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Checkered Madtom

Checkered Madtom (15/89)



  1. Been 2 years since I looked but Sam's an Academy Sports had the best prices when I last bought.
  2. Glad you got out, some catfish an taters will make you sleep good tonight.
  3. That's a beauty congrats.
  4. I wish that size of bluegill was more common I'd rather eat them instead of crappie.
  5. Wow, I need to go fishing.
  6. Those are nice lm out.........I went today and my 4 keeps together probably weigh less than your big one. Good job
  7. Don't feel bad I fished longer than that for one crappie yesterday.
  8. There was a post on another forum that said the State Park was still closed that post was yesterday, this weekend ??????? Best bet is to call.
  9. Sorry about that, but mowing is bound to slow down if you check back on an off maybe you can find some not ravaged by them 500lb squirrels.
  10. You can drive your boat from Mutton just go to Little Sac arm an turn right.................around Maze creek and east I'd say the CR area starts but I think you would use less gas if you just drove to CR with your truck.
  11. There was 2 or 3 of those in the retention ponds behind the Walmart on Campbell an Walnutlawn don't know if there still there.
  12. My guess is it's Stockton and most of those fish weren't keepers an sometimes things just go right, lmt an family had a good day. Can anybody do this everyday on Stockton no, not even guides. Bob has always been helpful in his reports which he does not have to do. When you get the depth an what their biting on that eliminates 90% of water an baits, it doesn't get any better than that...maybe GPS coordinates
  13. Thanks for the report, it's been a good year.
  14. That's a hoss
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