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Everything posted by WHARFRAT

  1. Prairie Lake is low right now, that's why it looks like they cut vegatation around it. You can walk a boat in at Unger, you can't launch. Don't knock Simpson, I've caught some decent fish there, from crappie, bass, and sauger. Never fished Unger, but people tell me they catch crappie there. The same story for Creve Couer. Took my dog for a walk one time and saw some guy catching keeper size crappie out of one of the creeks at Creve Coeur Lake real close to the bridge. He was fishing from the bank. I know you can launch a boat there also. Does anybody know anything about Klondyke Lake just west of Weldon Springs?
  2. Prairie Lake is by the commuter parking lot @ 40 and 94. Good size lake. Did stop by Fire Lake a couple of weeks ago. Threw a little 1/16oz blk/chart, grub, did manage about a 13" bass, but nothing else. Walked up one of the paths and found a little pond surrounded by woods. It looked pretty low, and there was a wood duck box on it. Caught a bunch of little bass, nothing over 10". I did see a pretty good size carp in there. I think the last time I fished Prairie was when they used to close Busch's down for the winter, so that's been quite a few years ago. Might give it a walk around here soon.
  3. a couple of yrs ago, I struck up a conversation with someone at one of our state run duck parks. I think he said he was from Montgomery City, and he mainly Muskie fishes.. We talked about Busch's and he said a few years from this date, that he had caught more Muskie from lake 35 than any other lake in MO. If my memory serves me correctly, I think he had caught 18 that year. I do remember him saying he had one day where he had caught 5. I myself saw 3 this year. One, that somebody else caught, another that hit my fish I was bringing in, and saw a dead floater up close to the bank. 2 years ago, though I never saw it, I'm pretty sure I hooked one on a crankbait, close to the dam. Just the way it fought when I got it close to the boat. Snapped my line before I could see it.
  4. try Duck Creek for Pickerel
  5. As far as the Meramac goes, I never have really targeted Walleye, but I have caught them on numerous occasions, but not a lot at one time. When I go on the river, its usually between Castlewood and I44 near Fenton. Put in by the Ballparks on Marshall Rd. There are a few deep spots in that stretch and that's where they seem to come from. Like I said before, not a lot at one time. I think two is the most I hooked up on. No keepers, but would be great eater size if they'd let us keep them (13"). I think I've caught everyone trolling cranks behind the boat, I don't think I ever caught one there casting. From what people have told me, this is the time of the year to fish for them here.
  6. Drove to Grafton today in hopes of viewing some eagles, but only saw around 10 or so. But what I was astounded with was raft after raft of Canvasbacks on the Mississippi. Quite a few Goldeneyes too, with a few Mallards out and about. I have hunted the Mississippi since the early 70's (rarely hunt it anymore) and have never seen more than a fraction of Cans as what I saw today. The majority was on the Illinois side near Piasa Harbour. Some near Maple Island on the Missouri side, and saw a big bunch in some open water in the Alton Pool on the Missouri side. Not a whole lot of Canadas, but did see 8 big Trumpeters in a field by Wilkes which is next to Marais Temps Claire CA. Oh well, all we can do is view around here. Headin to Lock&dam 25 tomorrow to warm up my spinning reels. Good luck to you Southern zoners!!!!
  7. I was just wondering if anyone fishes any of the lakes in weldon springs besides all the ones in Busch Wildlife area. I used to fish Prairie Lake years and years ago. Never really did that well. Would like to put a little boat in there to fish but I don't think you can. I was just wondering about Fire Lake which is right before the turnoff for Buschs. There are also 4 or 5 smaller lakes and ponds near there. Also has anyone ever fished the sloughs by the Katie Trail access a couple miles down 94. I like to target crappie and panfish, not much for catfish or rough fish. I've walked into a couple of ponds near the lost valley trail with some success, but mainly sunfish, and a few small bass. Fire Lake kind of intrigues me, I duck hunted on there before and I know it drops off pretty quick from the bank, so I would think it would hold some decent fish, just not sure what kind. Those other lakes/ponds east of there seem dead. Not sure if it's worth the hike. Any info would be appreciated.
  8. there's a guy around Godfrey Il that is suppose to do real nice work. Brads Birds is his company. I think you can expect to spend 250-300 bucks, but waterfowl is suppose to be his specialty. Just google Brads Birds and it should go to his website.
  9. i generally start out catching crappie late winter/early spring and keep enough that will last me thru fall. It's not a whole lot, but maybe 5 or 6 small bags. after that, almost all my fishing is catch and release, until fall when I keep a few bags of fish for the winter time. Now I will keep a nice eater size walleye/sauger now and then, only because I enjoy the taste. White bass, no matter how low my freezer gets are always catch and release. LM bass,,,, i don't normally target them, but the only time I keep any is 1. they are the correct size limit, and 2. if they get gut hooked and I know they will die. I'll also keep a nice bag of gills to cook up fresh around the beginning of summer. Rarely do I keep catfish or any other rough fish. In a nutshell, if I'm not going to eat it, I won't keep it.
  10. Arctic front coming in Sunday night. We should have plenty of ducks in St.Louis area next week, and it won't be crowded either!
  11. check out the new st croix line of panfish rods. you should be able to find a real nice one, plus i think they are made in the good old USA.
  12. Seriously, if it was by itself, I doubt it was a swan. I'm more apt to think it was a white crane. They do fly low, kind of noisy and are usually loners. Swans are always at least in pairs, unless a hunter has mistaken one for a snow goose, which has happened, though I can't imagine someone not being able to tell the difference. I've also only witnessed swans in fields and shallow marsh conditions. Just from what I've observed, I don't think they are large bodies of water type birds, though I'm far from an expert.
  13. Rarely do you see a swan by itself. They to sort of honk like a Canada Goose, except it is a much lower, scratchier tone, and usually no where near as loud. They do fly with their feet straight back. Their feet and their bill are black and stand out quite a bit from its snowy white body. I've been observing swans for that last couple of years here around St. Louis and I have yet to see one flying by itself, unless someone made a big mistake if you know what I mean.
  14. I've always thought that lure scents are manufactured to catch more fishermen than fish. But as an avid crappie fisherman, I have found that the crappie nibs do make a difference. During the spawn it's really a waste, cause they'll hit a bare hook if you present it right. But when the going is tough, especially late winter up the pre-spawn, I really think its a game changer. I'll usually use them post spawn also with better success than without. Also, during the fall, I have real good success with the sparkle type. I've never really had great success with any spray on type attractant.
  15. Didn't have a whole lot of time, so I just fished from the north bank on lake 33. Started out promising, first two fish within a couple of minutes were between just over 10". But that was short lived. Fished the next hour and a half and only caught about 10 more. Only 1 other was just over 8", the others were typical lake 33 dinks. Pretty windy. Fishing a blk/chart slab buster jig, 1/16oz, with a nib. Most were caught on the outside of the brush in deeper water. Also caught of few bass, and a small channel cat. Might have done better in a boat, but would have got aggrevated with the wind.
  16. Just to let everyone know, if like in past years, this is generally the best time to find bigger crappie at Busch. Normally I fish lake 35, but, out of wanting to do something different, I fished 33 years back and where you generally catch one decent size crappie out of about 35-50, my odds got better. Last year and the previous year the weekend before duck season I fished 33 and kept a nice mess of 9-12" crappie, instead of a mess of 6-7 inchers. Fishing just like pre-spawn, I usually go to the north bank by boat and cast to the sunken brush and the bite comes on the outside of the brush. Depending on the wind, I'll fish no lighter than a 1/16oz jig. I normally dip with a 10 footer, but i've had better success casting here. Small fish closer to the banks, the bigger ones are deeper and on the outside of the brush piles. I hear the weather will be favorable this weekend. I'll probably start out at 35 like always, get frustrated, then go to 33. I did hear from a friend of mine that fished 34 the middle of this month and kept 9 crappie, 4 of them over 12". That's his go to lake for crappie, I've never really given it a good shot. I've always done good at 35 for size, and 33 for numbers. But for some reason, had my best luck near the end of Oct at 33 for size.
  17. Can't help you with the Gravois Arm, but was down all last week on the Big Niangua. Had to work hard everyday to catch my limit or close to it. The majority of fish came in the 2-6' range, dipping within or right on docks with brush. Best luck came on Docks in about 15-20' of water and had to have plenty of brush. I could count on one hand how many crappie I caught in open water. They just seemed to be relating to and only to brushy docks. Tried my deep (10-15') brush piles, but nothing but maybe a couple of dinks. Didn't use any live bait, just 2" curly tail, my own tied jigs, or slab buster jigs. 1/16 oz. Caught more dipping straight down than casting. Color seemed to be chart/blk, tried other colors, but this seemed to work more consistantly. Really like the slab busters. Also get some crappie nibs, really seemed to turn on to them. Had better luck with a good chop on the lake. Monday thru Wed of last week was calm and the bite was slower. Not much on size either, most were between 9" and pushing close to 11". Only a couple in the 12" range, nothing bigger. One last thing, I'm an early riser, and in reality I could have slept in an extra hour or two. It was really slow the first hour and a half, but got consistanly better afterwards. Hope that helps!
  18. Second that for fall bass. I like to run a white spinnerbate with a lg willowleaf silver blade just below the surface. Just so you can see a small wake. I generally have best luck near or between docks with a lot of chunk rock. And the great thing about fall fishing, you can be successful with this pattern all day long. I've caught almost every fish that swims there on this pattern. When its real windy and the shad get blown in, you can have a field day with whites and hybrids. Can't wait to get my butt down there.
  19. I crappie fish the lake quite a bit, and Saturday the third, I witnessed one boat catch a small muskie about 18" right off the bank, later that morning I was bringing in a small crappie and was about 6' from the boat when a very large muskie just destroyed this crappie. Cut the line real quick and there were no signs of the crappie, so I guess he got it. It was right in the middle of the lake, straight out from the boats. Also earlier that morning, I did see a pretty nice one under my boat while I was drifting. Before the one boat caught the small muskie, I saw a lot of activity near the shoreline, I thought it was either bass or carp. But when they made their cast, thats when they hooked the little guy. I don't know much about Muskie nt sure if thats normal or not. I'll stick with the specs, they fry up nice and tasty. Though I have ate pike, and they're pretty good too. 40" muskie could make a few good meals!!! lol
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