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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by eric1978

  1. You're really close to this place: http://www.trophycountry.com/FishingPhotos.html If you have deep pockets, try them out for a crazy day of fishing. It's pretty incredible for MO. Expensive though. I'm in one of those pics from six or seven years ago. Been thinking about selling my kid so I can afford to go back.
  2. Always reasonable, Al. That's my position in a nutshell as well.
  3. I'm a lefty and reel baitcasters, spinning reels and fly reels all with my right hand. That's what feels natural and it seems goofy to do it any other way. And like Mitch said, why switch hands if you don't have to? I never understood that.
  4. I'm no botanist, but I might add some sandy loam or something else that keeps the soil from compacting and allows nutrients to move, roots to breathe, and water to drain. Horse poop might be nutritious, but if there's too much it will probably suffocate and drown your plants' root systems. Those okras look awesome F&F!
  5. "God given" right? LOL Okay. Yeah I heard God was a helluva marksman. Like Wrench said, it's not a question of your rights...I haven't heard anyone argue that. It's a question of whether or not those rights are sensible or totally idiotic. http://youtu.be/taih2zUOmIM
  6. And yes indeed they'd be less dangerous without a gun...
  7. Only difference is we need cars and airplanes, the rest is just toughguy stuff.
  8. I like to put out a piece of meat and surround it with about a thousand thumbtacks. When I see the bait is gone and I find little drops of blood all around it makes me chuckle to imagine the furry cactus feet limping around the woods. Good times!
  9. I can't believe no one heard the shot. They thought it was a balloon popping? Really? That's the exact kind of story that makes the case...maybe we shouldn't have an army of civilians with barely double-digit IQs toting around loaded weapons.
  10. The same as many, many others. We live in a country chock-full of bozos. http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/no-charges-to-be-filed-in-accidental-wentzville-church-shooting/article_221ab4f3-660b-5593-b63e-5501ead38ce7.html
  11. I'm a farmer and I pay taxes, so I should be able to use public land to plant and harvest my crops.
  12. Hey I know that dude. Gonna be awesome. Can't wait!
  13. If I were a park dweller, I would be happy to hear this news. And anything that decreases the number of party floaters or makes their access to the river more difficult, no matter how insignificant, is A-OK in my book. And why should a private livery get to financially benefit from taxpayer dollars? If they want a convenient access point, may I suggest they buy some property along the river or share access with another private livery? The parks are for the public's use, not for private enterprise and profit.
  14. Yea! Another tangent. Let me go get summore corn. This one should be good.
  15. Almost finished with "A Walk in the Woods" by Bill Bryson. He sets out to hike the AT on a whim. No angling in it, but he does mention trout. Great easy read. Funny.
  16. It's a joke, just the by product of the lack of nuance in bureaucracy. It would get nowhere in a civil or criminal court if it ever made it that far. I won't be losing any sleep over black helicopter dreams.
  17. Ugly and awesome. I know one guy who ties just about everything in purple...but I don't see much purple stuff swimming around in our rivers and lakes. Right Ronnie?
  18. LOL ness. Classic. Archie had all the answers.
  19. But then you'd have to live in England. Think I'd rather move to Montana and buy my own Montana.
  20. Upgrade the 5wt Spare spool and sink tip for the 7wt or just get an extra 7wt or 8wt...or 9wt One of everything from Feathercraft Loomis SMR702C (anyone wanna trade for a CR722 GLX?) Jetboat That property for sale on NFoW Winning lotto ticket
  21. That's a killer setup you got there, Bighorn...and a fortune in materials. My space is small, but cozy and plenty sufficient for my needs.
  22. LOL Truth be told, size doesn't really matter much to me. I mean no one likes dinks, but gimme anything over 15" and I'm a happy man. And spare me the comments...y'all know I'm talkin' about FISH.
  23. 1. Big smallmouth 2. Big browns 3. Big rainbows 4. Big hybrids 5. Big whites ...on the fly.
  24. The history on Missourah is interesting...always wondered about that. Makes perfect sense, too.
  25. Missing the point? The point is if no one had voted for that jackass, no one would have to be sending emails with concerns about unscrupulous cougar lynchings. That's the point.
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