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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. You only left two little items out of your query: your point of origin and the fact that you will be staying at the lake for a few days. So my recommendation is Hwy 65 down to I40.
  2. The crap you just described is why I quit watching fishing shows on TV.
  3. It is a good road but there are two better ways depending on where you are in KS.
  4. Sat morning during the storm will prolly be the best. Low light and few boats and almost no bankers because of muddy bottoms. Go for it.
  5. It was only half as good as yesterday and I spent all my time in the creek today. The fish seem to be on the upstream move. I caught some at the rock hole but didn't try to go above it as there were flyroders up there and I didn't want to bother them. My sonar had the temp at 53-54° today; that's spawning temp.
  6. They had moved from yesterday to today. I only caught 7 in a area where I had 31 yesterday. I had to work all the way to the rock hole getting one here and one there. Once in a while I could catch 3 or 4 in a spot but mostly it was one here and one there. My best bait was a cotton candy/fire tail slider on a red head but blue gill and baby bass did produce also.
  7. Phil let's add Beaver ramp is fine if there are two of you. It is a bit dicey for one person who isn't wearing rubber boots. BTW: I took my rubber boots today and kept dry feet.
  8. Phil I think there should be stupid darts that we can shoot and stick on moron's boats. They need to be irremovable and when a boat has 4 darts it keeps the motor from starting until you go to the water patrol and pay your fine. Now if I can just remember my senator's name.
  9. That is the one I know about and COE has rules against fishing near commercial docks.
  10. Your Slough Holler is my Maiden Hole and my Slough Holler is that straight stretch below the whistles.
  11. My MH is below Slough Hollow where the bluffy bank is on the right and flats are on the left. The creek takes a quick jog at the top of the hole. That is what everyone I know calles it but one never knows when one gets into coloquialisms and regional assumptions. One of the big talks over the year is some calling the Gillis hole tha Johnson hole. Then there is fish trap shoals (of which there are two) and one of them being called Hayward Shoals.
  12. Phil I looked at your map. My Maiden Hole and yours are 2 miles apart. Your long riffles is what we call the shoot.
  13. If you are not familiar with the area I am afraid that you won't be able to tell much from my description. In Beaver Creek most everything has some local name. One of the most notable is the Maiden hole. If you know it, then up stream is a long stretch where people bank fish and it is called Slough Hollow. At the upper end of that the creek bends hard left at the Whistles. Just before that hard bend there are lots of big rocks in the water and it is easy to whack one of them. Around that left hand corner and through the next hole it turns back to the right and goes into the Shoot which is a shallow shoal. Above the shoot there is a Big Rock on the left and that is called the Rock hole. I fish from a big old glitter sled and it can't get up there unless there is a lot of water. So I rarely fish above the Maiden Hole in my rig.
  14. At 654 I wouldn't even try to get to the Shoot in my boat. At 660 I think I could make the rock hole if I were careful down by the whistles.
  15. Better check the winds before you go. It is supposed to rock and roll this week and we don't need any more Stockton drownings.
  16. I only know of one place like that but it is in an area where you are not allowed to fish.
  17. Hootentown is above Galena on the James River.
  18. Those are the same temps I found. I couldn't get a jerkbait bite at all. The fish were up in the colored water for me on jigs and tubes.
  19. I'd be looking at a ride in one before I put any money down. I have never enjoyed the Nitro ride and the box tops seem flimzy to me. I think they look a lot better than they actually are.
  20. Just for my information, where do you find grass flats on Pom or Stockton. I have yet to see one.
  21. George has retired so ask for Brad.
  22. These rods are at Tim's Fly shop. Thanks thanks again Tim.
  23. Sorry since not much local concern, I am taking all of it to Tim at the fly shop at Roaring River.
  24. Call Dell at Aurora Canvas and ask him what to use.
  25. I'd use size 4 or 8 hooks on 1/16 and under jig heads if it were me.
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