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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. That's exactly where I went, Rough Rock lake close to Big and Little Sand Lakes
  2. That's exactly where I went, Rough Rock lake claw to Big and Little Sand Lakes
  3. Don't tell me that?
  4. Stick it up your telson!!?
  5. In my opinion, the contrast in colors makes it look more like a real critter
  6. I fished the Winnipeg River chain lakes up by Kenora for roughly 10 years. We had to use 5/8 oz jigs to get to the bottom because of the current. Didn't have trouble getting hung up so much, our biggest problem was the yellow perch stealing the baits. We started out with live minnows to catch just enough walleye for shore lunch, then cast for muskies the rest of the day. Funny thing about the perch, The local Indians called the perch bait stealers and if caught one they would stick their thumb in their mouth and break their necks and toss them out. Out of nowhere an eagle would come up and snatch it.
  7. I would love it if my daughter dates a guy with a Ranger boat, when she's 21. ?
  8. Yep, I always think the contrast is what catches the fishes attention. The biggest color items missing in most skirts is that gap of color/contrast between the rostrum and the carapace in front, and the carapace and abdomen in middle. In other words there is a light patch in the middle that no one seems to duplica correctly.
  9. Poor Mary, I feel for her. Nothing like feeling horrible.
  10. I just look at these high water moments as opportunities for large fish.
  11. You bring up a good point Daryk, I'm coming from a stream/smaller river mindset, reservoirs are very different.
  12. Have you tried to fish the hybrids like Yozuri or P-Line?
  13. My .2 cents... Jig trailers are either one of 2 kinds, a "Get their attention" flapping type with a lot of movement, or a do nothing finesse type. They both work great under the right conditions. When the bite is off, they dont want all that flapping around. Another thing regarding the skirts, one of the best selling LOZ jigs (especially winter time) from what ive heard recently has been a very sparsely tied skirt with only about 16 strands. How many jigs has a big bass seen in his life? to me they all look the same...try something a little different and fish slower and youll catch the biggest fish.
  14. You just have to dodge the golf balls!
  15. Very good advice
  16. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

  17. A think there's a songwriter in the making!
  18. Thats ok, I hear you. Im a measuring guy for a living...Ive never compared them, but I love my Hawg Trough, the cupped surface keeps the fish straighter too. As far as an "inch for inch" thing, I use the ole mm/inch lost in conversion tactic on my wife!
  19. Hog Wally took some pics of some nice specimens today. The second and last picture shows her babies attached.
  20. Lets look at it a different way Champ. If I asked you to give locations to guys (lake locations, what sections, and structure) that you knew were meat hunters, based on your past posts, you would surely say no. I totally agree with you and would say no too. You then think about the amount of people who participate in this forum, either by contributing or just sitting back and reading. My question to you is Champ, how many people do you think are finding out information and would fillet as many fish as they can? How many thousands of log-ins per day? the answer is no one knows how powerful the internet really is. 10 years from now someone can log in and find out what im saying with about 5 minutes of searching. I love Bill Babler, he's a great inpiration to all who come to this forum, im just trying to be careful to protect our beloved fisheries.
  21. Sorry, I didnt mean to be so blunt, However if the gentleman who was nice enough to post this great trip he had would have wanted to tell us, he wouldve. If Bill wants to give out the information, thats great. Thanks Bill
  22. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Dang, that was my second guess
  23. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Ricotta Overload!
  24. I wouldn't post any specifics unless you care if the whole world knows.
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