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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Yea, if they made the penalty swift and severe enough maybe they wouldn't risk it.
  2. With todays Telemetry technology there no reason why folks back at Tournament central couldn't see that boat # 15 just weighed in a 2.835 pound bass and document the place an time. Maybe a signal acknowledgement from both contestant and Tourney officials.
  3. How about starting a new trend where you take a pic with a scale reading and release the fish. People won't like it, but something needs to be done. This kind of stuff drives me crazy. Thanks for your response and appreciate your concern sir.
  4. Great news!, shows the importance of regular check ups and screenings to detect things early enough to nip it quickly.
  5. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    This was Ness and I back in the day, enjoying Gourmet offerings. Ness's date was known as "Easy Rider".
  6. Was that the same stretch we floated last year?
  7. Well, I do agree with you that this slow glass rod stuff is way over blown. I hope I never have to fish a glass rod anymore.
  8. The amount of pressure you put in a fish should be determined by the size of the hook you're using, and the line diameter/strength. Even if you could throw it, Who would use a Med Heavy fast tip rod with a beetle spin? Trebles are just smaller hooks and don't need all that pressure.
  9. No, what I meant was guys who have the time to build their biceps are the ones who aren't working for a living like you and me.
  10. And to add add to this.....bicep curls are for guys who aren't tired enough after doing a full day's work! ??
  11. Very well done!
  12. Great report Al, I love your posts!
  13. Timinmo just posted this on FB????
  14. Just go to any Walmart parking lot or grocery store parking lot and see the empty carts everywhere, no where near the cart rack. Because it's 60 feet out of the way, they won't take the time to do the right thing. My pet peeve
  15. Rumor has it you posted a picture of a huge smallmouth on Facebook… Any truth to that rumor?
  16. Cottonmouth looks cool! Nice big hybrid!
  17. I've heard that 25 species are dying off every day, Pathogens are mean
  18. Hey, I dated a girl in Saddle Brook?
  19. Don't be late for lunch!
  20. Very nice!
  21. Or Freshwater Drum if you're a redneck and "Sheeps Head" if your a darn Yankee
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