Actually Cheif, you bring up an interesting point. Like Jeff Foxworthy, many of us really may not know if we are a smallmouth snob or not. With that in mind let's compile a list of things to help you figure it out: I'll start
1. If you've replaced your wife's picture with an Al Agnew just might be a smallmouth snob.
In real life it did not look like the pictures of the corn snake. Like I said, the back was dark brown and only the underside was colored. I agree with Fand F, stoneroller and siusaluki that it was a banded waters snake.
BTW, stoneroller, he survived the "choking" and was quite pissed when released
I'm a sucker for snakes, don't scare me in the least. Now spiders on the other hand............
Whats the last thing a redneck says before he dies..." Hey fellars, watch this!"
I was out showing my friends son how to fish the other day at Busch Wildlife and we stumbled across this snake (literally). I think it was some type of water snake but don't know for sure.
Last week Zipstick from this forum got a call from a friend who lives 2 miles away and said he was in his back yard and saw a cougar chasing a dog by his subdivision pond. This was in Chesterfield, MO. That's the second sighting in less than a year in Chesterfield.
A word to the wise....when you send someone a picture of a fish from your iphone, you might be sending them the location of the spot where you caught the fish!
under: settings, location services, camera on. The person who's receiving the photo will have it show up on his iphone under "places"
Hey Mic, there is a fellow who giudes for smallmouth out of that campgrpound. He spoke at a smallmouth meeting a month ago. Just in case you were interested his name is Tommy Bench