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Jim: NE/OK

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Everything posted by Jim: NE/OK

  1. Your float sounds like one of those super good trips: good people, good fishing and good weather. May I ask, how do you make a blue cheesburger bomb? I've never heard of it. Jim
  2. Even though I live in Tulsa, I've belonged to the Mo. Smallmouth Alliance for sereral years only to support their very active efforts to promote and protect the smallmouth population in Mo. streams. Also, I fish the Elk, James and Gascanade often. When they had their annual fishing "get together" on the James, my son and I attended. I was very, very impressed with the membership and their efferts on behalf of smallmouth fishing. Even though I may not make all the weekday meetings, a SW chapter gets my full support. I could attend every stream "get together" like the eastern MO. group does on a regualar basis. Some things they do as a group is clean up streams and acces areas, group fish to lessen "spots" when they overwhelm a smallmouth stream, or to just group camp/fish. Their meetings have guest speakers by the state game commission and other speakers closely connected to smallmouth fishing. I might add, they work very closely with the state game officials. Jim
  3. RS won't work for me either, must be them (again). It's nice to know your still kicking up there. Jim (OKbrownie on RS)
  4. OK! OK! Enough with the chit chat. How was the fishing? LOL Jim
  5. Shimano has received a bad rep for binding on the fishing web sites for years now. However, "they say" it doesn't happen on the less expensive reels. I've used the $60 Spirex's for several years without a problem. I've been in rain, dunked them and even retrieved one from a stream bed two weeks after capsizing my canoe in high water, and it still works fine (after cleaning). Jim
  6. Thanks for sharing your great pictures! I didn't count, but it appeared you had a different yak for each trip. Did you carry all your gear, chair and all, in your yak? Jim
  7. I plan fish with you guys, but it will be mid to late summer before my wife is up and around again. You all are "really good people" and it's a pleasure to fish with you. Jim
  8. I probably will not get to go since my wife is recovering from (4) back surgarys and scheduled again 6/6/07. I spent Jan, Feb and 1/2 of Mar. in Columbia, Mo. where my wife had her operations. (3) rods, two about 20" long. She is basicaly bedridden except for toilet, etc. I'm the nurse, maid, cook, yard man and still work at least half days since being home. I have to miss the Mo. Alliance rodeo 5/19-20 also. I'll still be listening, just in case I can get her daughter to fly in for 2-3 days. I miss joking and fishing with you guys. Jim
  9. I had a good Christmas and hope you all did too. Hope to see all in the spring. I think about winter fishing, but that's all I do, think about it. I'm a woos even thinking about cold weather fishing. Maybe by late Jan I'll break down and go. Jim
  10. Bob, it appears that you have become one of THE Buffalo River fishing and camping experts. Your reports are great and informative. Have you found a pattern that worked on most days and most sections (lures)? With all that camping, were you pitching your tent or crawling into your truck? You didn't mess with my girl friend did you? Jim
  11. I had sweat w/sun lotion in my eyes, but I think my big fish measured about 17-18" or thereabouts (a very, very liberal therabouts). We saw plenty of deer, wild turkeys and a bald eagle (still here). The river water was just plain hot the first day and thereafter it was semi pleasent to get into. The air temp was about the same, so there must have been some springs cooling it down. Exiting at Riley's Station, across amd slightly down the White river was a "piece of cake", instead of working hard to go upstream in the strong current to Buffalo City. Riley's shuttled us in Wayne's Victory to Rush Landing, helped us unload and let us park both vehicals at his resort, for a very fair $60. www.rileysstation.com or rileysstation@centurytel.net or 1-888-533-2151. Rily liked Wayne's canoe so Wayne just up and sold it to him (this float was the maiden voyage for the canoe). I still prefer one base camp instead of pitching and breaking camp every day for several days, unless the fishing is really, really good. Jim
  12. I was told that one could lay the line out on grass and VERY SLOWLY wind it back. I tried this two weeks ago and it seems to work. This allows me to get the lines uncoiled before going fishing. Jim
  13. We are thinking about using one of these as a takeout after floating the lower Buf. river. Are they really usable, lighting, good access, etc.? Would a vehicle be safe if left for several days? Any info is appreciated. Jim
  14. I'm a Riversmallie guy moving to this site. I was known as OKbrownie at RS. I'm a canoeist that fishes (catch & release) for smallies in various Ozark watersheds in MO, AR & OK. I already know and fish with some great guys in the area.
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