We couldn't have picked a better couple of days to go to RR. It was beautiful, 65+ degrees both days, fish biting for the most part and I even caught one to brag about. Day one was a great fishing day, didn't start till after 1pm but they really were getting after my olive woolybugger all afternoon. My good one went 21" and round 5lbs so my weekend was complete before it even ended. Thanks Tim for the "big trout buggers", they realy work for me. I also had really good fishing with the off white chamois worms, lots of bites and even thought they were hitting it real light, i got plenty of them to the bank to get a good look at. My dad suprisd both my brother and I with new spinning roads from Tim's. Great rods. I can't wait to put them back to use.
Tim, Nathan and I realy need to get him something, I can't remember a trip that he hasn't bought us something new. I know he wants the Ross real you have, may be a bit much for us at the moment, but what about the little fly rod and reel combo that you have? He sure likes it too. Anywho let me know, sure appreciate all you do for us.
Jay Parker