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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. One winter I was fishing with Zipstick in my jet above Scotts Ford, close to Meramec Springs in the middle of January. Is was absolutely freezing cold and when we rounded the corner there was a guy sitting on the gavel bar dressed like one of those "Goth" types...all black clothing with weird hair and acting very strange when we went by. He disappeared behind a tree but kept one eye on us as we passed. We thought he was either just a complete dork, or performing some kind of ritual small animal sacrifice. We now refer to that spot on the river as "The Wiccan Hole"
  2. Ya know chief, there's no chef in the world that can disguise the taste of lamb meat...kind of like liver. But I actually can handle the liver taste ok. A buddy of mine said the same thing about Wagyu beef, which he paid top dollar for and only ate one bite!
  3. All makes sense but sometimes you can add one bigger size trebles on a crank if the shanks are shorter, and they won't interfere with each other. Kind of a trade off. Great information Bo!!!!
  4. Hey Bo, Since we're on the subject of hooks, I would like your input, what's your opinion on a longer shank OShaunessy style hook vs a shorter shank round bend... Which one has the better hook up percentage? Question 2: we had this discussion in the general discussion section a while back. Which hook do you feel penetrates quicker, a light wire or a heavy wire hook?
  5. That's good advice regarding using a piece of cardboard to test sharpness!
  6. Ok, Ill bite... I've had a full grown gobbler swimming in the river along side my jet boat. My buddy had a hawk attack his face while sitting in a tree stand in Colorado. He was wearing a face mask and the hawk went for his blinking eyes. Watched a bunch of eagles in Canada completely consume a gut pile of a deer we shot in about 30 minutes. Caught a 6 pound common carp on a Wiggle Wart and he swallowed it. Some guy on the OAF posted one time about a guy catching a trout in a lake with someone's severed finger in it's stomach. No kidding
  7. Bo, I've been full circle in my own mind on this subject twice! (very small diameter circles!) I own one of these Razor's Edge fish hook sharpeners and it puts the sharpest cutting point edge I've ever seen on a hook.... Like a surgical instrument! But I've found that edge doesn't last as long as a conical point and requires a touch up now and then, making it a extra process I'd rather not have to go thru during the day, especially in a tournament. I also find it interesting that you put 4 flats on your hook and not 3, by the way. But after it's all said and done, I prefer conical points to cutting points, the Gamakatsu conical points are chemically sharpened as to not effect the tempering of the steel like a mechanical honing/filing would. I usually replace hardbait hooks with Gama EWG's before I use them....Even the Luckycraft. I prefer Gamakatsu or Owners to anything and usually don't need to sharpen them. One of the things that I've heard about cutting points is that they will "tear" a hole in the soft membranes of the lip and as the fish is fighting it will wallow out into a bigger hole, increasing the chance of a thrown bait when the fish is shaking it's head. I've also noticed (could be wrong) that many of these so-called cutting point hooks like Owner actually are led with a needle sharp conical point at the tip anyway, and then blends into a cutting point further back.....my 2.5 cents
  8. Mike, I be there for you man! as long as you can put up with me wearing my depends while driving my jet boat, we can still meet on weekday mornings and fish exotic Ozark rivers!
  9. Al, you have a gift of remembering everything you read!! I wonder if you ever get thru a book and think...man, I just wasted one week of my life!! Of course comic books don't require too much time commitment. I distinctly remember reading a few Rudyard Kipling books when I was young but that's about it, Rikki Tikki Tavi was one of my favorites. Don't know why but I just never got into the comic books very much.
  10. I'm willing to give everyone a break because of the weather except the FedEx guy who was supposed to be delivering my package of fishing lures!
  11. Old Plug I understand your point about Ugly Sticks passing the test of time, they are virtually indestructible. I'm referring to the old fiberglass models of course, maybe the new ones use graphite, don't know. But, like all fiberglass rods, they have no feel. I can't imagine trying to set the hook on a jig fish and trying to drive the hook home on a fiberglass Ugly Stick. I think it's Berkley that makes a Cherrywood line of rods that's like $25 at Walmart that aren't bad for the money.
  12. Back then the super Heros weren't politically correct. I remember a Japanese super hero kids program kind of like Godzilla type thing called Tobor, which was robot spelled backwards. The guy would turn into a robot called Tobor by smoking a cigarette to get his special powers...imagine that today!! Funny about those post WW2 Japanese shows, they all were fought against some huge giant like Godzilla, which I suppose represented an overwhelming imperial power like the USA. But who got the Rast Raff, those jerk baits go for $28
  13. We had a slight dusting, maybe 1/2" of snow in Ofallon, MO, Good day to break in the fireplace.
  14. Sometimes the truth is funnier than fishing.....I mean fiction. Paul Dallas would be proud!
  15. Gotta tell you Mic, my older brother was a huge Mopar guy and in the early eighties thought it was his civic duty to drag race every Chevelle in North County. He had a Duster and a Barracuda that were all souped up, so we accumulated our fair share of tickets. Old Plug, get rid of those Ugly sticks! Heck you can get a better rod at Walmart for under $29
  16. Pay no attention to any of my posts today....my computer has been hacked by Edward Snowden. Prank call, Prank call
  17. Greasy- yes, the last time I was there the ramp is a couple of hundred yards south of Hwy 44 bridge. Old Plug, you have no idea.....my brother and I are up to well over 100 speeding tickets between us
  18. Watch out for the park ranger at Route 66 park who is half Dudley Doo Right and half Barney Fife. 5 years ago had my wife and 7 year old daughter with me and was going to take them for a boat ride. My wife was 8 months pregnant at the time with our lttile girl. I had just gotten license plate stolen off my jet boat the week before and this ranger pulls me over and when they pulled my record found out I had a warrant for an unpaid ticket from years earlier. He hand cuffed me and hauls my butt to jail, leaving my pregnant wife to drive home my truck pulling a boat. Let's just say she was not too happy.
  19. Great story, sometimes just a small olive branch helps in untold ways. I'm sure you made him feel like they are still good people left in this world. Turns out it helped both of you! Bravo
  20. Yellowstone....but lazy river is not far. PM me your cell number and you'll be on the short list!!
  21. Very depressing
  22. The Orvis sisters!...LOL you're cracking me up!
  23. My buddy went fishing near suicide yesterday and couldn't believe all the dead suckers laying at the bottom of the hole. Also one dead smallmouth and one dead trout.
  24. Google earth could help you find one fairly easily
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