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  • Root Admin

You know, I thought of minimum flow and money for it when thinking of the "pork" as it's called by the media. I wondered if those who fish and are proponents of minimum flow would call money from the stimulus pile "pork" if appropriated by the feds.

I also thought... with what's going on in our country- in the world I guess- all of us cutting back- shouldn't some of these projects be put off a year- two- three years- wait till you can afford to do it?

Who knows... I'm glad they got it. I'm sure it will help the fishing on the White.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Excellent thoughts Phil. I would put the project in the classification as pork from the Arkansas Congressmen. My question is how will this impact Beaver and Taney if they are not included?


Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"

  • Root Admin

Very little I'd think... not in the big picture.

But this puts a "fishy" spin on "pork". I guess "pork" is a matter of opinion, huh? If it's spent on something you're for and love, it's not "pork", it's filet mignon!

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

Very little I'd think... not in the big picture.

It may not. I am curious if Beaver and Taney will have to maintain some constant flow in order to keep Bull Shoals at the proper levels to maintain minimum flow there, especially during times of little rain.

Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"


I don't understand why there will have to be physical changes made to the dams that will cost money AND I certainly don't understand why they have t compensate the power company for running minimum flow.

BUT yes, its pork and no, I'm not for spending that money at this time. The White river is already world class. I'm not sure it being a little better is going to draw in ANY additional people to fish this area.

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish

I don't understand why there will have to be physical changes made to the dams that will cost money AND I certainly don't understand why they have t compensate the power company for running minimum flow.

BUT yes, its pork and no, I'm not for spending that money at this time. The White river is already world class. I'm not sure it being a little better is going to draw in ANY additional people to fish this area.

In the original article concerning mim flow, I don't recall any mention of physical changes either. Supposedly all they needed was to increase the lake level of BS by 5 feet, in order to increase the tailwater level by 16 inches. The 16 inch increase was the mim flow requirement. The money probably is to pay for wasted water resource. I don't know if that money would go to the power producer or who. What I don't understand is if this is an arkansas thing, why the federal tax dollars? I am against mim flow for missouri, but now I have to help arkansas pay for theirs. Also, raising the lake level 5 feet will effect missouri as well.


As someone who lives on the White, the additional 5 feet added to the BS pool is a disaster waiting to happen. I am sure that Forest Wood and all of the guides who pushed for this (along with Tyson Chicken and the Cattleman's Association) are jumping with joy. Of course there are only 1 or 2 of them that live on the river so if we get flooded by the additional water too bad. There are of course some of my neighbors who are happy because now they will be able to get their boats in and out of their dock a little easier (for while until the additional flow destroys their banks). I know sour grapes but whatever.

Don A


Possibly the reason its Fed $$$ is the dams and water are Fed Controled. Plus the written agreement that the Feds would replace the warm water fishery with a cold water fishery once the dams were in working order.

Then you do have the tremdous amount of $$$ brought in by the trout fishery, I have a sheet fromt he USFW with the amount of money spent in each area on trout fishing. Angler Magazine in Mt Home also has the sheet. its a lot of money from people all over the USA thats spent here.

On the other hand many commercial accounts have canceled trout trip this year with local guides, so the fishing should really improve or maybe its the catching.

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