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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Why is it inaccurate? NPR is facing backlash for this https://www.rt.com/usa/491089-decolonize-bookshelf-white-america-racist/
  2. The problem is you need a 2-3.5 K tolling motor to go with it. The Garmin Force alone Is $3,200
  3. @nomolites From National Public Radio https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/npr-says-white-people-need-to-cleanse-their-bookshelves-of-white-authors-op-ed/
  4. Because skin color is the new political creed… It’s all about identity politics now
  5. Same set of rules like Affirmative Action?
  6. In the end Race relations will be worse not better. In their feeble posterior kissing attempts to be PC and woke, we are opening the door to more violence. Wait and see. And all of the virtue signalers will go to bed feeling better Themselves and about the fake BS they created. All is well!
  7. I’m just trying to get a visual😂 you’re way too nice!
  8. Well heck yea! 😂
  9. I don’t think so, he’s an LOZ regular
  10. I don’t attend protests, but based on all the reports I’ve heard from eye witness accounts, about 10-15% are rabble rousers. Question: Do you consider looting part of their protests, or do you put that in a different category?
  11. These guys caught over 100 pounds of bass on 4 consecutive tournaments at Pomme De Terre...Pretty unbelievable. One of the guys, Rick, Owns a business called Graphmasters, teaching people how to read these latest technology graphs. His skills at reading a graph are apparent. I guess the right depth and time of year helps folks to use the graph to its fullest extent. This kind of technology, if used correctly is (and I hate to use the term) a Game changer.
  12. Talk about deflecting....you never answered my question. Where did you get the 1%? if it’s just a guess, you’re not good at guessing
  13. Typical Antifa story...
  14. Where did you come up with 1%? If protesters aren’t playing by the rules they deserve it. If you read the last sentence of the first amendment pic I posted you will see that officials set the rules of protest as long as they do so in the confines of the constitution.
  15. Because you’ve never met one doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Go to Seattle and see the reality for yourself
  16. Wrong
  17. So the end result is the city is burned to a crisp, tens of millions of dollars in property damage and I’m putting all protesters in the same category. Let’s get real. Antifa backed all these guys. Delivering stacks of bricks, instigating, etc. So less than one percent of cops are bad according to the studies. What percentage of protesters are bad?
  18. These specific examples you give are cherry picked. Many studies, even from Harvard show zero police bias toward blacks.
  19. Umm yeah......burning, looting, destroying all businesses in their own neighborhoods. Get a grip
  20. This is exactly the Democratic Party since Trump beat Hillary.
  21. 3 arc minutes = .01” per foot= about 10” in 300 yards. I could do better with a tight string. 😊
  22. I get what you’re saying Gavin. Keep in mind he’s a counter puncher and doesn’t throw the first punch. I don’t like it either, especially the tweeting, but he usually just responding to people who call him Hitler or want him to die by injecting him with air. So I guess a guy with dementia is your answer?
  23. Gosh I said I wasn’t going to get into this again... I’m convinced the reason most people hate Trump is his personality. Yep, pretty bad, pretty much acting like a spoiled child sometimes, And also the tweeting sucks. I get why people hate all of that. I’m the first to admit I wanted Ted Cruz to be President. And to respond to your statement, I would’ve voted for a duck if it was running against Hillary. So you are saying he hasn’t accomplished anything. My question to all is when has he had time to do it?? It’s non stop Russian collusion, impeachment, edited videos from the press to make him look bad, etc. Ps. At least he got a good Supreme Court Judge in there, more than I can say for the Bush’s
  24. Here’s a first attempt with my GoPro trying to look under a rootwad. If you know the place, this is the big rootwad right at the take out.
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