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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Xi Jinping’s “Chinese Dream” is nothing more than a make China great again program much like Trumps make America great again. He has visions of being the new Mao. More government control, which means more “Retraining” camps, less access to information and news, more control over corporations, more control of monetary policy, more control of individual land and infrastructure...in general, the exact opposite of what you and I are used to. No propaganda with these statements, it’s really happening. My wife had never even heard about the Tiananeman square massacre until she moved to the US.
  2. I agree, but a government organizations “official response” statements are very generic at best. My intention was for people to watch and make up their own minds.
  3. Not sure it was created for malicious reasons but I’m thinking it was created in a lab.
  4. Mitch f


    Sounds great
  5. It’s seeming more obvious every day that this virus was not natural and was created in a lab.
  6. Your best post ever!
  7. Dutch, you taught me this and it worked famously! I’ll never buy a weedless mold anymore... only possibly if I’m using a fiber weedguard, which will never happen! 😂😂
  8. Cutting edge Ness!! Always 2-3 steps ahead!😂
  9. Mitch f


    So does anyone have a better recipe for Asparagus? I’m so tired of the old Olive Oil, salt and pepper and throw it in the oven at 375 deal. the other thing that grips me about Asparagus is the old “break off the hard end” part. It’s a huge waste of Aparagus IMHO.
  10. So One Shot has mutated. Or maybe he has a clone to go to work for him and he stays at home and collects the money. Very clever! 😂
  11. Well if the news was all unbiased then it would definitely help us as a society to know something we didn’t know existed and we could make up our own minds!
  12. So give us your opinion of where the virus came from, oh intelligent one! (Tee hee)
  13. Interesting about the owner hook corrosion. I’ve always considered owner the best hook in the market. They did have one model...their Super Needle Point that failed me though. All their other hooks I consider the best.
  14. Try this, it’s a 5 part story worth watching
  15. It still works on my end
  16. I figure any man than can create a popper this good has got to have his financial house in order!!😂
  17. Same crap at my house
  18. No worries, @BilletHead starts fires 🔥 in his fireplace with $100 dollar bills! 😂
  19. Not for kids
  20. Took a break from the Covid and took them on a little family fun trip today.
  21. https://theoldschoolpatriot.com/coronavirus-something-stinks/
  22. My fathers old farm house was the same way. Many a time when I was a kid, we would drive by and pull over. My dad would just stare. Heartbreaking. It reminds me of the song Coal Miners daughter. “Not much left but the floor, nothing lives here anymore, but the memory of a coal miners daughter” hang in there buddy!
  23. Hey, I’m a believer in God. As @ness says once more.... and that’s all I’ve got to say about that!
  24. I agree. But lately with some of the ruthless stuff being done in politics, I wouldn’t put it past some of these idiots.
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