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Everything posted by troutfiend1985

  1. Laker, I appreciate the compliment. I hope that Bennett makes a turn around, although I would have to say the last trip I took there I caught 20+ fish, with about half being over 15' in 5 or 6 hours of fishing, give or take on these numbers because it's been a while. But, having said that I have heard from so many people about the quality of the fishery deteriorating that there must be something going on with the management. I personally prefer RR over Bennett as I have always done better there. But Bennett does have a lot of beauty. Hopefully they will figure it out and I can tell my kids about the "old days."
  2. Hey Dan, what type of fishing are you doing with these?
  3. So to jump in really late, the trout parks and wild streams are not comparable, and I think that if you honestly assessed these two that you would agree with me. And I'm not saying that lunkers in Bennett are stupid when compared to lunkers at little piney, what I'm saying is that you have to use different techniques for each of them. I've caught bigger fish on Blue Ribbon streams than trout parks, which tells you that I probably haven't figured out trout parks. It takes a different strategy to catch a lunker at roaring river than it does at crane, and rightfully so. Is a lunker from Bennett less of a lunker than one from a wild trout stream? Harldy so, a trout is a trout and to be honest, a lunker is a lunker. A blue ribbon trout is more spooky, harder to detect, and a lunker from Bennett has seen it all. So quit bashing each other. Now, why would we compare a winter urban program with a native trout stream/lake management? There is no sense in that. But, I have to state that but for the winter urban program that I would have never fished for trout. In KC, there just isn't anyway for a young person to experience a tug on the ultralight like that of a trout in winter. And to be quite honest, I love the winter months because of the stockings of trout. It reminds me of when I was a kid, before I had a child, before I was in law school and before I had to worry about what the future holds. To those people lucky enough to have their dads take them to Bennett when they were young, consider yourself blessed. My dad never fished, and if he did take me to a lake it was for less than a half hour. I have memories in these trout ponds in the same way a person with a person with a fishing family has with trout parks. I've since focused on wild trout, but this IMO does not discount trout parks or the winter program. I love those winter trout fishing days because it represents a different a different type of fishing than what I am used to. Do these trout that are stocked in lakes bite on flies, you bet they do. But they are in no way a native trout, and that is not what the program is set up for. However I would like to say that most of the difference between a native trout and a wild trout is the emotional attachment that we as anglers place upon them.
  4. Good stuff that you are doing with the kids. That is something that our society definitely needs more of.
  5. Got me, I'm not selling it to anyone merely only posting it as information. I know that it isn't furled(the guy on the video calls them furled), but I really have no clue as to a material difference between a spun leader and a furled leader. I would suppose the purpose of a spun mono leader would be the same of any leader in that they serve as a connection between the fly line and fly itself. However I gather that maybe you're meaning advantages? If so I would have no legitimate answer to as I have not tested them in real fishing, but merely testing one outside on an 8 weight. I do know that the leaders I've made in this manner are very limp and seem to be able to turn over a popper quite well in the backyard.
  6. I've already made a few. Haven't had a chance to try it yet. Looks like it would work for me, esecially bass fishing on the fly rod. Let you know when I try it.
  7. I've watched this guys video a few times, and have tried it myself. It seems that these leaders could work pretty well, and it would be something you could do in case of snapping a leader off without a replacement. What do you guys think?
  8. Justin I don't know what you could have done in that situation, on the one hand you could release the fish and if it dies, wanton waste, or keep it and fall short of the legal length? Never heard of wanton waste before in my life. Glad nothing happened though.
  9. I really think that you should research what communism really is if you're going to make these type of statements. What you have seen in China and the USSR is not necessarily what communism is supposed to be. The main problem with all of the nations that are communist, or have been communist, is that the have looked to this political theory in order to save a crippled nation. However, the theory was based upon taking a nation that was already strong economically, but economically uneven, and dispersing wealth. What the world has seen is the cart before the horse, and that's just not going to work. You make these broad statements, communist countries don't care about their people, and Democratic Republics do? I think that you will find that the more you understand these concepts, the more you'll realize that in general people, as oppose to a generalized political theory, don't care about each other. And anyways, don't most governments restrict the liberty of their citizens with the rhetoric of protecting the population? And if you are talking about FDR, the politics of that time, and why this change happened. I know that you may be against FDR, but the time of FDR the Federal Government couldn't enforce a minimum wage because of the strength the supreme court placed on the contracts clause. See the Lochner case, and read about the switch in time that saved nine. FDR was in no way a dictator, but he was in a situation, both economically and politically that we have never seen before and hopefully never see again. And pointing to a president in today’s US with comparisons to FDR is a hoax. There is no way to compare these two people muddy because the situations are not the same. And I'm not sure what a president, constitutionally speaking, can do to affect the situation. It is simply not inside the powers granted to the president by the Constitution. Point to your local government and congress. Guys bashing bush can point to congress as well as they are the people who passed the Patriot Act, and congress had the power to veto the war in Iraq but chose not to do so. That ends my rant for tonight
  10. Are you sure you know what communism is? I'm not trying to preach to you, or read you the manifesto, but communism is a little bit more than a bunch of old dogs sitting in the house on the hill. I really think what you are more likely trying to get at is dictatorships don't care about people, and to that you would be somewhat correct. By default, all communist nations thus far have been dictatorships, but that is not necessarily vital to a communist political system. One dead give away to a communist nation is the lack of private personal property, and no religion. Those two along with labor requirements. But I guarantee you that even if some of the remains to the communist USSR days are intact that Russia is not a communist nation(although they might wish that they were). Maybe I'm getting off on a tangent of my own here, but I really think that blanket statements such as those are out of line in today's information rich world. And let me put in a disclaimer, I'm not a communist, if I were I would not be attempting law school as that would not make fiscal sense.
  11. Oh I agree with you, but its a law that is needed because people are dishonest. I think that it's a tragedy to have to essentially waste a fish, no matter the size of it. Unfortunatley, people other than you and I would take advantage of a law that incorporated such conditions as survival of the fish.
  12. Sorry I was late to this party. Cabelas is a decent brand, I have two of their rods and no complaints. But, for the line you will probably want to get some better stuff quickly, especially if you're planning on using poppers and heavier wind resistant flies. My girl started out with cabelas lines because it was included in the same outfit and it was a struggle. If it were up to me, I would put line up with a rod as far as importance for a beginner. Nothing spells frustration/I'm giving up flyfishing because its too hard, like a fly line that sticks like glue and floats like a rock.
  13. I should try that on my girlfriend Just joking, but I'm amazed that she hasn't hooked herself more.
  14. You'd think that the filming company would start reducing what they allow him to do. I couldn't believe some of that happened, stepping on a hook because he's barefoot, breaking three rods while the camera man was trying to stop him, the fan and the rod. Grief. I guess it just goes to show that you don't have to be attentive to catch fish.
  15. You guys probably got it harder than Topeka. We have about 8-10 inches out here. I know that my girlfriend in KC tells me there is a solid 14' everywhere, and in some places there are 4 foot snow drifts. No school tomorrow. Yester(tuesday) was my first snow day since high school. Be safe out there
  16. What do you mean by this, and what does communism have to do with the US?
  17. What about a Loomis Venture? I've had one for a few years now, its taken a pounding and has a very nice smooth drag to it. 100$, a little heavy but that's never really bothered me.
  18. I would cancel the second order, leave him a message that is explaining why you are doing so. Then I would be a little more aggressive with the person as to what is going on, ask him what is going on, when he expects shipment and so. . . Sometimes a little proding is not a bad thing. It could also be that the guy is legit, and is having problems either with health or supplies. Just my .02
  19. Oh, there's bad ones in every crowd. But I do agree, the holier than thou attitude is annoying.
  20. I know that, but I'm reffering to his peers. May be a monday morning quarterback move, but I do remember a lot of people crying foul about the desgn structure of that building. No need to split hairs though as I know where you are coming from.
  21. Really, because I've heard that the twin towers were actually built poorly and highly criticized by engineers at the time of their construction. But I could always be misinformed. I do have a question, does anyone here go fishing? It seems that this is a very hot topic, and one to which there is no perfect answer. So, usually people either drink beer or tie flies in the winter, but it seems that we would rather poke fun at the peeing contest(including myself). I don't know, and really I don't think anyone knows what the hell is going on with the earth. My local weather forecaster couldn't even get todays weather right. But still, it's about time to get rid of this tick that is the middle east, and switch to a resource that the US has. Whether it be wind, solar, cow farts, I don't care. I'm 25, and I know that by the time I'm 40 gas is going to be extremely expensive. And no change can come easily, so we might as well get going now. Until then, I think I'm going to start tying midges, probably sz 32. I always here Ducky talking about these. . . Be safe today,
  22. OTF I know how you feel. But I think that law is there to prevent people from saying they hooked a trout deeply in the gills and use it as an excuse to keep fish. Also, as Al said, there is a chance that they will survive, just get them in the water as quick as possible.
  23. How much are you wanting to spend? And what are you going to use it for?
  24. Fly tyer, this may e a problem that the political system won't be willing to solve, so then you go out and find another route to get there. There is a lot of money in this area, so that means a lot of money can be gained. So the problem may not be people like me, it may be that the investment is not worth the risk, or another business area is more appealing as of right now. Asking the government to do this for the citizens won't happen, its going to need to be businesses going to the people. You are placing too much value in the political process on this one, and not enough value in the economy. And Eric I agree that lobbyists are the scum of the earth(and this is coming from a future lawyer ) But in this instance, there has to be a business move, a company willing to take on this market. And there are going to have to be investors, once you get these established, then the option of renewable energy has promise. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/03/22/tech/main6321633.shtml Check out this link. I think the big thing is one side has its feet stuck in the mud and won't budge, and the other side wants an all out change and is ready to fly to the moon. The real middle is that this change, if its going to happen, needs to start off in the small towns were there isn't alot of competition and where the money needed to invest will be less. So more moves like little towns in Oregon taking advantage of geothermal energy makes sense, and then you start building up.
  25. Ah!! Get your gun its threatening us Just kidding, Nice pic.
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