I had sweat w/sun lotion in my eyes, but I think my big fish measured about 17-18" or thereabouts (a very, very liberal therabouts).
We saw plenty of deer, wild turkeys and a bald eagle (still here). The river water was just plain hot the first day and thereafter it was semi pleasent to get into. The air temp was about the same, so there must have been some springs cooling it down.
Exiting at Riley's Station, across amd slightly down the White river was a "piece of cake", instead of working hard to go upstream in the strong current to Buffalo City. Riley's shuttled us in Wayne's Victory to Rush Landing, helped us unload and let us park both vehicals at his resort, for a very fair $60. www.rileysstation.com or rileysstation@centurytel.net or 1-888-533-2151.
Rily liked Wayne's canoe so Wayne just up and sold it to him (this float was the maiden voyage for the canoe).
I still prefer one base camp instead of pitching and breaking camp every day for several days, unless the fishing is really, really good.