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Everything posted by gwh

  1. https://mdc.mo.gov/newsroom/hatchery-construction-temporarily-close-part-road-through-bennett-spring-state-park Looks like a 6 week closure.
  2. Detour signs are for road work on Hwy 64A in park as part of hatchery work.
  3. Looks like some hatchery construction work will close a section of 64A for a period of time. There are 64A detour signs laying in the ditch in park and on hwy 64 to Lebanon. Also baracades and road closed signs east and west of the bridge in the park. There is a lot of pipe and a track hoe by the hatchery garage. I bet they are going to open a trench and put the pipe under the road soon. To get from zone 1 to zone 2 you might have to go 64 back to Lebanon and then hwy 32 to hwy OO. Would think they would get the work done fairly quick.
  4. They have a construction trailer set and fenced off the hatchery race way work area. Looks like a portion of the stream will be closed off soon. Fence is up from stone bridge to entrance to hatchery office/shop, signs up closing area. Folks were fishing off dam but might end soon.
  5. We trolled from the west bank from the Nemo ramp to the 64 bridge last week and caught more whites than crappie. They were 10-16' deep.
  6. 90% of the fish i catch are on olive bugger. Size from 4 to 12. Sometime they like the smaller ones.
  7. You might look at the Ororo line of heated vests, jackets, gloves and socks. I bought a vest back in October and used deer hunting and trout fishing a lot this winter. Battery lasts about 10 hours on low. Medium setting will make me sweat. Just saw they are on sale ~$145. Will be trying a pair of gloves for next year.
  8. Saw on the DNR documents that proposed bridge would be elevated above flood level. Cost $1,400,000 to $3,000,000 and work would not start till fiscal 2026.
  9. You might consider looking at Paramont Outdoors - Big Eddy breathable waders. I purchased a pair last February, they have 90+ days on them. Have worn them the last three day, 5+ hours each day not one leak. Key is fit and drying them after use. They have a zipper model also available. Most models are on sale now and below $200. Based out of Sullivan, MO.
  10. There are four agents working the park checking everyone. Looked like they were finding several violations and giving tickets. Hope they stay all season.
  11. I ask about trout cleaning stations at the park meeting this year. The answer was the organic load on the existing waste water treatment system would be to great. A significant amount of sludge would be generated and have to be hauled off for land application. Montauk sends there sludge to the conservation tree farm and it is used to fertilize. seedings. Just wait till they have to upgrade the WWT system that will cost a fortune. One of the mobile home parks just upgraded there lagoon system and he spent big bucks to do the work.
  12. Drilling rig working on the new water well for the hatchery. Will provide cool water during high warm water events. Rig is lifting another piece of drill pipe.
  13. Looks like they are putting a coffer dam around hatchery intake.
  14. Anyone know what the boat and barge is doing at the dam? Looks like a power unit sitting on the barge.
  15. There is a meeting Friday July 23 at Bennett 6 pm at pavilion B to discuss park plans for future and collect comments and concerns from public. I plan on going.
  16. There are interested parties.
  17. Same time as the $100,00 Wally Marshall crappie invitational.
  18. Problem with ethanol fuel is you need to keep it fresh. Moisture is its worst enemy. Use a stabilizer and only buy what you are going to burn. I empty my tank for the three months I don't use the boat in the winter.
  19. Chet Hicks of Lebanon won NWF photo contest in the People in Nature class. Photo taken at Bennett Springs during a snow storm last Jan. Fisherman was in zone 2 down stream of the stone bridge.
  20. Had three great days of fishing. Weather great, fish were hungry. Water was dropping slowly but seemed to get a little greener each day. Caught several that were pound +, but several 6-8" also. Had a eagle overhead at the dam this morning for about 30 minutes. Good thing I was stripping so I could do two things at once.
  21. The conservation commission is considering raising daily trout tags to $4 for adults and $3 for under 15 years of age. Also considering raising annual trout permit from $7 to $10 for adults.
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