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Mitch f

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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Actually Cheif, you bring up an interesting point. Like Jeff Foxworthy, many of us really may not know if we are a smallmouth snob or not. With that in mind let's compile a list of things to help you figure it out: I'll start 1. If you've replaced your wife's picture with an Al Agnew print...you just might be a smallmouth snob.
  2. Yeah and you can finally start calling a bobber by it's correct name instead of a "strike indicator"
  3. Mitch f

    Mountain Lion

    Yet another sighting http://m.stltoday.com/STL/db_109121/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=vktr4bso
  4. Well, I've been called worse.
  5. Al is right, a lot of good water north of 44. I think Paydown area is the heart of smallmouth fishing.
  6. I have been a member for years, great group of guys. You should join, would be glad to have you as a member!
  7. Yep, they just released 5800 brown trout in the Meramec last week, spawned from on of those hatcheries
  8. In real life it did not look like the pictures of the corn snake. Like I said, the back was dark brown and only the underside was colored. I agree with Fand F, stoneroller and siusaluki that it was a banded waters snake. BTW, stoneroller, he survived the "choking" and was quite pissed when released
  9. But what you couldn't see that might have helped was the snake had a dark brown back, I'm agreeing with Siusaluki
  10. Yep, Think you're right. BTW, my brother and I had snake encounters on the same weekend, the only difference is he filmed a video.
  11. I'm a sucker for snakes, don't scare me in the least. Now spiders on the other hand............ Whats the last thing a redneck says before he dies..." Hey fellars, watch this!"
  12. I was out showing my friends son how to fish the other day at Busch Wildlife and we stumbled across this snake (literally). I think it was some type of water snake but don't know for sure.
  13. Mitch f

    Mountain Lion

    I get your point ness but it is the second or third sighting
  14. Mitch f

    Mountain Lion

    Last week Zipstick from this forum got a call from a friend who lives 2 miles away and said he was in his back yard and saw a cougar chasing a dog by his subdivision pond. This was in Chesterfield, MO. That's the second sighting in less than a year in Chesterfield.
  15. That place is like a pot luck dinner!
  16. Well git out your bullet out of yer pocket and arrest him Mr. Fife!
  17. Joe is not steering you wrong, number 3 being the best.
  18. I enjoy a fillet fried spot sammmmich with onions, tartar sauce, and a little hot sauce...yummi
  19. A word to the wise....when you send someone a picture of a fish from your iphone, you might be sending them the location of the spot where you caught the fish! under: settings, location services, camera on. The person who's receiving the photo will have it show up on his iphone under "places"
  20. Hey Mic, there is a fellow who giudes for smallmouth out of that campgrpound. He spoke at a smallmouth meeting a month ago. Just in case you were interested his name is Tommy Bench http://www.myspace.com/gasconadesmallmouth
  21. Thats a smallmouth with a mission, great defense! Nice movie Scott! you da Man!
  22. Grandmother of all Rock Bass!!
  23. Beautiful pics, I can almost feel the cool breeze! That's just a beautiful river and great fish!
  24. One of your hand ties?
  25. Wow, what a hog!!! Great job Gavin!!!!!!!! BTW, great things happen to nice people!!
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