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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. OK, I’ll make a deal with all you liberals… If terrier man resigns as moderator, I will never come on this forum ever again… You guys don’t bother me in the least. I love you all even though many of you are misguided.
  2. Maybe 90% but that will change in early November…Kamala’s VP pick might as well be a member of the squad. Good for us.
  3. yeah, I’m such a huge problem… People start crying and have to go to their safe place! Most people on this forum agree with me and are just quiet about it! 😂
  4. I have a lot of liberal friends too, I fish with them all the time. Phil is a great human being, But I would like to see him stand up for what he believes.
  5. Phil is a good man and can answer his own questions with the guard dogs protecting him. The only reason you can’t tolerate “People like you” is because we disagree with your political BS
  6. The party of kindness and tolerance
  7. Bottom line @Phil Lilley who are you voting for president in 2024? Don’t care which news opinion guy you listen to.
  8. your true colors came forth tonight Nessie, I always knew but others didn’t until now.
  9. The economy is good.? Retard you call yourself a banker?
  10. Poor Ness, as lost his marbles and is trying to blame others. Go away
  11. Please both of you just go
  12. My kids get great guidance every day. I’m not angry at all, never have been. I see the way our country is headed and I fear for their future. I don’t want them ending up as lab rats for the elites. I don’t want them watching the Paris Olympics opening ceremony and think that’s cool. If you sit back and let this happen without saying anything or standing up, then your pacifism will ruin everything we stand for. ps. You still didn’t answer my question
  13. What have and Harris done for our country?
  14. Turn off MSNBC….you’re completely delusional. Plus your never answered my question about Biden! 😂😂
  15. You and Terrierman both have ego problems. Power/control issues. It’s easy to look the other way and keep scrolling but you need to be in control of your cooking, gardening, and other non fishing related crap. That’s about as interesting as a small noise at the end of a parade.
  16. Dude you’re delusional. You’ve been divorced too, just as I have. But your kids, my kids and Trumps kids are much better people than the coke snorter….how your kids turn out says a lot about you. Trump got great Supreme Court judges in place and had a great border policy but he wasn’t able to build a wall even though the wall cost much less than most give away programs. Biden has let more in than the amount of children born in the USA last year. A debacle of an Afghanistan withdrawal, horrible inflation, cabinet pics based on DEI instead of qualifications….Can you tell me one thing Biden and Harris have actually accomplished?
  17. Please stop cursing… I’m offended, appalled, and a bunch of other stuff
  18. Don’t quit your day job
  19. sad but true
  20. People can deny it all they want, sadly it’s true and will continue to worse. The border is completely out of control.
  21. Well I’ve also watch local country folks shoot smallmouth off the nest with a bow and arrow last year. So I get what you’re saying. Just go take a float on the Huzzah now and you’ll observe it for yourself.
  22. they can teach you how to use a spear! And how to get across the border.
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