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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Thanks Tim McCarver!
  2. It's all good Brian
  3. I was pointing out how ridiculous their argument was....thought you would've caught it?
  4. Interesting, because the tagging study I've seen from the MDC stated that around 40-50% of the fish that were released in the study got turned back in for cash. I guess shocking a fish and sticking a barb in its back isn't as bad as hooking him.
  5. Or gig it!
  6. Good wind can sometimes improve the bite for bass fishermen. Other than the casting, is it not good for trout fishing? Never heard of this.
  7. Good question, I know Cowtown (a boat dealer) has sponsored gigging tourneys on the Gasconade. Not sure about resorts. I found a link:
  8. Yep, I'm thinking the most important decision a pro could make is when to leave an area, and when to stay.
  9. Got the response back from the MDC...I'll stick by my original statement, if a guy gigs a bass accidentally, and throws it back, he wouldnt get a ticket even if an MDC agent is in the boat.
  10. BTW yes, my little one is as sweet and happy as it gets most of the time. But like all kids, she has her drama moments!
  11. No, the signature picture is my 6 year old, here's a couple of pics. Yesterday at Cracker Barrel they had a short moment of cooperation between sisters. Even though the young one refused to remove the fake tattoo from her face. The other pic is my wife and 14 year old daughter at the Blues game the other night.
  12. Yes, ice cream seems to be the great problem solver. Everyone can just forget about their issues so quickly.
  13. Yes! Including my female dog, it will be 5 to 1 around May 10th.
  14. Just wanted to spread my joy with the world. My 14 year old daughter has learned everything virtually overnight! She always has a quick and well thought out response to all of our questions! I can't be happier. Of course she shouldn't be forced to do any meaningless, un-logical tasks that we ask her to do, just doesn't make sense to her anymore......and rightly so, because with her supreme intelligence, it's really just a waste of time. feeling jazzed right now!!?
  15. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Cracker Barrel , I just found out I'm just plain dumb......at least I'm not an "Eg-No-RA-MOOSE!"
  16. I bought a couple of their jerkbaits 7/8 years ago at Trader Bills in Hot Springs and broke off the bills on both of them in the first 30 minutes, so much for my Ouachita trip. I never bought another product form Excaliber from that point on.
  17. Mitch f

    Proud Pop

    She won!!
  18. Pretty awesome video, many different camera angles, including an underwater shot. I bet all those took a while!
  19. Mitch f

    Proud Pop

  20. Bill, you need a River Pro Jet, you won't even need to consider which side of the channel is best and you can still do 45-50 mph with Clients on Table Rock.
  21. The fish was placed in the aquarium until it went to its final destination at the Bass Pro aquarium in Lees Summit, MO
  22. I know a guy who caught a 20"+ smallmouth and put it in his 50 gallon aquarium. Within a few minutes it was gobbling up all the goldfish!!?
  23. Mitch f


    I put the Drunker next to the Megabass and did the shake test. Pretty similar low end rattles, but the Megabass seems to have an additional higher pitched rattle that the Drunker doesn't have. The Drunker wins the prize for being closer to the original Wart sound.
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