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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by ness

  1. Goodun!
  2. Just not enough info to know if this guy's legit.
  3. That's pretty cool. Are the baits pretty easy to get?
  4. I guess we can only wonder how much more successful you would have been had you done it MY way
  5. Given that he was getting refusals, and that he could see the fish, yes I think a reduction in tippet is a good idea. I agree on the better presentation. That's why I mentioned it
  6. Sounds like you tried several files and had them interested. That's a pretty good sign. You saw them = they saw you. Your odds just went waaay down. Cast to where they ought to be without seeing them for sure. Also, remember where your rod tip and line are. It could be something was off in your presentation too. You need to get a natural drift and not have a lot of tippet or line on the water. Also, you need to have a really light landing with fly, tippet and line. 4 pound is too heavy. I'd go down to a 6 or 7x and longer tippet if they were acting that way, or if I was casting into unbroken water on a tiny creek like that. There's all kinda little teeny stuff in the water that they eat and you can't see. Some of it is right in the film, and they'll come up and slurp it. In that case I'll sometimes toss an indicator fly (one I can see well) with a teeny (20-24) emerger tied about 10 inches behind on 7x. Just a little tan or brown dubbing on a hook. Also --- take it slow. If you're getting short takes, let it rest. Give it a good 5 minutes -- until it's painful -- then try again.
  7. ness


    Yeah, like Jim Anchower for one.
  8. Vote with your feet. Or your prop.
  9. ness


  10. I've had a couple given to me but I never used them. Pitched one in my glove box a couple years ago -- I suppose it's still there. Nippers and hemo's when I fly fish. Pliers, scissors and pocket knife in my tackle box.
  11. Welcome to the forum. It's great that you can share that with your daughter! Where in KS are you?
  12. Not a Kansas thing, just a thing
  13. Sounds like a good time. Make that next one a trout trip and at a little cooler time of year and I'm in. Mebbe this fall?
  14. Haven't been there for years, but wondered what's going on when I visited their site just now: Windrush Farms Anybody know?
  15. I thought all the water in CO was off limits? Seriously, have a great time. Sounds like a well thought out trip you've got planned there.
  16. There's all kinda stuff out on the web about the "Windows XP Repair" virus. Chief -- did you run something to clean it off?
  17. Will this thread turn south?????
  18. What is this language you speak?
  19. My wife was talking to a friend last night who said another friend was in a Branson flyshop and the guy told her he needed to keep the hackle he had for his repeating fly-tying customers.
  20. I do see where you're coming from. It could be triggered by OA software or ads or whatever, but likely didn't/doesn't come from OA or I'd expect lots of folks to get it too. It's a widely reported virus and there seem to be lots of people talking about how to clean it off. I'd probably look into that. I don't remember if you mentioned it -- do you have up-to-date antivirus software?
  21. Another thing: Just because this thing pops up when you come to OA doesn't necessarily mean it came from OA. If you Google "Windows XP Repair virus", there's a lot of recent activity -- it seems to be giving a lot of people fits right now.
  22. pssssst... Your problems solved.
  23. Yeah, you guys convinced me. The fishing in Colorado sucks because you simply can't do it. Can't touch the stream bed, much less take a pee. I don't know how in the heck I've managed to do it all these years without getting busted. I haven't fished MT, WY, OR, ID or CA, so I'm not gonna step out there and say one of those are best. I just don't think 'best' can apply if I haven't done it. I'm just not gonna echo something someone else has said. I'm more of a small stream loner. Don't really have the desire to fish tailwaters or float big water. I don't feel the need to hit water just to say I've been there, and I'm not really looking for lunkers. I don't have the time, at this stage in my life, to travel extensively simply to fish. I can be in Rocky Mountain National Park in 11 hours. There are dozens of streams and lakes, minimal pressure, spectacular scenery, and all four kinds of trout. There are two subspecies of cutthroats (Greenback and Colorado River) that are indigenous to the Rockies and both rare. They all readily take dry flies. I've seen moose, cougar, elk, bear, big horns and other stuff while fishing there. The pine trees smell really good. I've hopped over the Colorado River at it's upper reaches. I've fished other areas in CO too. Maybe all this frustration with access is because you guys haven't looked too hard or have focused on the 'name' rivers. So, I call CO my best because it has exactly what I like, and it's within reach. Maybe in a few years I'll have a new 'best'. I'm not done looking.
  24. Poop? sorry
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