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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Wow, what a pig! When you broke 20" you did it in style!!!! Congratulations!!
  2. I brought this point up a while back....both data collection and interpretation are totally subjective.
  3. I would sure hope this is an isolated case of perversion and not part of the normal curriculum....common core or not. You're absolutely correct on the unwed mother thing, and lack of parental teaching. My reaction to this kind of thing stems from my protection instincts for my little girl. I waited many years for her and didn't have her until I was 48 years old. I admit I'm overly protective of her.
  4. Ha, I hear ya.......I tried to verify by Snopes and it wasn't on there. so I looked it up by several other sources. But you can see the 6th grade boys are into it.
  5. I'll admit, I have it pretty good right now....business is going good and for me things are looking up regardless of the overall economy. I also consider myself extremely fortunate to be born in this country. I know that most people in foreign countries still strive to be American citizens. Moral compass meaning North as a true standard, our standards are lowering every day. I firmly believe it will have a negative effect on this country. I'm not trying to be all "Westboro" on you but the moral decline CANT be any good in this country when this happens: http://www.secretsofthefed.com/parents-common-core-teaching-11-year-old-nsfw/ This chic has more Snap-On Tools than a Detroit auto repair facility...I'm not posting the pics on here because of what you will see. Remember, this is not a J-Lo or Madonna video, its a PUBLIC SCHOOL system sex education class for 6th graders. Paid for by tax dollars. I don't believe you would want your niece or nephew seeing this in your public school system.
  6. The USA is very much in decline...similar to the Roman Empire, we have no moral compass anymore.
  7. Holy Toledo !!!!!! Fish of a lifetime! What kind of lure/bait was he using?
  8. Well, caught dinks up to 15" all day long on cranks in current. Caught 3 in a row on my craw in deeper rock piles. Scott caught the biggest 15" smallmouth on topwater but other than that the topwater bite was non existent.
  9. Great job Gavin!
  10. Let's hope you're right! You're the second who said this
  11. BTW, I can distinctly remember where I was when I found out we had landed on the moon!
  12. Yep, I agree, use the technology and special forces against the terrorists.
  13. Agree on the moon landing. But I don't think a terrorist will respond to "if you kick the dog, it MIGHT bite you??"
  14. We had a great time but sorry to report the fishing sucked. We noticed millions of 1" long fry all over the river. So I started asking people about what species of fry that could be????? Hopefully they aren't Asian carp babies ? this really has me thinking.
  15. Funny you say that, I remember seeing a video from an outdoor music festival Similar but smaller than Woodstock. The video was a guy up on stage reading the announcement that the USA just landed on the moon. All you couLd hear from the audience was "BOOOOO!"
  16. He was last seen hanging out at MDC boat ramps selling smallmouth cook books. Witnesses say he was also caught putting gas back into vehicles. Police say he's easy to spot...He will be wearing sandals when it's 40 degress outside. Please approach with caution.
  17. Mitch f


    Yes, there ALWAYS seems to be a common component.
  18. I understand that kids should not have their chops busted by not knowing about certain events. I get that. However we shouldn't forget about 9/11 so quickly.
  19. Mitch f


    It happens every day, look at all the "file for bankruptcy" households in the last 10 years. Not many of them were living out in the street. If needed, I know for a fact that local Churches house and feed the poor and help them get back on their feet.
  20. Mitch f


    Yes bfishn, TropyFishR is evil, just like Walmart.
  21. So Al, when did patriotism end in your opinion? What caused it to end? And when do you think we can get it back?
  22. My buddy and I were on our way to the Meramec fishing that day. We stopped by McDonalds to get breakfast in Ofallon and I looked up at a tv monitor and saw the first building smoking where the plans hit. I asked a lady next to me what happened and she said a small aircraft accidentally hit the world trade center. We kept going down the road and turned on the radio as they announced a plane had just hit the pentagon....I remember the hair on my arm standing up.
  23. Too much Top Gun Ness!! sorry I meant Officer and a Gentleman
  24. An old Military Pilots joke: A gal was giving a sex survey on a military transport. She asked the pilot, "When is the last time you had sex?" "1959!"he said She said "wow that's a long time ago" He said "Well, considering it's 2115 I wouldn't say that was too bad!"
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