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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. With that in mind, here’s some fitting words speaking to all those fly fishermen hitting blue springs creek! 😂😂 just jacking with you of course!
  2. Plagerism on my part
  3. This was taken in my back yard a couple of years ago. I’m not gonna tell you what happens next, but my 6 year old thought they were dancing!
  4. Love is never having to say you’re sorry.
  5. Don’t know if any of you have seen this: Elon Musk from Tesla hyping his new indestructible bullet proof truck. Tried to demonstrate the shatterproof glass. Well, things went wrong! I’m trying to figure out is he really that stupid, or is this strictly for media attention. Apparently Tesla stock price took a nose dive after this. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-11-22/tesla-ceo-elon-musk-unveils-long-awaited-electric-powered-pickup?utm_source=url_link
  6. My house is sometimes more stressful and chaotic than D-Day 😂
  7. Just part of the Euro narrative about still being pissed off because the people who left one upped everyone else.
  8. Too late! this is BS
  9. Post the link
  10. I think you’re dead right
  11. Saw this on FB today. I’m just wondering if this went down like the guy claims. Seems funny a Bobcat would be that aggressive, but I could be wrong.
  12. The only time you get any!😂😂
  13. Same thing goes for those Dare Devils MF’s (Insert Mitch Fields or Massey Ferguson here) who do those extreme sports and need to get helicoptered out of a mountainside and risking the lives of others. Make them pay big time!
  14. https://www.myleaderpaper.com/news/police_fire/man-calls-after-driving-jeep-into-big-river-getting-stuck/article_edad95a2-0a4f-11ea-a325-b389d689993a.html#utm_campaign=blox&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social
  15. Capitalism is free VOLUNTARY trading. It’s not evil. The only reason retailers have sales is about supply and demand.
  16. Hey Paul, I remember another opening day of deer season on the Osage!😂 I’m sure you remember!
  17. My wife’s family are so excited about Black Friday that they all go ape shot. They are so jazzed and smiling that i guarantee that it’s super enjoyable for them. Their whole culture revolves around money....saving money, coupons, free stuff, etc. it’s hard for me to fathom sometimes, but I get used to it. I’ve attached a few Black Friday stats
  18. To me the Irony is Thanksgiving....we are praying to be grateful for what we have, then the next day we get up early to stand in line at a retailer for mega sales. But I guess we’re kind of saying the same thing
  19. Dang I just ate 2 limits of ducks, next batch I’ll save them
  20. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I did separate them....you’re looking at the point!
  21. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    The Payoff....melted in your mouth
  22. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Fish burger looks fantastic
  23. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Da beans and cilantro casserole ya mean?
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