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  • Root Admin

Terry- you outdid yourself.

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  • Root Admin

And yes, Trav, I will list these someplace prominent on ozarkanglers.

Great idea.

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DINK - A trout less than 12 inches in length. (Maybe others could add different species / sizes that would apply?)

SOWBUG - A curmudgeon. One who has sour grapes.

ORVIS MAN - A fly fisherman who will only use traditional flies and fly tackle. Refuses to use an indicator.

ORVIS - Label usually found in Squid feces.



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


Slick- A bass-fisherman's term for trout.

Jim Dandy- A well-adorned flyfisherman sporting all the best in gear, gadgets, and khaki

Meat Run- Tightlining with powerbait at Empire Park, preferably right after a good stockin'

Thread Hijack- Starting a C&R argment in someone's buy/sell/trade thread.

Lockjaw- A common affliction of upper Bull Shoals fishermen!


  • Root Admin
Lockjaw- A common affliction of upper Bull Shoals fishermen!

Hopefully not tomorrow!!

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

GRAVEL GUARDS – Devices worn on the ankle to prevent car keys from getting inside wading boots. (That one is JUST for JJ…. LOL)

Yep and they work better when they are not the attached type.

Jon Joy


"A jerk at one end of the line is enough." unknown author

The Second Amendment was written for hunting tyrants not ducks.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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Lawn chairs- the groups of people who sit in lawn chairs right at the access points or good spots all day not even moving. Pretty much closes up a good stretch of the river.


Great topic.

Right now I'm trying to decide how many of the definitions I fit into. SOWBUG,PIROUETTE,INDICATER,and HARDROCK. I'm sure there will be many more. Keep it up Terry and everyone. I've got the printer running now.


If fishing was easy it would be called catching.


Red A$$ ~ A type of local soft hackle fly, or what I get when I arrive at the parking lot and the

horn blares for generation to begin.

The Cable ~ Just below the dam, fish above it and you get a visit from the man!

Slot Limit ~ Can't harvest trout below 12 or above 20 inches in the trophy section...and what many of us have to impose on our spouses during a trip to the casino.


Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"

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