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Everything posted by gwh

  1. There were 199,427 deer killed during the fire arms season, state has 44,700,000 acres = 1 deer killed per 224 acres Bennett Springs state park has 3,216 acres (per park data sheet) and 17 deer killed = 1 deer killed per 189 acres Fairly successful hunt.
  2. Would like to know what you think of them in a few month. I have about 70 days on a pair of Frog Tog (Anura II) that I bought in March this year and have had no problem with them.
  3. Have used them and they did a good job.
  4. Two articles in paper you might be interested in. New tornado siren installed and working in Bennett springs area. Charlie Reeding - 40 years at Bennett. http://www.lebanondailyrecord.com
  5. Tough fishing. Water is very cloudy, knee deep you cannot see your feet. Few fish being caught at whistle this am. Have to be on the bottom to catch them.
  6. Fishing was very good on Wed and Thur, then got tough Fri and Sat. Talked to several neighbors and they also had trouble catching fish on Fri and Sat. Fished zone 1 & 2, most of the time with sinking line and woolly's. Tried a few midges and nymphs under a indicator Sat, but only a few fish, no pattern. Had rain several nights and water came up a little on Thur, not much but got a little cloudy. Big crowd on Sat and Sun, camp grounds full and most of the motels. Good size fish at first but then on Fri and Sat small ones (~8"). Did see quite a few grass hoppers, so will try some hoppers next week in the evenings, no big hatches, only a few fish rising in the evening.
  7. Fished above the dam to the island, not that crowed as compared to other years. We caught a lot of fish during the first 1.5 hour. At least 20 over a pound and one nice brown that was a little over 13", like a football. Some small fish but not like last year. Saw quite a few lunker caught, biggest that I saw was 5 pounds.
  8. Just went down to get our tags. Watch your speed or it will cost you more than the $3. 20 mph in park, 30 comming down the hill on 64A. Two offices in cars can see you before you see them.
  9. The wind is blowing at the dam
  10. Water was off for a few days as repairs were made in Dec. Water to campground sites are not turned on till weather warms up, late March or early April typically.
  11. Here is a link to the Mo Conservation news release on the Shannon and Warren County mountain line storys. https://mdc.mo.gov/newsroom/mdc-confirms-female-mountain-lion-shannon-county
  12. Lebanon paper has a story from AP that Mo Conservation Dept confirms that female mountain lion killed and ate a portion of a elk in Shannon county. DNA found on elk remains was from lion that originated out west. http://www.lebanondailyrecord.com/news/state/article_bab5f9e9-aef1-50bb-9243-517c2d18e144.html
  13. Water is out in the bath rooms and shower house in the park. Well problem.
  14. Just heard that they have equipment in the stream and are working at the hole above the dam with a big track hoe.
  15. Weather was windy and cold on Fri/Sat, with less wind on Sun. Fishing was good all three days. Fished most of zone 1 and lower half of zone 2. Did catch quite a few good size fish, we saw lots of fish in in the stream. Olive and ginger woolly buggers worked best for me. Not a lot of people fishing, must be deer hunting. Saw a pair of eagles get dinner out of the hatchery on Friday and one get a fish out of the stream below the Hatchery discharge on Sat. Saw them in the trees by the Holland Dam Sat PM. No dredging equipment seen in the park, heard that they are having trouble getting the contractor on site. Did not confirm that with anyone at the Hatchery or park office. Will see when they get started.
  16. Take a look at this pdf from the Mo Conservation web site. Should answer most of your question. http://nature.mdc.mo.gov/sites/default/files/downloads/bennett-springs-regs-flyer.pdf We use jigs from 1/100 to 1/8, depends on the type of rod you use. By that time of year you will want 2 or 3 pound test. I smash all barbs so it is easy to release fish with out touching them.
  17. Pick up a few weighted floats so they can cast them out easier.
  18. Ed Simpson passed away in Springfield on Tuesday. He worked in the park store for the past 35 years. http://www.lebanondailyrecord.com/obituaries/article_1c098f5c-f2d3-11e5-bdba-3b07baa47225.html
  19. Water here did not rise from rain over weekend, dropping slightly every day. Clarity is good, wading does stir up silt from the flood, not that bad.
  20. Fishing is getting better. Was tough for us first two days. Weather? Crowd? There were fish in the stream, saw them. This afternoon they started hitting. Not very many here. Tag today was 2100+, they thought there would be that many on the first. Other notes --Ollie's BBQ is closed and for sale. Have to go to town now for BBQ. Dry down here. Saw a big brush fire West of town on Monday evening. At Oak Hill two homes burn to the ground and a third damaged. Don't know the cause. Be careful with your fire. Oak Hill was sold and all the campers have to move out. Going to be a KOA campground.
  21. Live streaming up now.
  22. Link to KY3 story. http://www.ky3.com/news/local/bennett-spring-state-park-and-hatchery-prepare-for-opening-day-of-trout-season/21048998_38031540
  23. Looks like a 20% reduction in stocked fish for the park. Here is the link to the Lebanon paper story. http://www.lebanondailyrecord.com/news/local/article_23ff9c58-d5c1-11e5-a7e1-7faa6a5f1b07.html Fewer fish going to rivers also. The Springfield paper reported 2,200 expected for opening day and 75,000 fish to be stocked, I think they are off there. Heard from someone that attended the meeting that they are working on cleaning up the park, sand a big item. Trying to do some dredging, but getting the equipment is a issue.
  24. Weather was great and fishing was even better. Fish must have been hungry as they were hitting everything. Several regulars I spoke with told me of +50 days. One neighbor told me he thought that on Friday they would have hit a cigar butt. We fished Zone 1 & 2 with good success. Heard that they have stocked the stream and saw tire tracks down to the water edge at several locations in zone 1. Caught and head of others catching brown trout. Most were <12", not sure how they got there but on opening day I bet a bunch will get put on a stringer. Wife and I caught fish from 4" up to about 1-1/2 pound, saw several 3 to 5 pound fish caught. There has been a lot of gravel moved around and a few feet of sand on the banks. The bank has been undercut in the zone 1 below the Island and in zone 2 from the hatchery discharge to the bridge with tree roots exposed. Bet some trees will fall over soon. Above the dam I saw a guy that waded out to about 30' of the dam. Water is still stained and when you walk you kick up a cloud of green/brown fines. You have to watch where you walk, lots of big rocks exposed in zone 1. If you can get away this next weekend you will catch some fish. Hope to see you there. Looking forward to March 1.
  25. St Louis paper has article today on COE testing water to see if there is development interest in 100 room lodging, restaurant, conference center with boat mooring structure on 331 acres. Only gauging interest at this time not soliciting final development proposals.
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