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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Nice fish Blazer! Here's one I caught with a tag last year that traveled far. http://youtu.be/0yBP4tjI6b8
  2. Its very tough to catch a nice fish with conditions like these, keeps giggers away form the bass though....Nice report!!
  3. Agreed, some people just have a mental disorder
  4. Strange...every place that's so horribly infested with Zebra mussels I always seem to catch nice smallmouth
  5. Yes, I was joking....I should have put a behind my comment sorry
  6. Well the tagging study conducted by the MDC proves they travel up to 70 miles. Where's your hard data?
  7. Of the Meramec????
  8. Totally agree, but the water has been so low it's buying us time.
  9. I thought you needed pointer minnows from your topic!!, BTW, that's exactly what you should be throwing right now
  10. Clear water is tough for the big bite!
  11. I'll second the chain of rocks bridge spot on the Ilinois side (you can use a Missouri license) and fish off the barrels. Lots of sauger and a few Walleye. You can also catch a ton of whites if time it right. If you have a boat go just below Alton Dam.
  12. Smallmouth just don't bite in the winter
  13. This is mostly spot, just with a bronze tone, but a hybrid no less. This is an 18" hybrid that's about 60-40 spot/ smallie percentage.
  14. I was fishing a crawfish crankbait 1/2 below Boiling Springs on the Gascy and caught one that size about 10 years ago. I hooked it on the side of the head, but I kind of doubt it was going after the lure, think I just accidentally snagged it
  15. I think Drew and Wrench are correct, spotted bass. It's difficult to transfer true colors correct thru a lens but unless it was kind of brownish, it's not a hybrid IMO. BTW, as Al has pointed out before, a meanmouth is a cross between a LMB and a Smallie....not a spotted bass and a Smallie
  16. Humans took em away, Humans brought em back. Who knows if they were brought back in the right numbers or locations? The reality is they were gone and brought back, good or bad it's a reality you have to live with.
  17. Joe, if you don't think hair or feathers can catch a trout, you haven't seen what they have been selling at the trout parks for the last 40 years. My take on it is the ones you tie yourself catch more fish than the store bought ones. At least you can use better hooks! You're dead wrong, the chances of catching any species of fish with a hair jig is very good, especially trout. You can't fish flukes all your life man!
  18. Yep, I think if the good Lord was going to give the earth an enema he'd stick the hose in Potosi
  19. Looks like fun! Great report, including the fish porn!
  20. Actually I don't mind the politics, this forum could be pretty boring without it. As for getting along with folks, the fishermen are pretty much nice and honost folks, prolly because we have so much in common.
  21. No one ever got raped at a tea party event only occupy. No one crapped on police cars at a tea party event...only occupy.
  22. I was thinking more like just release a truckload of Rusty Crayfish in all your favorite Ozark streams, then cast a wiggle wart out and feel the magic!! ps. Only Joking Tim!!
  23. Just making a point, I don't do that. I admit I did it once in Canada in 1997
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