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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by jjtroutbum

  1. Yep alive and well just very busy the last few years. I've been itching to find some cool water. Good for you Jerry. Work is my least favorite four letter word.
  2. Well it is officially October
  3. It's been years but finding a eddy near the falls with a high line and fast sinking egg, mini jig, and such has proven effective for me in the past.
  4. Here now fishing was tuff but rewarding hard fighting bows and willing browns. Tuff to keep flies down but on the bottem equals bites. Seems fish never look up.
  5. It's be a bit but gator as usual your right on pirate fella your a hippy and. Oneshot we need to go fishin.
  6. Well thos needs are not god given rights codified in the very infancy of our free country. Many good Americans have fought and died for these rights that so many seem ready to just give away for a sence of safety. They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin
  7. Lots of Hog wash in this thread. From both sides, the hoplophoics and guys thinking they know gun laws. ( Just tryin to be fair its a fairly recent change in MO. law.) 571.030. 1. A person commits the crime of unlawful use of weapons if he or she knowingly: (5) Has a firearm or projectile weapon readily capable of lethal use on his or her person, while he or she is intoxicated, and handles or otherwise uses such firearm or projectile weapon in either a negligent or unlawful manner or discharges such firearm or projectile weapon unless acting in self-defense; Found Here: http://www.moga.mo.gov/statutes/C500-599/5710000030.HTM So drunk with gun while not smart for stupid drunks, is not aginst the law anymore. But drunk with gun and do something stupid/illegal with it is well illegal.
  8. Really tried to make it this year but seems i am not, please someone take lots of pictures.
  9. Thanks for the report Jerry I have been really needing to get down myself. And now your report has added to the feeling of urgency. Rich go right ahead and rip a ton of lips seems I will not be down anytime soon. And having to deal with the usual wake of sore mouths you always leave behind.
  10. Using half the palsa is thrifty and twice as sensitive.
  11. Great report thanks.
  12. Great report and back up reports fellas. Thanks.
  13. Thanks Cricket.
  14. Water still up fellas???? Anyone look today or tomorrow post up please.
  15. Troutdude if your a St. Louis local PM me I'll by ya a beer someplace. Like young ladies dressed in mini kilts? You are exemplifying what is great about OAF.
  16. So young male lions just wander off looking for territory that is void of she lions. Sounds counter productive for reproduction IMHO.
  17. delivered in a small egg.
  18. Sounds like you guys all tore em up. Thanks for the report. Tell us about that fine looking landing net.
  19. jjtroutbum


    Had not heard about a fence before. But had read toothless and without any holes by man.
  20. jjtroutbum


    If i remember correctly somewhere around H-H the old scout camp other side of the HWY from Lone Elk. Could be wrong tho..
  21. jjtroutbum


    Hay now every youngster in Missouri knows that we have record breaking deer just around the corner, but you gotta be lucky and spend just one more day maybe just a moment longer out looking to find or even maybe have a chance to see it. I give you Monarch OP, Very nice photo by the way.
  22. I have a book that is much like Gavin described his. Tho I never personally had the pleasure of a personal meet. Seems I missed out on that one. Sounds like he is now back to fishing with his favorite partner. In water that we will all have to wait for. Maybe he'll have a guide available for when we get there also.
  23. I had to snicker at that part, but was picturing some fella with his panties in a wad nose high in the air as to not smell the unwashed heathens that go to the "park." Then relized that you might be talking about those little parmarked four inch "jewels." As to the OP's original problem. I will admit getting all upset and going off many years ago about crowding and general rudeness. Now I just try not too allow someones behavior that I have absolutely no control over to dictate how my day is going to be. By getting myself in a terrible frame of mind.
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