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First - The combination of an August Sunday with mild temperature and cool water from Beaver brought every wannabe boat driver and water sport addict to the lake. Oh me, oh my, what a show they put on. I was frightened, amused, in awe, and disgusted, all at the same time.

Early, the fog was thick. The water temp, because of the Beaver release, was 73 in the channel in front of Holiday Island Marina. The bass were willing to hit a spook, although I didn't find a large one. In that fog, finding the bank was an accomplishment. I don't know about you, but in the early morning light and fog, my depth perception stinks, and I admit I spent some time pulling my spook from trees and off rocks. I caught 11 with three in the keeper class. None of the keepers were impressive. I didn't even try to use the recharged camera.

Once the sun hit the water, the bite went away, and I decided to find the walleye. By that time the go fast and scream crowd was out, and it was getting tough to fish from a stationary boat.

I didn't find the walleye.

I tried good locations at 24, 26, and 28 feet. I saw one of the walleye regulars on the flat near Stubblefield Branch, and I hope he did better than I. Wouldn't be hard.

I assume the colder water and current have discombobulated the fish. When I find them I will report, of course.


The fish take a day or two to adjust. We need longer to figure out what they have done. That means we are smarter than they are, right? When I get stricken with smarter than the fish, I will share.


I was on Grand Lake yesterday, the water lice were unbelievably bad there also. I can't wait until I can retire and fish on relatively quiet weekdays.


RPS, I believe Tim means 3 weeks or so until we get our lake back from the circus monkeys in the "Big Wave, Go Fast Boats."

Told Tim Sainato about some deep fish I was on up the White, and he went out before the CPA derby on Friday to check on them.

He called me and said "Quite Side of the Lake MY butt, I just took a 4 footer over the bow."

Tim told me boat after boat came between him and the bank, when he was trying to drag or fish a jig. When he was deep fishing, they would both jet ski and ski tow within casting distance. Huge Cobalts, Crownie's and Formulas.

Shell Knob in July, August and Early Sept. is just about becoming a disaster, as far as us fisherman types.

Sat on our dock in Turkey Two, yesterday afternoon, and had at least a dozen waves break over the top boards of the dock floor. Counted one Huge Donze with 14 people in it, and it looked like it was empty, what a massive boat.


Guys, my in-laws retired and moved to Shell Knob in '92. Man, it was quiet back then. Always bragged to the people up here in KC about that area. Since then, the only real developments I've seen built is the stuff around the Bank of America. In-laws lived down Lake Road 39-30. Catholic church road or Hardman Hollow/Rod'n'Reel. We loved it for years, but through the years, we saw the increase of boats every summer and knew the area had been "DISCOVERED". Can't hardly find a place to park at the Country Mart there on 39 on a saturday. They moved to Cassville this year, my dear father-in-law is 77 and can't take care of three docks anymore. The high water last year did him in. Looking forward to taking my boat down there (I might just leave it) and fishing the Eagle Rock area. Still somewhat quiet there. Plus they're closer to Roaring River! My boat is just a '83 Bass Tracker with a 50 horse Merc. I quit bringing that thing down there years ago!

Bill, rps, Capt. Joe, Whack'em, and all the other guys who post your reports on here... thanks for doing what you do!




When I read techo's post, for some reason, I thought he was talking about how long it would be before our lake was back to "normal." Not that there is a normal. Before the water discharge the fish were NOT behaving like last year or the year before. My post was a whistling in the dark type thing. I figured if I said I would figure the changes out, maybe it would happen.

Assuming, of course, I am not drowned by the PWC and wake boat traffic. I have said it before and will continue to say it. It is time to give up this namby pamby stuff about DDT and spray where they breed.

I am going out in the morning. Bound to be safer than Sunday. If I find anything other than traffic, I will post.


"RPS, I believe Tim means 3 weeks or so until we get our lake back from the circus monkeys in the "Big Wave, Go Fast Boats."

I can't wait for the summer traffic to die down a bit. It seems worse this year to me, but I might just be getting cranky as I age.

Tim Carpenter


RiverRat, not sure when you were at Eagle Rock last but I went all the way to Holiday Island on Sunday and it was no better up there. In fact, the traffic was worse due to the fact that there were just as many big wave-makers with idiots/turds behind the wheel and less water because the lake width is less up there. I'm with Techo, let's attack where they breed.


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