If you are not familiar with the area I am afraid that you won't be able to tell much from my description. In Beaver Creek most everything has some local name. One of the most notable is the Maiden hole. If you know it, then up stream is a long stretch where people bank fish and it is called Slough Hollow. At the upper end of that the creek bends hard left at the Whistles. Just before that hard bend there are lots of big rocks in the water and it is easy to whack one of them. Around that left hand corner and through the next hole it turns back to the right and goes into the Shoot which is a shallow shoal. Above the shoot there is a Big Rock on the left and that is called the Rock hole.
I fish from a big old glitter sled and it can't get up there unless there is a lot of water. So I rarely fish above the Maiden Hole in my rig.