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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by jjtroutbum

  1. That is one thing I do not miss those fish never made a lick of sense to me.
  2. waiting for the next chance to hit the water

  3. Nope lol but I keeps me checking back I guess.
  4. Transition seems smooth enough. Change can be good. Wonder if I will start to get subscription notifications.
  5. Bump because its hard out there at the moment. Welcome to OAF. Go introduce your self non professionally here also Tyson. http://ozarkanglers.com/forums/index.php?showforum=36
  6. I would hope all would welcome such a great offer of generosity Thom. Cool pattern BTW.
  7. Ronnie with the salt Thanks bub.
  8. Why bother I get the same every year. ie stock photo theft....lol
  9. I believe the C&R of hunting is done with a tranquilizer dart. Many a rhino has been dropped only after pictures and measurements to get up slightly hung over and run away.
  10. No, I think its a great deer and story and thanks for posting with pics. Just the "opinions" left are shall we say....never mind its a family sight we have here. But this mans hunt and hit is what lead to the deers harvest. Anyone has a right to their opinion no matter how stupid. Including my own.
  11. Ya I have been tying, but still haven't settled on a pattern for this swap yet but have been doing a tiny bit of research for it.
  12. LA Times IMHO nuff said. To figure out the slant in comments.
  13. The Holidays must be a hard time for our nations best and bravest. By going to the link below you can send a card to say thanks with little effort on your part. This was posted elsewhere and I sent one and have written down the link so that I can let my niece and nephew send a couple also. Please take the time to thank our troops. And Pass it along. http://www.letssaythanks.com/Home1024.html
  14. Phil, This may need a poll. Chief, I see no link? Greg, Yes I believe we are including in put and take. Laker, Yes, I believe that is probably true. The urban projects however do foster youth into trout fishing too an extent. I belive that a disproportionate amount of funds are allocated to nature centers, bird watchers, and hiking trails (tree hugers) in those places that do not allow hunting.
  15. I personally think dollars drawn in should directly reflect dollars recieved. Call me a capitalist I take that as a compliment.
  16. Is it really the fly or all the positive karma flowing from a very generous tier. Who seems to really enjoy sharing his successful methods and patterns on the water with perfect strangers well on their way to becoming good friends. Some really like to continually bust balls around here, and it doesn't speak well to those that have been befriended. On second thought its gotta be the fly.
  17. I believe it was member Crippled Caddis. Anyone know of what has happened to him? He was last on the board 24th January 2009 - 12:14 AM.
  18. Personally I would not call any of the places you listed as streams.
  19. Here is a link to Ed Story tying on the materials unfortunately he doesn't complete the fly but I believe he just wound the thread forward. Then the round. Then placed the two strands of "crackle" across the top and bound it with the hackle. Attaching all materials at the front. So to clearly answer your question he uses a couple of pieces of herl. To bulk its effect up a bit. Buying quality herl is a challenge for most in the least it is a hands on experience IMHO.
  20. After spending many hours fishing (read sleep deprived). I lost the keys to my car. After a frantic feeling of en-pending cash letting to get the ride started back to St. Louis. I was kindly reminded to check the bottom of my waders again after several time doing just that. Only find them located conveniently hidden by the cushy tongue of a new pair of chotas. Now most would think that's not embarrassing. Maybe kinda dumb, lucky, or maybe even funny but alas this happens while in front of a couple of dozen people that I consider friends, mentors, and generally would like their approval. Of course any friends of mine know. That a proper fishing buddy would never let a good ribbing get away. And they didn't disappoint.
  21. Have to get the axle up and supported and rotate the drive shaft by hand. If there is any play in the drive shaft u loint is bad. I am one of those guys who get the shop to show me such things while the vehicle is up. Since my garage has been neglected for several years. Its been awhile since I had any similar issues so I got a refresher here. DIY: Replacing Universal Joints
  22. u joints? drive-shaft? tires balanced properly or a broken belt in one. Just guesses really hope you find it before having to chuck cash at possible solutions that always sucks. 2wd or 4wd? stock suspension and wheels and tires?
  23. Pat Your Brit got an ACL injury? That gotta be a bad deal considering the season in all. Hope that she recovers completely. On my experience dogs that are well taken care of seem to mend surprisingly well. Best Wishes
  24. How was the water? Thanks for the report.
  25. Thanks for the link. Was a good read. Lost track of the lady I dated whose family had peacocks. Have never had as good of a source of quality herl since.
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