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Everything posted by troutchaser

  1. I'm going to send these flies by the end of the week, I promise. It's just been a little hectic here lately.
  2. Dan, have you looked at the Hook & Hackle brand hooks? I've used them quite a bit and I'm happy with the performance. They're sharp and strong - and cheap! If you get their catalog, they tell you which hook theirs resembles. Recommended by another frugal fly tier.
  3. It still sounds like too much trouble. I'll just stick to my regular flies.
  4. You can't wait for that? Interesting. The issue really isn't what it is as much as it's environmental impact. Trout need high quality water to survive. The poultry farm would be detrimental - regardless of the "no waste discharge" system.
  5. I guess I need to learn more. How would circle hooks change things?
  6. It's an interesting concept. If it weren't so much trouble to mess with droppers and such, I'd try it - regardless of laker67's somewhat grouchy response.
  7. Biggest Rainbow I've ever landed was on a #16 foam ant at Roaring River.
  8. Alright, Dan! The more, the merrier. Just a word of warning, though: I don't fish under an indicator. I learned to fly fish from a Limey (a.k.a. Brit, Redcoat, John Bull) and they'd rather die than use an indicator, so I use nymphs, but not like most locals. Just let me know, Thom or Dan. I just need an excuse to get out there.
  9. Your right, laker67, but it's usually a miserable hatch when it happens. Like I said, if they had a decent hatch... EDIT: I seem to remember a Blue Winged Olive hatch in '03 worth mentioning, but it wasn't much. Zach, what's a hot spotted fly?
  10. Q1 A: Cracklebacks, Renegades and Griffith's Gnats, all size 16 and smaller. Q2 A: ME! Especially if you buy me lunch! Seriously though, I'm always looking for an excuse to go, so if you want to learn Taneycomo, I'll go with you. I've been fishing it since I was a kid. PM me and we'll set something up.
  11. JD, I fish dries, but only if I know they're working. That's when I'll tie a few up and try them. If Taneycomo had a decent Mayfly hatch, I'd definitely carry more, but with only midges hatching on a regular basis, Cracklebacks, Griffith's Gnats and Renegades are all the dries I need for success.
  12. I'd also recommend some egg patterns. For some reason, they work better in winter regardless of the fact that there's no spawn to speak of around here. As far as gear, I use the same stuff in winter as the rest of the year and I don't have any trouble.
  13. I was in there today and saw the mount. Gary Fisher did a great job on the details for this replica. He even included the spot where Michael foul-hooked it! Just kidding, Michael. Oh, and good luck with those taxes!
  14. I've been doing the same thing lately, Dano. Here's my list from the top of the water to the bottom: Terrestrials (foam hoppers, crickets, etc.) Griffith's Gnats Cracklebacks (3 different colors) Soft Hackles #14 - 18 (5 different colors) Zebra Midges - #16 - 18 (same colors as the soft hackles) Glo Balls (3 different colors) San Juan Worms (mainly red and worm brown) Woolly Buggers Pine squirrel streamers And that's it!
  15. I still haven't received the thumbs-up from the boss, but if I can make it, I'll bring soda. By the way, what time will this get rolling?
  16. Spoons and other "shiny" lures work best for me from mid morning to mid afternoon. Rooster Tails, Panther Martins, Lil' Cleos, etc. for the morning/evening. Jig and float is one of the best methods, though. Look for the shelf where the deep side starts and drift over the top of it. That (almost) never fails to produce.
  17. Wow. I can't believe - And it fell - And he - Wow. Just....Wow. NOTE TO SELF: Fly box stays in car during potty break.
  18. Check out this topic from a couple of years ago: http://ozarkanglers.com/forums/index.php?s...=heron+feathers It got a little whacky, but I see this discussion heading down the same path.
  19. I'd like more browns. Assuming they have a high mortality rate, it would still mean plenty of quality fish.
  20. Way to go, Chief. Life is good. Beans & Cornbread, John Wayne, Pourin' jigs - you're not missing much, man. Hey, Tim! My boss, Brad (Graystone Graphics) swears by your coffee. Good stuff, Maynard!
  21. Agreed. The MDC is world-class. My father-in-law and I worked with them to establish quail habitat on some acreage he owns. They were fantastic.
  22. Tim, you truly are the master of understatements. To say the Judge is a handful is like saying sharks are just big fish! I've put a few rounds through one and, to be honest, I hated it. It's jumpy and inaccurate. I know, I know - with a shot pattern that wide, who need accuracy - but this was bad. I don't recommend them. For home defense, I have a Taurus Tracker .357 loaded with .38s. It's got knockdown power against the boogie man, but it won't easily pass through walls. That's just one joe shmoe's opinion, though.
  23. From what I understand, the brown trout population in Taneycomo will stay about the same. There's a specific ratio of browns to rainbows the MDC wants in the lake, but I don't remember what it is. I believe the purpose is not so much to increase the number of browns, but to improve their genetic quality. It humbles me to think how fortunate we are to have such a facility in our back yard.
  24. Yep, I think you hit it on the head, Kyle. I know I can kill 20 light geese, but I won't eat 'em, so I won't shoot 'em. I'm sure I'm missing some real fun shooting, but a hunter has to have rules. Ya know?
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