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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Actually what I meant was that a bass will hit a lure and get caught and turn around 2 minutes later and get caught again while protected its bed.
  2. No, a jet can barely get thru
  3. Create your own hatch!!
  4. I've come to the realization I can't fish very effectively out of a canoe, it's even tougher in windy conditions, very nice report!!
  5. Except during the spawn
  6. Another thing I like about rabbit is that you can wash the jig with soap and water after use to restore the jig back good as new. Regarding craft fur, Even though craft fur has many pluses, there are 2 things I don't like....first, any hair found in nature is tapered, I think the tapered action of real fur makes it better resemble a critter. The second thing is the the color selection is limited, when I try to find olive, it almost looks like the light green of my dads old Ford Galaxy 500.
  7. Wish I could go, my busy time
  8. It's not a big deal using a Dremel tool. Actually my best mold was a weedless football head mold from Do-It. I filled in the weedless cavity part for the fiber weedguard with hi temp JB Weld and took a hacksaw and sawed a straight line clearance for the wire weedguard. I use 7 strand mason wire that's around .023" diameter. I cut 2 pieces off the main coil about 1.25" long and take a pair of needle nose and bend the last .25" with a 90 degree bend so they won't pull out when molded in. Always dip the exposed tips in powder paint as the last step to keep the wire from unraveling. I always adjust the wires apart on a 30 degree angle or so when rigging to fish the jig. This can help "guide" or flip the hook upright to hook the fish in the top lip more consistently. Bear hair, craft hair and buck tail all work equally well. Arctic fox and marabou have better action but don't last as long. Rabbit has great action and lasts a long time, especially if you leave the hide on. I usually just bend the wires out of the way when tying. Ps. I love Gavin's jigs
  9. If there's one thing I learn from the Chinese it's fear of antibiotics! I only use them as a last resort
  10. That was so painful to read
  11. How shuffling was invented
  12. LOL, with a name like Toofer you knew the story had to be good!
  13. Sorry Jeff, Al is in the process of painting a portrait called "Calamity on the South Fork" at the current time. He tells me the most difficult part is trying to impart the "Oh dung" look on my face. I heard the alternative title was called "Sideways Down a Riffle"
  14. Kind of photo shop for the ears, but funny anyway!
  15. After all that I can't imagine what it takes to get into the MFU.
  16. Trolling motors and casting decks are sure nice!
  17. It sounds like you fish all varieties of water with stumps, boulders, brush, etc. I wouldn't use an ultra lite or even a light rod, there's no logical reason to do that. ML should be the lightest unless your absolutely only going for panfish. Even with braid you will wear out a big fish to exhaustion.
  18. I'd say that is as good as a guy can do!
  19. That my friend was as good as it gets! Judging by random shots of the crowd in the stadium it actually looked like those fans had never been to a baseball game before. Also record crowd of 45k, heck we have that every game!
  20. "Bring up a child in the way he should go and when he is older he will not depart from it"
  21. Yep, it's a great striper tactic.
  22. Not sure what that video represents
  23. I read an interesting book in the nineties called "The Upcoming Economic Boom" or something close to that. The author's theory is that, after all the arguing from both sides, consumer spending is the largest catalyst for the economy. He conducted tests showing that a person typically spends the most money in their lives at an average age of 49 years. All the baby boomers will be on average turning 49 in the late 1990's to early 2000's. They were supposed to spend money like crazy during that time and drive up the economy. Unfortuanetly he was unable to predict 911 and the sub prime mortgage crisis. The gloomy part is that he predicted a big recession for 10-15 years (starting in 2010 I think) while the baby boomers retired and stated to curb their spending.
  24. Couldnt really tell, but like Smalliebigs said, maybe a smallie. Another reason I eat spots
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