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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. It has been recommended to me that water seperating fuel filters are a must with ethanol. They also need to be changed at least every couple of months. Compared to the price of a new powerhead that seems cheap to me.
  2. Sportboats USA in Ozark Ulrich Marine in Kimberling City Just to name 2. Is this warranty work or do you want a cert. tech below dealership prices?
  3. I was driving around looking at the Sacs today after the 4.5" rain last night. They are browner than coffee and out in the fields.
  4. Which year motor is it and what kind of service does it need? I know a few guys who work moonlighting and are cheaper than dealerships.
  5. I have never seen anything fancy anywhere near Pomme. Here is a site with some listings. http://www.showmelakes.com/Pommedeterre.php
  6. Check out the area around Adams Branch. Lots of night time crappie come from the east point area.
  7. I don't know about others but it has shut me down. I have cancelled a trip to Wisconsin and one to New Mexico.
  8. Dutch


    Nice outing. It won't be long before you won't be able to get him in the boat. Cherish the time.
  9. On any waters, a buzz bait.
  10. Your deep cycle batteries should be recharged within 24 hours after use. I had the same thought about extended plug in time. I contacted my on board charger mfg. and was told to not leave it on for long periods of time. So I unplug mine when all the lights are green and top off the night before each trip.
  11. Nice. So what brand of chainsaw did they use to get back into the brush?
  12. Yes it is but isn't worth the bother unless they are generating.
  13. That's tooo funny.
  14. I'd bypasss locals and contatc the EPA.
  15. Bypass AR and go straight to the EPA.
  16. Mileage isn't hard to figure. You keep your tach at a certain rpm, use your gps for land speed, look at the onboard computer for the consumption rate and you can get a mpg figure. For example if at 4500 rpms you have a ground speed of 48 mph and your consumption rate is 6 gph then you'd be getting 8 mph. You can't use the boat speedo because of too many wind and wave variables.
  17. A properly tuned DI will get very good mileage when you keep it in the 4000-4500 rpm range and weighs a lot less than the four stroke.
  18. Me thinks that you guys need to get out more. There is a blatant reguard for regs. out there no matter where you wonder.
  19. I just came back from fishing Stockton for a few days. About 1/2 dozen bass per day was all I could scare up and most of them were smallmouth. I never got a fish to even look at a spinnerbait. Next time out it will be Table Rock for me.
  20. I don't see how it wouldn't be the way the ground slopes. It should be the best launch on the lake. I know for a fact that Stockton and Crabtree are tough right now.
  21. Where I live we got 3 1/2" this week and a lot more expected. All of it runs into the James. Over toward Cassville the rain was a lot heavier. I'd not expect the lake to be normal until July 4th if then.
  22. If you are anywhere near Springfield, call George at Marine Repair 833-9191.
  23. If you have room in the freezer, you can freeze them in water and they will stay good for a long long time. I saw a vaccum sealer at Wally World for less than $10 the other day. I picked one up and have some stuff sealed and frozen right now. I won't know for a while how well it works.
  24. There is normally a 20-30% mark up. If they won't deal go someplace else. The best deals are on NEW NONCURRENT rigs. Right now is the peak and they feel like they will sell a lot in the next 90 days. If you have the time, give it a couple of months and see how they respond. By the fouth of July they will be feeling the floor plan crunch and want to make a bunch of the units go away.
  25. A couple of possibilities come to mind. Your trolling motor or bracket may be taking the sats out at certain angles. Another possibility is WAAS may be selected. That can cause the problem. If require WAAS is selected unselect it.
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