onto something here. Let me ask you a question: When you put the car in "R" which way do you go?
  6. Justin, So, if you sit backwards in the front seat, doesn't that mean you're pointing upstream???
  7. Wow, $0.11! I remember $0.29, and I thought that was really something. Prolly the late 60's. When was that, Dano?
  8. Honestly, this all sounds kinda reckless to me. What's your take, Al? Would you do anything different next time?
  9. I'm not a lawyer, but I play one on the internet. The law is likely targeting anti-competitive practices that are causing harm to someone. These are competitive practices and they're only hurting themselves. Next case.
  10. Hey Brian, Have a great trip and give us a report when you get back. Driftless Area is beautiful country and great fishing.
  11. Dayum! Glad everyone's ok. Happy shopping!
  12. Somebody help this lady out. Me -- I jam the bow into the gravel, swing the end around and dismount. It ain't pretty.
  13. Welcome Mike -- I'm just up the road from you.
  14. Thanks for putting this together.
  15. Clean up
  16. Hey -- poop is poop. Don't care where it came from.
  17. Small world! Johnson Drive and Monticello for me -- out on the west side.
  18. Welcome to the forum Clayton. Good to have another KC guy here.
  19. Tim's out of town, but posted earlier that the raffle would be at the end of August.
  20. I try to us the little guy as much as I can. But, I still end up running to Cabela's to get something last minute -- it's less than 20 minutes away. But, I've found all of the bricks-and-mortar stores will disappoint you on selection. They move stuff in and out seasonally, won't have all the sizes, colors, whatever. I ran up there a few weeks ago to replace a fly line, and they didn't have what I wanted. I really prefer to shop online anyway. Never an issue like that, ships right to my office, and I can dodge sales tax with many merchants.
  21. Yeah -- I usually do too, but I slipped up this time.
  22. Sadly, my blue dun 1/2 neck was lost recently. I had it on my desk with several others as I was listing them on ebay. One of my Brittanies ate it and a green one too. If you only need a couple feathers, I could check the back of her kennel
  23. I've got no problem with folks trying to fine-tune the trout regs. The trout are an important, though non-native, species in the Ozarks. Economically, they're likely more important than the smallmouth. So, piss and moan about all this if you like, but in the end all us trout fishermen are good for Missouri. It ain't about the 'few' dictating things to the 'many'. That's just projecting your social philosophy onto a non-social topic. If the 'many' are out there, speak up! I'd love to hear how this proposed change is ruining your fishing.
  24. I wouldn't shy away from indicators there, but it kinda depends on what you're doing too. They're perfectly fine if you're fishing a nymph or a leech there. Or, you can tie on a dry fly, then tie a piece of tippet to bend of the hook and hang a small nymph below. Using a pretty fine tippet helps -- 5, 6 or even 7x. Adjust the depth as needed (not as easy with the dry fly) and try to get a natural drift. There are about as many techniques as there are fishermen in the parks. I routinely see guys do something I wouldn't and then catch a fish. But what I described there will work outside the parks too.
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