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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. LOL, The guys from San Francisco and New York City think I'm a red neck. The country boys think I'm a city fag. The fly fishermen think I'm a live bait chunker. The Chinese think I'm a typical American. I must be doing something right. I know how you feel Billet! ?
  2. You said a mouthful right here! I applaud the MDC for this bust, keep up the good work!
  3. Happy Thanksgiving all! Safe travels!
  4. I'm sorry but ,Your buddy's description of you is what irks me about fly fishing Elites. I'm mean, are you fishing, or are you casting? At the close of the day, I hope to land fish and actually accomplish what I set out to do. I think the worst thing someone could say about me would be, "Wow, he can cast so beautifully! Too bad he couldn't catch a darn thing" .......Good ole TM
  5. Those are very nice, you gave me one and I love it. For what it's worth, here is one of the creatures I'm trying to imitate. Taken off the boat ramp on the middle Meramec.
  6. You had to say it!! ??
  7. That's pretty good! It's hard to believe they have guys netting fish for them.
  8. That's pretty cool that it holds scent. Most hair doesn't play well with scent.
  9. I know you are!? Because I want the picture too?
  10. I didn't mean it to sound that way!?
  11. I think that fat kid from Subway might get 15 years for doing that!?
  12. I hear ya Ronnie, but once it's hooked, the only thing I'm thinking about is quickly landing the fish so I can release it unharmed. My enjoyment comes from fooling....not feeding, or fighting.
  13. Those are some great looking jigs, Dutch!
  14. I understand where you're coming from. Hair jigs can be used all year round no problem. In the winter time they have better action than silicone and rubber. So, I guess some people have assumed they can only be used in winter.
  15. Yep, l never let my minnow patterns touch the bottom (at least if I can help it!?)
  16. Don't know about the other guys, but I try to keep the bait on the bottom and not move it more than one foot at a time, which takes some practice. Because most people move it 2-3 feet without even knowing it.
  17. This is what I enjoy doing, sitting in front of the fireplace, or in the Man Cave in the basement.... I love experimenting. I hope you guys will post some of your favorite hair jig patterns.
  18. I've got the older version myself, caught my biggest Brown trout to date on it. They have a tight roll and tremendous flash to them. The description is a close match to what Wrench wants.
  19. Man, that had to hurt! With all the different ramp angles, it makes cranking that thing a big part of the equation. Just when you think you've got the perfect ramp angle to load/unload, the trailer wheels fall off the end of the concrete!
  20. I've still got a few but I don't use them anymore. If I fished for stripers, that's all I would use, because of the line capacity.
  21. Lucky Craft makes a Flash Minnow http://www.luckycraft.com/luckycrafthome/Products/jerkbait/flashminnow95tr-2.htm http://www.luckycraft.com/luckycrafthome/Products/jerkbait/FlashMinnow.htm
  22. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Man, does that look good!
  23. Yep, shoot a Canvasback by accident 10 years ago and try to use that for an excuse
  24. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    This sounds great! Thanks Ness!
  25. Nice, I wish they would charge $4000 for bass too!
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