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Thanks Wayne

I'm just trying to get a handle on both sides before making any decisions about it.


I just did a google search on the Duke study and there are equal numbers of web sites stating that it both confirms and refutes the claims of Gasland...and pathetically as usual, they are aligned along opposite sides of the political spectrum.

I spent several weeks last year digging back through claims about oil spill effects during the Gulf Oil Spill to finally get at the soild information there. It looks like we are in for a similar process regarding gas fracking with similar denials and hysteria likely to be in the offing.

I do appreciate your attempt to pull away from binary thinking, Wayne, but let's do be clear, methane extraction is not a solution for greenhouse gasses (and it seems odd that you would cite a paper making that argument, Wayne). If we want to talk about biofuels and recycling the carbon that's already in play then fine.

I do appreciate your attempt to pull away from binary thinking, Wayne, but let's do be clear, methane extraction is not a solution for greenhouse gasses (and it seems odd that you would cite a paper making that argument, Wayne). If we want to talk about biofuels and recycling the carbon that's already in play then fine.

I don't spend every waking moment on researching the subject Tim, so I have to take the old timer's approach work with what I know. I know that trying to hold off the effects of carbon pollution by converting to wind, solar and more efficient cars will never happen fast enough to change much of anything if Global Warming is advancing as fast as some believe.

I know we have more natural gas that we can realistically measure.

I know that we should be able to extract it as efficiently and cleanly as crude oil.

I know that if a real effort was made to encompass all devices burning carbon fuel the decrease in emissions would be dramatic.

I know our freedom is challenged more than any one wants to admit because of are dependence on foreign oil.

I know most of our military sacrifices today lead back to our dependence on oil.

Not a solution for greenhouse gasses? I agree, but everything I've read points to fewer emissions. If we have it and the technology to use it, why not use it in the interim to gain the benefits that extend beyond emissions while we hone our technology in wind, solar, fusion and fission?

I have to say that I hope windmill farms are not our future because I really believe that in time people will reject them. The thing that gives them support now is their obscurity. People in the NW were appalled by clear cutting, wait until every horizon is a farm of huge, stark windmills, half turning, half idle. Half idle might be a stretch, but I've seen many farms and 25% is probably not unrealistic.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.

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